01-27-2007, 02:59 PM #1
Tens of thousands demand Iraq withdrawal
Tens of thousands demand Iraq withdrawal
By CALVIN WOODWARD and LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writers 30 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Convinced this is their moment, tens of thousands marched Saturday in an anti-war demonstration linking military families, ordinary people and an icon of the Vietnam protest movement in a spirited call to get out of
Celebrities, a half-dozen lawmakers and protesters from distant states rallied in the capital under a sunny sky, seizing an opportunity to press their cause with a Congress restive on the war and a country that has turned against the conflict.
Marching with them was Jane Fonda, in what she said was her first anti-war demonstration in 34 years.
"Silence is no longer an option," Fonda said to cheers from the stage on the National Mall. The actress once derided as "Hanoi Jane" by conservatives for her stance on Vietnam said she had held back from activism so as not to be a distraction for the Iraq anti-war movement, but needed to speak out now.
The rally on the Mall unfolded peacefully, although about 300 protesters tried to rush the Capitol, running up the grassy lawn to the front of the building. Police on motorcycles tried to stop them, scuffling with some and barricading entrances.
Protesters chanted "Our Congress" as their numbers grew and police faced off against them. Demonstrators later joined the masses marching from the Mall, halfway around Capitol Hill and back.
United for Peace and Justice, a coalition group sponsoring the protest, had hoped 100,000 would come. Police, who no longer give official estimates, said privately the crowd was smaller than that.
At the rally, 12-year-old Moriah Arnold stood on her toes to reach the microphone and tell the crowd: "Now we know our leaders either lied to us or hid the truth. Because of our actions, the rest of the world sees us as a bully and a liar."
The sixth-grader from Harvard, Mass., organized a petition drive at her school against the war that has killed more than 3,000 U.S. service-members.
More Hollywood celebrities showed up at the demonstration than buttoned-down Washington typically sees in a month.
Actor Sean Penn said lawmakers will pay a price in the 2008 elections if they do not take firmer action than to pass a nonbinding resolution against the war, the course Congress is now taking.
"If they don't stand up and make a resolution as binding as the death toll, we're not going to be behind those politicians," he said. Actors Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins also spoke.
Fonda was a lightning rod in the Vietnam era for her outspoken opposition to that war and her advocacy from Hanoi at the height of that conflict. Sensitive to the old wounds, she made it a point to thank the active-duty service-members, veterans and Gold Star mothers who attended the rally.
She drew parallels to the Vietnam War, citing "blindness to realities on the ground, hubris ... thoughtlessness in our approach to rebuilding a country we've destroyed." But she noted that this time, veterans, soldiers and their families increasingly and vocally are against the Iraq war.
House Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. John Conyers (news, bio, voting record), threatened to use congressional spending power to try to stop the war. "
George Bush has a habit of firing military leaders who tell him the Iraq war is failing," he said, looking out at the masses. "He can't fire you." Referring to Congress, the Michigan Democrat added: "He can't fire us.
"The founders of our country gave our Congress the power of the purse because they envisioned a scenario exactly like we find ourselves in today. Now only is it in our power, it is our obligation to stop Bush."
On the stage rested a coffin covered with a U.S. flag and a pair of military boots, symbolizing American war dead. On the Mall stood a large bin filled with tags bearing the names of Iraqis who have died.
A small contingent of active-duty service members attended the rally, wearing civilian clothes because military rules forbid them from protesting in uniform.
Air Force Staff Sgt. Tassi McKee, 26, an intelligence specialist at Fort Meade, Md., said she joined the Air Force because of patriotism, travel and money for college. "After we went to Iraq, I began to see through the lies," she said.
In the crowd, signs recalled the November elections that defeated the Republican congressional majority in part because of
President Bush's Iraq policy. "I voted for peace," one said.
"I've just gotten tired of seeing widows, tired of seeing dead Marines," said Vincent DiMezza, 32, wearing a dress Marine uniform from his years as a sergeant. A Marine aircraft mechanic from 1997 to 2002, he did not serve in Iraq or
About 40 people staged a counter-protest, including Army Cpl. Joshua Sparling, 25, who lost his leg to a bomb in Iraq.
