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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Iranian Cartoon

    Iranian Cartoon Shows Nazi Swastika Growing Into Jewish Star of David
    Wednesday, February 07, 2007

    Iran, having vowed to wipe Israel off the map, appears to be fomenting anti-Semitic sentiment through its media.

    An anti-Semitic cartoon recently shown on Iranian TV shows a Jewish rabbi planting a Nazi swastika, covering it with dirt, watering it and watching as a giant star of David grows in its place.

    The rabbi, who is donning a black hat with a Star of David on the brim and a scowl, does not speak during the 56-second clip.

    "Usually they would say they are not against Jews they are only against Zionists, but here you see they are saying that in fact there is no difference," Carmon said about the cartoon. "It’s the Jew who plants the swastika image and from the swastika comes Zionism."

    Seems the Islamic republic is showing the maturity and distinction the world has come to expect.,2933,250710,00.html
    Last edited by singern; 02-07-2007 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    please list the news source for this information..
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On a side note,
    Also in todays news:

    PARIS — A French satirical weekly defended itself in court Wednesday against defamation charges over reprinting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that last year stoked outrage and violence across the Islamic world.

    Why dont the Iranians post cartoons about the french and Danish and leave us alone,2933,250666,00.html

  4. #4
    Then why doesn't Israel get out of the Palestinian Territories? Why doesn't Israel leave the Palestinian people alone?

    I told you, as long as you keep posting this one-sided propaganda I will keep responding on the other side of the conflict.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Then why doesn't Israel get out of the Palestinian Territories? Why doesn't Israel leave the Palestinian people alone?

    I told you, as long as you keep posting this one-sided propaganda I will keep responding on the other side of the conflict.
    What does the Israeli/Palestinian conflict have to do with the Iranian/European cartoons? I dont mind you post the other side of the coin thats what we are here for, but at least make it relevant to the story at hand. You may as well have posted something on global warming..

    And by the way, you make it sound like I am creating and writing these news stories. You give me too much credit, I only post and discuss them.
    Last edited by singern; 02-07-2007 at 09:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    What does the Israeli/Palestinian conflict have to do with the Iranian/European cartoons? I dont mind you post the other side of the coin thats what we are here for, but at least make it relevant to the story at hand. You may as well have posted something on global warming..

    And by the way, you make it sound like I am creating and writing these news stories. You give me too much credit, I only post and discuss them.
    I'm tired, I'm going to go watch a movie with my kid -- Peace Bro and Good Night.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    On a side note,
    Also in todays news:

    PARIS — A French satirical weekly defended itself in court Wednesday against defamation charges over reprinting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that last year stoked outrage and violence across the Islamic world.

    Why dont the Iranians post cartoons about the french and Danish and leave us alone,2933,250666,00.html
    The first line of the article got my attention: "The case has drawn nationwide attention in a country with Western Europe's largest Muslim community and a strong commitment to freedom of expression and secularism."

    The is a load of bull. In France you could be jailed for up to 2 years for denying the Holocaust. There are similar or even higher jail times for denial in other European countries. Now how is that a commitment to freedom of expression. I'd rather people say all the racist and bigoted stuff that's on their mind than censor or jail them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by mcpeepants
    The first line of the article got my attention: "The case has drawn nationwide attention in a country with Western Europe's largest Muslim community and a strong commitment to freedom of expression and secularism."

    The is a load of bull. In France you could be jailed for up to 2 years for denying the Holocaust. There are similar or even higher jail times for denial in other European countries. Now how is that a commitment to freedom of expression. I'd rather people say all the racist and bigoted stuff that's on their mind than censor or jail them.
    Well is there any other example of limits to freedom of speech?

    The ban on holocaust denial was a part of the denizification of europe. Its quite amazing that a ideology that had brainwashed so many where wiped out from europe in such a short time. Never before or after has that happened. Maby we need to learn a few lessons from it in ordet to deal with other fanatics

    I dont think the holocaust denial law serves any purpose anymore though and it should be removed.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    Well is there any other example of limits to freedom of speech?

    The ban on holocaust denial was a part of the denizification of europe. Its quite amazing that a ideology that had brainwashed so many where wiped out from europe in such a short time. Never before or after has that happened. Maby we need to learn a few lessons from it in ordet to deal with other fanatics

    I dont think the holocaust denial law serves any purpose anymore though and it should be removed.
    I tend to agree,
    Although Holocaust denial is extremely painful to the Jewish nation, and usually done with specific intention to insult and offend. I dont believe there needs to be a law against it. Freedom of speech is crucial in any democratic nation.
    A good example is the recent "conference" in Iran. The hurtful insulting reason why it was held is no secret to anyone, and the distinguished guest list including the leader of the KKK and many other infamous haters from around the world. But it is certainly within there rights do discuss any issue they chose.
    Last edited by singern; 02-08-2007 at 08:35 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    Well is there any other example of limits to freedom of speech?

