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Thread: Libby Brings Bush Connection Into The Trial

  1. #1

    Libby Brings Bush Connection Into The Trial

    Libby brings up Bush was in the loop on Valerie Plame and the leak:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I was really hoping the libby trial would bring to light all the bullshit used to bring us into Iraq...The forged documents from Niger, about the yellowcake...The vengeful nature of the bush administration whom destroyed the character of anyone who came out against the war...

    looks like the media is downplaying it though...So far there has been more coverage about the death of anna nicole, than the trial of a senior bush administration official, not to mention that cooked intelligence that lead to WAR...

    Just another example of how the media downplays important stories to keep the people ignorant of how shit really goes down, IMO...The libby trial must be confusing to people who dont know the context around it, too bad the media refuses to discuss that context...

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