He said the anti-war protesters, especially those who are veterans or who are on active duty, "need to remember the sacrifice we have made and what our fallen comrades would say if they are alive."
Bush reaffirmed his commitment to his planned troop increase in a phone conversation Saturday with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. The president was in Washington for the weekend. He is often is out of town during big protest days.
"He understands that Americans want to see a conclusion to the war in Iraq and the new strategy is designed to do just that," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council.
Associated Press writers Stephen Manning and Kasie Hunt contributed to this report.
01-28-2007, 02:14 PM #2
gotta question their partriotism!!! LOL!!!!
01-28-2007, 06:15 PM #3
There must have been nothing good on TV that day.
01-28-2007, 10:58 PM #4
Always going to be hippies that the warriors have to protect.
01-28-2007, 11:23 PM #5
I think things would fall into line if Bush sent his 2 daughter's to battle.
01-29-2007, 10:00 AM #6Originally Posted by Ufa
01-29-2007, 10:05 AM #7Originally Posted by Logan13
01-29-2007, 10:09 AM #8Originally Posted by scriptfactory
01-29-2007, 10:18 AM #9Originally Posted by Logan13
Last edited by scriptfactory; 01-29-2007 at 11:42 AM. Reason: I had to clarify what I meant... real quick like, of course. :-P
01-29-2007, 11:33 AM #10Originally Posted by mcpeepants
Ah yes, Jane Fonda......... I'm sure that we will get some great photos of her embracing Almenajad or Bin Laden any day now as well.
01-29-2007, 11:33 AM #11
shia and sunni have also been living together and intermarrying for over a thousand years. they don't have predisposition for fighting any more than the french and the english. they'll be times of peace and fighting, unfortunately right now their fighting.
01-29-2007, 12:21 PM #12Originally Posted by mcpeepants
Thats what I thought until I read something causasian posted. Ill do a search.
01-29-2007, 09:19 PM #13
let them kill each other who really gives a shit . Less people to feed in this world .
01-29-2007, 09:24 PM #14Originally Posted by Logan13
They are already in a civil war and until we recognize that fact then we won't win. War is always used as a political tool. It's just sold to the masses as a benevolent option.
01-29-2007, 10:49 PM #15Originally Posted by BgMc31
01-29-2007, 10:53 PM #16Originally Posted by Logan13
all I hear is WIN. Win what? These people have been told what
to do by religious leaders for hundreds of years. Do you expect them
to understand freedom. They want to kill their own who don't agree
on authorized behavior.
01-29-2007, 11:12 PM #17Originally Posted by Ufa
My idea of "winning" would be to install a strong, religiously-neutral gov't in Iraq while building their military and law-enforcment troops up.
This is not an easy task as you have rightly pointed out, but it can be done if the right people are put in charge and given the time. Do I think that this will happen......NO! The left in this country sees that by the US failing in Iraq, they hope to reach power in 2008. Make no mistake about it, this is their agenda and they will fight against the successes of their own country to achieve it! The Iraqi people are not ready for democracy, and if they will not pull their weight in reaching this goal, then there is nothing that anyone can do for them in the short-term. I really believe that it would take 10-15 years of occupation to help them achieve this goal, at which time today's youth who were given the opportunity to live in freedom, would become adults and want a free and democratic gov't for their futures.
It truely is a sad state of affairs when the Jane Fondas of this country are shown as the good guys in this situation. She was a treasonous bitch during Vietnam and it makes me sick to see her at the podium......again. Winning in Iraq is one thing, but if we loose, all hell will break loose over there and such an enviroment will only fuel the next "bin laden" to carry out escalated attacks on the free countries of this world in the future. There really is more at stake than just winning.
01-29-2007, 11:15 PM #18
I dont know what we should do??? Hopefully the new president can figure it out.
01-29-2007, 11:20 PM #19
You are right about the demonstrations. It is a sign of weakness.
To me it seem like the whole middle east is joined at the hip and
have plenty of money. They will pump the oil if thats what you
are worried about. I could care less if they all kill each other and
burn in hell. I don't think we have any thing to loose.
If it were me I would take them all on. Have Israel use tack nukes on
Iran and defend their backs. Shock and awe if any one else gets
involved. I would take their oil like a pirate. They would be
living in the stone age if I had my way.
