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Thread: Texas Bill: Put Bible in Schools

  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Vinlander
    I'm not a "sinner." The will of the Gods is all that's asked of me and I do it without question and to the letter.

    A "sinner" is like a child whose only object in life is self-satisfaction, so he/she disregards the world around them in favor of this aggrandizement. American Christianity is filled with such children and has very few men of their word or worth in the ranks who actually believe in what they preach.

    I believe fire is hot, for instance, so I don't touch fire with my bare hand. Any idiot knows he will be burned. If Christians truly believed in their God, they wouldn't go through their life sinning; the consequences would seem as real to them as fire is to me. As it is, "sinners" don't really believe--they pay lip service and issue paper-thin apologies for living life like every other person, Christian or not.

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  2. #82
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  3. #83
    Join Date
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    The Couch
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  4. #84
    Join Date
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    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown editor
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    The thread topic is the Bible, and whether it should be in schools, is it not? Why is sin something that shouldn't be discussed in relation to the Bible?

  5. #85

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