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Thread: Year in review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Year in review

    So what was the most important events of 2006?

    Here in sweden the most important event was that for the first time ever the right wing managed to beat the left wing in elections even though the economy is strong.

    Worldwide I guess the most important thing imo is that the environmental debate has gotten more attention.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Buckeyes goin to the National Championship!! Oh yea, and our Secretary of Defense "resigning", and the Democrats running the elections.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Lets see, what else.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Well.......the execution of Saddam Hussein is helluva way to end 2006.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Here in the USA, it's the election of Democrats instead of Republicans to the US Congress, both the Senate and House of Representatives. That means significant changes to the way the Iraq war is managed, significant changes to the US tax system, and significant questions to the way the Bush administration has been doing business over the past 6 years.

    If the Senate and Congressional Democrats suceed in unearthing damaging information about what the Republicans have been doing since 2001, then chances are that we'll have a Democrat in the White House in 2009. That should significantly affect world affairs . . .

    A few prominant Republicans had been "outed" (been yanked kicking and screaming from their closets) right before the election, which probably discouraged a lot of conservative Republicans from voting, which in turn allowed Democrats to win. Two in particular were Rev. Ted Haggard, the pastor of one of the largest Christian churches in the USA and head of the 25 million member National Association of Evangelicals, and Republican Congressman Foley. Rev. Haggard initially denied, then confessed to buying methamphetimine drugs and sexual immorality. Rep. Foley was caught sending sexually suggestive emails to Congressional pages, and it was discovered that the Republican Leadership knew about his homosexual dallying, but did nothing to stop it.
    So, thanks largely to these two people, enough conservative Republican voters lost faith in their leaders, and did not vote in the election, which resulted in Democrats receiving control of the Legislative branch of government, and probably the Executive branch in two years.

    Funny how fates of nations can hinge on just a few individuals . . .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Here in the USA, it's the election of Democrats instead of Republicans to the US Congress, both the Senate and House of Representatives. That means significant changes to the way the Iraq war is managed, significant changes to the US tax system, and significant questions to the way the Bush administration has been doing business over the past 6 years.

    If the Senate and Congressional Democrats suceed in unearthing damaging information about what the Republicans have been doing since 2001, then chances are that we'll have a Democrat in the White House in 2009. That should significantly affect world affairs . . .

    A few prominant Republicans had been "outed" (been yanked kicking and screaming from their closets) right before the election, which probably discouraged a lot of conservative Republicans from voting, which in turn allowed Democrats to win. Two in particular were Rev. Ted Haggard, the pastor of one of the largest Christian churches in the USA and head of the 25 million member National Association of Evangelicals, and Republican Congressman Foley. Rev. Haggard initially denied, then confessed to buying methamphetimine drugs and sexual immorality. Rep. Foley was caught sending sexually suggestive emails to Congressional pages, and it was discovered that the Republican Leadership knew about his homosexual dallying, but did nothing to stop it.
    So, thanks largely to these two people, enough conservative Republican voters lost faith in their leaders, and did not vote in the election, which resulted in Democrats receiving control of the Legislative branch of government, and probably the Executive branch in two years.

    Funny how fates of nations can hinge on just a few individuals . . .
    Don't forget about homosexual marriage being shot down on the ballots in all states(by the people) except Colorado............Haggard was not even a blip on the radar screen for 99% of this country's people. Only for those who live in a self-imposed hate hole.

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