01-29-2007, 11:21 PM #20Originally Posted by Ufa
01-29-2007, 11:28 PM #21Originally Posted by Ufa
01-29-2007, 11:37 PM #22Originally Posted by Logan13
our TV's this could happen and be over with. God had turned his
back of them hundreds of years ago. They are so interlaced that
I personally could care less how many of them die. What counts
is the World at Peace with out some nit wit taped with syntax or
C-4. The Iran govt is behind Hes and IED's you name it. Saudi
supports the Suni. I just want to go back in time when we can
all live with out Super Security and not feel threatened.
01-29-2007, 11:42 PM #23Originally Posted by Ufa
01-30-2007, 05:08 AM #24
Installing slip protection in every bathtub in america would save more lifes than going after radical islamists in the middle east...
01-30-2007, 05:20 AM #25Originally Posted by Ufa
It would lead to desperate times and desperate people do desperate things in desperate times.
01-30-2007, 08:40 AM #26Senior Member
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All I can say is that GOD bless our troops in middleeast and I hope they all come back home safe. I am not Pro War, but since we are on war now, I hope everything resolves soon and may all our brothers and sisters come back home safe
01-30-2007, 09:15 AM #27Originally Posted by Logan13
01-30-2007, 09:21 AM #28Originally Posted by Logan13
The consequences of failure are clear: Radical Islamic extremists would grow in strength and gain new recruits. They would be in a better position to topple moderate governments, create chaos in the region, and use oil revenues to fund their ambitions.
I think I also heard him or Cheney say something similar. If I can find the quote, i'll post it.
01-30-2007, 10:34 AM #29Originally Posted by mcpeepants
01-30-2007, 10:36 AM #30Originally Posted by johan
01-30-2007, 11:55 AM #31Originally Posted by Logan13
3000 people a year die from terrorist in the united states each year? That was something new to me.
Ok lets take something more serious.
Getting rid of drunk drivers would save more lifes than fighting terrorism.
Getting rid of polution would defenetly save more people. It causes tens of thousands of premature deaths.
Cleaning out radon from buildings would save more lifes. It kills over 200 people each year in sweden so I guess its atleast 10 times as many over there.
Cleaning up the food in school will possibly prevent thousands of premature deaths caused by obesity.
But none of those things are offcourse as sexy as terrorism. Neither to the media or to the authorities.
01-30-2007, 02:07 PM #32Originally Posted by johan
01-30-2007, 02:31 PM #33Originally Posted by Logan13
What I am saying is that terrorism as a threat to the avarage joe is WAY overblown. There are bigger threats to the world that needs more attention.
Polution, famine, hiv, disease, malaria ect. All the money wasted down the war on terror drain could have been used in ways that would save far more lifes.
01-30-2007, 02:39 PM #34Originally Posted by johan
01-30-2007, 02:42 PM #35Originally Posted by Logan13
It doesnt matter to me if the killer is a malaria mosqitoe or al-qaida nutcase.
If a religious nutcase kills you does that make you more dead than if you starve to death? Fanatic ideas are beaten by education. Not by arms.
Arms might be needed in order to ensure education though. But only if the country in question is willing to learn.
01-30-2007, 02:43 PM #36
You also didnt state how you think military action will win a war on terror? can you bomb a idea untill it disaperes? Can you shoot and kill faith?
01-30-2007, 02:58 PM #37
Offcourse the denazification of germany is a example that fanatism can be forced away. But for that germany had to be reduced to nothing but bombed out cities and then denazified.
Not to mention the germans pre ww2 was far more educated and civilised than the avarage middle eastern country, making it easier.
So is any coallition willing to do what was done to germany but instead on the entire middle east?
01-30-2007, 02:59 PM #38Originally Posted by johan
01-30-2007, 03:25 PM #39Originally Posted by Logan13
In reality the risk is so miniscule that it is neglible compared to everyday risk like driving a car or walking over the street.
If people realised this then terrorism wouldnt work, there would be no terror.
How do you propose to win the war on terror? Like I said above, can you shoot faith or kill a idea?
01-30-2007, 03:35 PM #40Originally Posted by johan
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