Understandable...Like I said its not all the jews...Its the hard right pro israel jews...All of the most influencial of these groups are run by jews from the hard right, all very pro bush, very pro israel, anti-muslim and anti-arab...
These same people hold most of the important defence positions in the White House and Pentagon...In other words all of these groups share members from the same pool of the pro-israeli right.
Most of the average american jews are liberal...most are wealthy and intelligent people, but they're not ruthless enough, nor do they have the oppurtunity to dominate foreign policy like the pro-israeli right, especially in the pro-war bush administration...
check the homepages of some of these influencial groups...tell me if you see any similarity between these agendas and the one pushed by the mainstream "news" channels, 24/7 in this country...
Think tanks:
American Enterprise Institute
Project for a New American Century
Hudson Institute
Media Watchdogs:
American Defamation League (ADL)
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
Commitee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA)
American Israeli Public Affairs Commitee
All of them are waging a war on Jimmy Carter for his "anti-semetic statements" in his book about Israelis apartheid, and their control of US foreign policy. And they are all pushing for war against Iran...
wow, for claiming to be anti-defamation and promote accuracy in reporting, these groups sure do alot of defaming, and report a lot of inaccuracies
poke around on the think tank sites for a little while, read some of their policy papers, especially regarding Iraq and the rest of the middle east...notice the push by these groups into iraq and iran...before and after 9-11...to me the Iraq war is one of the biggest pieces of evidence for Israeli interference in US foreign policy...
1st off most of these groups are funded by the Israeli governement itself through various subsities and private donations.
2nd, you have to understand the mentality of these people...After the holocaust, these people are paranoid that the world is out to get them. In this attempt to counter anti-jewish sentiment they have become exactly what they despise. Many of these peoples parents went through WWII, and see the defense of Israel as priority number ONE...They dont realise that in this attempt they are becoming a self fullfilling prophecy, IMO...
Its also important to note that Israel is unique in allowing citizenship. If your parents were both born in Israel, than by law you are an israeli citizen. Thats why people claim its a jews only state. A second or third generation american jew has more right to live in israel today than a palestinian whos family has lived there for generations...
Iraq, Iran both seemed to be threats to the isreali right both inside the US and in Israel proper. The threat may very well be real...what i dont understand why american troops are mamed and killed, while americans pay the bill for this war to protect israel...I also think oil, has a large part in it considering thats where the pipelines get built to...like the bagdahd to haifa line...buts thats a whole new can of worms...
Jewish Diaspora (as well as religious predispositions) are the events that created this strong need for a jewish homeland, at all costs...