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Thread: Jewish Influence In America

  1. #1

    Jewish Influence In America

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    fukking aljazeerah? Come on............... No wonder your world view is so perverted!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    al jazerra?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    damn those jews for working hard and being smart!!!!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    damn those jews for working hard and being smart!!!!!
    Devious and calculating more like it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Devious and calculating more like it.
    The green eyed monster has been bugging you for a while hasn't it............

  8. #8
    ROFL.....sounds like it, doesn't it!!!

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Devious and calculating more like it.
    I think smart explains it best. They are without a doubt the most succesfull people. Just look at the number of jewish nobel laureates.

    Chemistry (29 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total)
    Economics (22 prize winners, 38% of world total, 51% of US total)
    Literature (13 prize winners, 13% of world total, 27% of US total)
    Peace (9 prize winners, 10% of world total, 11% of US total)3

    Physics (47 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)
    Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 28% of world total, 42% of US total)

    They constitute 0.02% of the world population and has over 20% of the nobel prizes!!!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    The green eyed monster has been bugging you for a while hasn't it............
    Yup, that it has ... but with good reason.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I think smart explains it best. They are without a doubt the most succesfull people. Just look at the number of jewish nobel laureates.

    Chemistry (29 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total)
    Economics (22 prize winners, 38% of world total, 51% of US total)
    Literature (13 prize winners, 13% of world total, 27% of US total)
    Peace (9 prize winners, 10% of world total, 11% of US total)3

    Physics (47 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)
    Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 28% of world total, 42% of US total)

    They constitute 0.02% of the world population and has over 20% of the nobel prizes!!!
    i defintiely think jews are smarter on average, and also their identity as jews helps them in most countries they live in. they get alot of money on their 13th birthdays and support of a community that has alot more solidarity than their host community.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2004
    i went to the mall on sunday. since im a part time geek i go and play in the discovery channel store. 2 separate jewish men with their respective sons were in that store(saw the beenie).....that is why they are smart!!! mixing chemicals and building robots at 10yo while i was toiling away with nintendo at that age. its a socio-cultural difference where they certainly seem to value education more then a lot of other cultures.

  14. #14
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    i defintiely think jews are smarter on average, and also their identity as jews helps them in most countries they live in. they get alot of money on their 13th birthdays and support of a community that has alot more solidarity than their host community.

    No doubt. What impresses me most is how many of the greatest geniouses that has been jewish.

    Einstein, oppenheimer, bohr, feynman. Just about every big name(with a few notable exceptions offcourse) in physics during the begining of the 20th century was of of jewish descendans.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    No doubt. What impresses me most is how many of the greatest geniouses that has been jewish.

    Einstein, oppenheimer, bohr, feynman. Just about every big name(with a few notable exceptions offcourse) in physics during the begining of the 20th century was of of jewish descendans.
    yeah that field is stacked with them, although sometimes we ignore dudes like planck and godel who were doing crazy, crazy shit during roughly the same time.
    Last edited by J.S.N.; 01-29-2007 at 04:12 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Some place hot
    Ecivon, why don't you just become a martyr for you beliefs. I sure they could use you. You evidently have a alterer motive with your post. They rarely have anything to do with diet, nutrition, exercise or anabolic. Just propaganda.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    How come Einstein counts as a Jewish genius and not a German one? Oppenheimer was American.

    Are we going to start counting christians too?


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Dont you think it has more to do with jewish culture. I mean I work for a jew in my University. He is probably the only jew in the entire college and he works harder than anyone I have ever seen. So you cant tell me its because there is some big jew conspiracy going on to why he is so successful. Maybe its that jews teach there kids to work hard in school, listen to teachers and not blame others for there problems. Everyone has to agree that the jews should be the people with the most hatred in the world. Yet they have picked up whats left of there societies and carried on for thousands of years after each and every tragity that they have endured since thier existance began. I have never been able to understand why anyone could hate the jew. They have done nothing to know body. And if you say the palestines then you have to remember that the jews were there well before islam was around. Spoils of war is what got the muslims the land they had before. And spoils of war got it back for the jews right now. In the future it will change again. But I guess you could say the Canenites (dont know how to spell it) had that land first.

  19. #19
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    How come Einstein counts as a Jewish genius and not a German one? Oppenheimer was American.

    Are we going to start counting christians too?

    Christianity and islam are religions, jews are a people.

    Personaly I dont care much if he was a jew, a german, austrian, chinese.
    But since this thread is about trying to show how bad the jews influence is on the word/america I want to show how good the jews influence is on the world.

    They have contributed so much during the 20th century. Our entire modern world rests on those contributions. Americas dominance in science after ww2 started because of the jewish imigrant scientists that fleed europe.

