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  1. #1
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    Insurgents Using Google Earth

    Insurgents Using Google Earth to Hit Coalition Bases in Iraq
    Sunday, January 14, 2007

    Insurgents are using aerial footage from the Google Earth Web mapping tool to pinpoint soft spots in British bases in Iraq, a newspaper reports via British military officials.

    Materials seized last week during raids on homes of terrorists showed a set of photographs off Google's internet tool with the exact longitude and latitude of a Basra Palace base where 1,000 British troops stay, the Telegraph reports.

    Click here to view the full Telegraph story.

    "This is evidence as far as we are concerned for planning terrorist attacks," an intelligence officer with the Royal Green Jackets battle group stationed in Basra told the Telegraph. "Who would otherwise have Google Earth imagery of one of our bases?"

    IMO: thats just ****ed up.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'm surprised google is so sloppy as to have that data available to the public...

    On the other hand, as far as the iraquis using the information, I have to admit that if I were a "freedom fighter" under "occupation", I would use any and all weapons, means and information available to fight back.

    This may show that they are a bit more resourceful and organized than most Americans give them credit for. Never underestimate ones enemy.


  3. #3
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Before when you went to google earth you could zero right in on your house. Cant do that right now. Its already been changed.

  4. #4
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    It doesn't surprise me that these dumbass terrorists have to resort to using google earth to gather their intel. These guys are complete morons.

    I hope these dishdasha wearing idiots try and use that intel to get on base. They will be shot and killed instantly. It used to be my job to protect these bases, they are very well protected and googling till the cows come home isn't gonna do shit for these fools.

  5. #5
    SurfJunkie's Avatar
    SurfJunkie is offline New Member
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    Some crappy army base
    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    It doesn't surprise me that these dumbass terrorists have to resort to using google earth to gather their intel. These guys are complete morons.

    I hope these dishdasha wearing idiots try and use that intel to get on base. They will be shot and killed instantly. It used to be my job to protect these bases, they are very well protected and googling till the cows come home isn't gonna do shit for these fools.
    My FOB might disagree as two men on cell phones within the base and 18 well placed mortar rounds destroyed it. A long/lat map and a man on a cell phone acting as an FO is more than enough intel. 18 rounds and we lost our chow hall, laundry facility, px, KBR center, Motorpool and they hit our ammo point which caught on fire and consequently ended up detonating our own rounds within our FOB walls and slinging UXO's all over. They're not complete morons. They're resourceful and ingenious. They're downfall is thier blind ignorance and faith. See the aftermath of an intricately built and emplaced EFP and tell me they're morons. I don't know many unintelligent morons who can build improvised weapons that penetrate the armor of an Abrams tank. All military compounds and bases need to be blocked out no questions asked. This won't stop the random shelling at all, but the less they can get their hands on the better.

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