    The ban on holocaust denial was a part of the denizification of europe. Its quite amazing that a ideology that had brainwashed so many where wiped out from europe in such a short time. Never before or after has that happened. Maby we need to learn a few lessons from it in ordet to deal with other fanatics

    I dont think the holocaust denial law serves any purpose anymore though and it should be removed.
    I think France a couple months ago wanted to pass a law against denying the Armenian genocide in an attempt to keep Turkey out of the EU. And the very fact you have a law like Holocaust denials wrecks the notion of freedom of speech. That's why I didn't buy notion that the Dutch Cartoon controversy was about free speech because most western European countries have a jail time for holocaust denial. I think Europes denizifacation attempt was done wrong. They should of had something like a truth commission. There they could of talked about why they were easily duped into nationalism, racism, anti-semitism, bigotry, and why they pretended that they couldn't smell burning flesh from concentration camps.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by mcpeepants
    The first line of the article got my attention: "The case has drawn nationwide attention in a country with Western Europe's largest Muslim community and a strong commitment to freedom of expression and secularism."

    The is a load of bull. In France you could be jailed for up to 2 years for denying the Holocaust. There are similar or even higher jail times for denial in other European countries. Now how is that a commitment to freedom of expression. I'd rather people say all the racist and bigoted stuff that's on their mind than censor or jail them.
    I think how each person views the cartoon will make out of it what their personal views are. Certainly some will see it as anti-semitic, others who are anti-semitic will view it from that context, etc. My personal interpretation takes it as comparing right-wing policies/zionism in Israel the same as Nazi Germany and South Africa pre-ANC -- all apartheid/racist issues.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    I think how each person views the cartoon will make out of it what their personal views are. Certainly some will see it as anti-semitic, others who are anti-semitic will view it from that context, etc. My personal interpretation takes it as comparing right-wing policies/zionism in Israel the same as Nazi Germany and South Africa pre-ANC -- all apartheid/racist issues.
    Thats understandable,
    How you feel regarding the Islamic reaction to the european cartoons that caused world wide riots, deaths, and billions in damage. I didnt see allot of self restraint and personal interpretation there...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    On a side note,
    Also in todays news:

    PARIS — A French satirical weekly defended itself in court Wednesday against defamation charges over reprinting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that last year stoked outrage and violence across the Islamic world.

    Why dont the Iranians post cartoons about the french and Danish and leave us alone,2933,250666,00.html

    If they loose the defense it will be a disaster. We can insult and mock anything in our papers so why not islam. We mock christ, we mock politicians, we mock just about everything there is to mock. Il de damned if we are going to change that because of pissed of imigrants. If they dont like it they dont have to read it.

    Stupid ****s.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    pissed of imigrants. If they dont like it they dont have to read it. Stupid ****s.
    This language came from your mouth Johan ... I'm shocked. I should report you. Wait a minute, I'd be reporting you to you.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    This language came from your mouth Johan ... I'm shocked. I should report you. Wait a minute, I'd be reporting you to you.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Israel and America won't get out because they so badly want a "War on Terror" so they have something to spend all of their money on from investments into the Military Industrial Complex, that along with dominance in the oil market...hey whats the cost, just a few muslim terrorists? wrong they are human beings too and its time Israel cuts off the zionist parts of their gov't as we tried with the right winger nuts in congress, except it didn't work for us cause the dems are just as corrupt except even more pussy!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    It sounds like a symbol for how nazi germany helped Israel blossom? I mean isnt it more or less fact that without ww2 and nazi germay there probably wouldnt be a Israeli state today?

    the cartoon is bad taste offcourse.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    It sounds like a symbol for how nazi germany helped Israel blossom? I mean isnt it more or less fact that without ww2 and nazi germay there probably wouldnt be a Israeli state today?

    the cartoon is bad taste offcourse.
    That is the popular perceived historical notion isn't it Johan. But Israel may have come about even in the absence of Hitler and Germany.

    Leaders of Britain (spearheaded by Lord Balfour) were meeting with jewish leaders (Lord Rothschild) and activists (zionists) quite a bit before Hitler (1917) came into power/prominence in Germany. Though anti-semitism existed somewhat throughout greater Europe during this time, it was exaggerated by Balfour and the jews to embolden the zionist plan for taking over Palestine as a homeland for european/worldwide jews. Hence the Balfour Declaration, that read that Britain agreed with and fully supported the notion that the zionists would have the backing and support of Britain in the taking over of Palestine. This was all 20 years before Hitler came into prominence.

    What's interesting is that the zionist leaders weren't totally zeroed in on Palestine in principle, but considered many other areas as well, even Paraguay. But because they got the backing of Britain Palestine became the easy target.

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