    So if we are going to talk about a jewish conspiracy to plunge the world into brimstone and fire maby we should also talk about a horrible jewish conspiracy to advance science.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    don't forget about the germans. they developed the first mocerd rocket (V2) and then ran the space race for both the USSR and USA.

  21. #21
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Hitler ruined germany
    Germany was THE place to be for both science and technology pre ww2. But then all the great minds that the soviets didnt snatch ran to america.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Hitler ruined germany

    early vote for understatement of the year.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    luckily he only ruined it for a decade or so.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Christianity and islam are religions, jews are a people.
    Sorry Bro, this is not correct. There is no such thing as the jewish people. Jews are to Judaism as Catholics are to Catholocism. There is one people: the human race. Jews are the same as arabs: Semites. You are a jew in that you practice and ascribe to Judaism; cease to practice that religion and you are no longer a jew, just as ceasing to practice Catholocism you are no longer Catholic.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Sorry Bro, this is not correct. There is no such thing as the jewish people. Jews are to Judaism as Catholics are to Catholocism. There is one people: the human race. Jews are the same as arabs: Semites. You are a jew in that you practice and ascribe to Judaism; cease to practice that religion and you are no longer a jew, just as ceasing to practice Catholocism you are no longer Catholic.
    that's kind of semi-true. alot of people of various racial looks show genetic markers unique to jews. however it's somewhat like people from the russian nobility and villagers from johan's home town both showing a unique genetic marker that makes up a tiny portion of their DNA and claiming that makes them 100% rurikian or something, when in fact they grew up in completely different cultures and may have wildly different appearances.

    if anything makes jews a people it's their own perception as such much moreso than most supposed racial groups.

  26. #26
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    Mar 2004
    You also need to take into account that jewish people, as a group, are probably wealthier and more priviliged compared to other groups. This would afford them better schooling and resources for development. I suppose it would be a nature vs. nurture type question.

    What I don't like is all the jerking off "look how awesome WE are!" crap. And you can't be a religion and a race. Sorry, I'm not buying it. Perhaps if the jewish people weren't so embedded with elitism and separatism they would be more accepted by their fellow HUMANS.

  27. #27
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Sorry Bro, this is not correct. There is no such thing as the jewish people. Jews are to Judaism as Catholics are to Catholocism. There is one people: the human race. Jews are the same as arabs: Semites. You are a jew in that you practice and ascribe to Judaism; cease to practice that religion and you are no longer a jew, just as ceasing to practice Catholocism you are no longer Catholic.
    As J.S.N say they consider themself a people and thats good enough for me. A jew consider him/herself as a jew even if he isnt religious. You cant say the same for christianity, islam, buddhism or any other religion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    You also need to take into account that jewish people, as a group, are probably wealthier and more priviliged compared to other groups. This would afford them better schooling and resources for development. I suppose it would be a nature vs. nurture type question.
    I never deny that. But it is interesting that they dominate so much. Japan for instance have on avarage higher IQ and spend loads of money on tech and science. Yet they dont have that many nobel prizes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    What I don't like is all the jerking off "look how awesome WE are!" crap. And you can't be a religion and a race. Sorry, I'm not buying it. Perhaps if the jewish people weren't so embedded with elitism and separatism they would be more accepted by their fellow HUMANS.
    It seems like that is a trait you ascribe to them. Not a trait they have. Most patriotic people have a slight "we are better attitude". Just look at america and france.

  28. #28
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    Oct 2006
    Can someone pleassssseeeeee tell my why anyone could hate the jews?

  29. #29
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    In the Gym, if i could
    at least they aren't strapping bombs to themselves and killing innocent people..
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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    Can someone pleassssseeeeee tell my why anyone could hate the jews?
    I'm certain that a good portion of it comes from "haters" since most Jewish families are well-to-do or at least upper middle-class.

    I also think that most people are sick of hearing the victim routine from a group of people that has enormous influence politically (WELL funded lobby groups) and culturally (media) in this country. I've never seen such a powerful group of people get so much social protection. If anyone says anything that isn't pro-Jew or pro-Israel they are basically labeled anti-semites and that is the end of the discussion.

    As for me, my main issue with their culture (not the people individually) is that I get the distinct feeling that they think they are (for lack of a better word) better than non-jews. Personally, I can't stand anyone who thinks they are better than me purely for the reason of being born. A lot of their culture is based on exclusion. They don't let their children marry non-jews. Their children have to take classes in inter-faith dating at temple. There are countless examples of this, and I'm sure there is also a fair shake of evidence to the contrary.

    I also think it depends on where you are living. I was originally from upstate New York and being christian or jewish or muslim or whatever was never really a big deal. We all just celebrated different holidays and that was it. Now I live downstate (Long Island) for work and there is a very real and visible difference. I would say that the NYC area Jewish people tend to fit the stereotype a lot more than other areas.

    Being an attorney I work in an environment that is borderline dominated by Jewish people. About 1/2 of my friends are Jewish and I get some inside information like when their bosses tell them to find more Jewish people to work at their firms. I also see the hiring discrimination versus non-Jews that is all too real in this area.

    As an American, I can tell you what one of the paralegals told me one day. She was talking about how her son wanted to join the marines. She told him "You can't joint the army, Jewish people don't do that sort of thing." She was dead serious when she said it and my jaw almost hit the floor. Then I looked around and realized that the armed forces, police forces and fire departments are all missing a certain group of people for the most part. So now you have an entire group of people sitting around reaping the benefits of people putting their lives on the line, for them. There doesn't seem to be a sense of civic duty to anyone else but fellow Jews. Think about all this crap going on in the middle east. I am not referring to Israeli citizens, Israel has mandatory service.

    Again, I think it is cultural as on an individial basis people always end up just being people. I think the stereotypes begin to come out when we're dealing with groups.

    I also think that when everyone has a problem with you, it's probably you. There has to be some point where they, as a group, look in the mirror and at least ask themselves "what are we doing that makes everyone dislike us?"
    Last edited by Act of God; 01-31-2007 at 01:31 PM.

  31. #31
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    In the Gym, if i could
    and why is there an issue with their culture???

    That... is the the problem, many americans will not accept others differences, just because their culture is different..
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    I'm certain that a good portion of it comes from "haters" since most Jewish families are well-to-do or at least upper middle-class.

    I also think that most people are sick of hearing the victim routine from a group of people that has enormous influence politically (WELL funded lobby groups) and culturally (media) in this country. I've never seen such a powerful group of people get so much social protection. If anyone says anything that isn't pro-Jew or pro-Israel they are basically labeled anti-semites and that is the end of the discussion.

    As for me, my main issue with their culture (not the people individually) is that I get the distinct feeling that they think they are (for lack of a better word) better than non-jews. Personally, I can't stand anyone who thinks they are better than me purely for the reason of being born. A lot of their culture is based on exclusion. They don't let their children marry non-jews. Their children have to take classes in inter-faith dating at temple. There are countless examples of this, and I'm sure there is also a fair shake of evidence to the contrary.

    I also think it depends on where you are living. I was originally from upstate New York and being christian or jewish or muslim or whatever was never really a big deal. We all just celebrated different holidays and that was it. Now I live downstate (Long Island) for work and there is a very real and visible difference. I would say that the NYC area Jewish people tend to fit the stereotype a lot more than other areas.

    Being an attorney I work in an environment that is borderline dominated by Jewish people. About 1/2 of my friends are Jewish and I get some inside information like when their bosses tell them to find more Jewish people to work at their firms. I also see the hiring discrimination versus non-Jews that is all too real in this area.

    As an American, I can tell you what one of the paralegals told me one day. She was talking about how her son wanted to join the marines. She told him "You can't joint the army, Jewish people don't do that sort of thing." She was dead serious when she said it and my jaw almost hit the floor. Then I looked around and realized that the armed forces, police forces and fire departments are all missing a certain group of people for the most part. So now you have an entire group of people sitting around reaping the benefits of people putting their lives on the line, for them. There doesn't seem to be a sense of civic duty to anyone else but fellow Jews. Think about all this crap going on in the middle east. I am not referring to Israeli citizens, Israel has mandatory service.

    Again, I think it is cultural as on an individial basis people always end up just being people. I think the stereotypes begin to come out when we're dealing with groups.

    I also think that when everyone has a problem with you, it's probably you. There has to be some point where they, as a group, look in the mirror and at least ask themselves "what are we doing that makes everyone dislike us?"
    This pretty much summarizes it. Jews are very elitist and separatist. They are extremely exclusionary when it comes to non-jews. And it is not a 'perception' that they feel superior to non-jews, it is a very real fact of their existence. Don't anyone think for a moment that 'goy' is used in a flattering manner/context by jews. Jews will not allow non-jews to stand equal and equivalent with themselves, we (goyim) are not deserving.

    I don't give a rats ass what they have, I care in how they go about it. They will only spend their money amongst themselves, but will go to great lengths to make their money off of non-jews.

    There is no such thing as the 'chosen people', there is no such thing as a jewish race, there is no such thing as jewish superiority. Every person born upon this planet is born equally without limitation and without superiority.

    And to speak out on these issues does not mean that the person is an anti-semite, or jew hater.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    WOW, I understand what you all are saying about a certain group's culture. I am a firm believer that not all cultures are created equal. Just the babies born into them. Were I live there are not many jewish people so I dont see or experiance anything like what you all are talking about. Just to play devils advocate though at least the jews respect the law and pay taxes. I could care less if the have tons of money. What I hate is when I was and still am a poor college student working a shit load to pay my way through school and the goverment taxes my broke ass and gives it away to pay for health insurance to people who dont pay taxes, or give them a check every month to stay home and do nothing. That pisses me off, not some rich jewish banker.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    i would never categorize an entire group as "the jews" or "the blacks" unless jomkingly (just look around this subforum to see how diverse the opinions of "the americans" are) however there are definitely elements in international jewry that pursue a jewish agenda over national agendas. we have many lobby groups domestically who's sole purpose is to lobby for support for israel. justify it how you will but a lobby group solely promoting another state's interests is unamerican. as americans if we are so often able able to look at states like mexico or iraq as stomping grounds for national interests then why is it so offensive to look at israel similarly?

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    i would never categorize an entire group as "the jews" or "the blacks" unless jomkingly (just look around this subforum to see how diverse the opinions of "the americans" are) however there are definitely elements in international jewry that pursue a jewish agenda over national agendas. we have many lobby groups domestically who's sole purpose is to lobby for support for israel. justify it how you will but a lobby group solely promoting another state's interests is unamerican. as americans if we are so often able able to look at states like mexico or iraq as stomping grounds for national interests then why is it so offensive to look at israel similarly?
    I miss your point. We don't have any national interests in either Mexico, or Iraq. So why the hell are we in Iraq?? Especially trying to fight their civil war? Likewise we have no national interests in Israel either, so why do we give them untold billions upon billions every year? We give Israel billions of economic aid and billions of military aid every year and every single loan and every single loan guarantee has been forgiven and they've never had to repay a single dime. On top of that we give them billions in what's called discretionary aid that isn't publicly tallied/accountable through the Pentagon. We also 'give' them, completely free of charge oil from Alaska and processed gasoline, primarily from Valero every year for many. many years. We have also built military bases for them and then turned over the keys to them Gratis. Who do you think paid for the 'Security Wall' they are building and who paid for the evacuation of the settlers from the Gaza Strip? American taxpayers, that's who.

    Think money doesn't mean anything to the jews? During the Clinton administration Israeli had said they would relinquish the Golan Heights back to Syria, but that the US would have to pay Israel $17 billion to do so. And just why does the US maintain huge stockpiles of armament, munitions and explosives ordnance throughout Israel and give them free access to use whatever and all that they need? This was the bombs and ordnance Israel uses against the Palestinian population and recently against Lebanon -- at cost not to Israelis, but only to American taxpayers. And the US agreed to Israeli demands to increase the volume and inventory in these munitions depots for future Israeli use.

    Israel is in and has been in violation of the arms exports act and the Leahy Amendment for years and the US turns a blind eye. The Palestinians resist with stones and suicide bombings in the face of Israeli attacks with the highest tech fighters and Apache gunships all supplied without cost to Israel.

    I worked through the UN in the Middle East and Afghanistan for years. I've worked with Palestinian ngo's, refugee groups and the PNA for years. I've seen first hand the treachery of the zionists and the effects of their racism and elitism.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    i would never categorize an entire group as "the jews" or "the blacks" unless jomkingly (just look around this subforum to see how diverse the opinions of "the americans" are) however there are definitely elements in international jewry that pursue a jewish agenda over national agendas. we have many lobby groups domestically who's sole purpose is to lobby for support for israel. justify it how you will but a lobby group solely promoting another state's interests is unamerican. as americans if we are so often able able to look at states like mexico or iraq as stomping grounds for national interests then why is it so offensive to look at israel similarly?
    when you have groups lobbying against something, you're going to have groups lobbying for something as well......There is no Jewish caucus in Congress, but there is a black caucus.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    my point was, when companies like del monte or nike keep workers in slavelike conditions, the neocon's last arguement (their trump card) is "hey man we're for americans, not mexicans/chinese/malaysians/whomever" yet they'll never suggest that israelis be exploited in such a way, because of the pro-israeli lobby pressure ($$$$). our politicians give them our money and fight their wars for them and what do we get in return? we don't use their bases for military action, we don't get oil from them, and they destabilize the region.

    personally i don't advocate exploiting anyone in a way that makes their lives miserable; i'm just pointing out an inconsistency in the neoconservative worldview.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    when you have groups lobbying against something, you're going to have groups lobbying for something as well......There is no Jewish caucus in Congress, but there is a black caucus.
    The jews don't need a caucus as all levels of government, especially the three branches, are so well represented by jewish members.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    when you have groups lobbying against something, you're going to have groups lobbying for something as well......There is no Jewish caucus in Congress, but there is a black caucus.
    i don't like the black causcus any more than i like AIPAC.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    The jews don't need a caucus as all levels of government, especially the three branches, are so well represented by jewish members.
    what are there more of in Bush's administration: Blacks or Jews?

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