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  1. #1
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    I can't believe what happened at Virgina Tech

    This is absolutely ridiculous and just downright senseless. I hope that guy didn't kill himself so he can get the death sentence or they tie him up and everyone gets one punch at him in the head.

    Anyone here go to Virgina Tech?

  2. #2
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    hi, welcome to yesterday.

    yah it is disturbing tho.
    the guy is dead, he shot himself.
    good riddance no trial n stuff to go thru.

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    i wish they got him alive so he could rot in jail forever, death is to good for him

  4. #4
    x_moe's Avatar
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    he's dead, and he's korean

  5. #5
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    whats most ****ed up about this whole situation is, how nobody knew what was going on.....Some body fires some bullets on a college campus and they dont catch the guy? YOU ****ING CANCEL CLASS AND GET PEOPLE OFF THE STREET ETC ETC. thats common sense. It is apparent that most people were in the dark over the whole situation

    jmo. Coming from a kid who actually had a shooting on his college campus at one point.

  6. #6
    RA's Avatar
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    Nothing is going to bring those people back. We have to try to beef up security but in the end, if a guy is willing to trade his life to shoot up a bunch of people theres not much we can do...mourn and move on.

  7. #7
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i wish they got him alive so he could rot in jail forever, death is to good for him

  8. #8
    Lexed's Avatar
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    thats the reason he killed himself so he didnt have to rot in prison.

  9. #9
    numbat's Avatar
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    yeah and now they have had some bomb scares today at other schools..That sh^t gets all the other scum rowled up too..

  10. #10
    OPSTER's Avatar
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    I smell lawsuits coming.... that school should have been closed down.

  11. #11
    x_moe's Avatar
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    i just found out that the security police in my college are getting special training this week to learn how to handle such a situation if it ever happened here, i feel safer already

  12. #12
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    Why can't you believe it, Corey? We're all wounded people and we all suffer from one thing or another. Some people feel the need to "show others" what they're capable of because they feel the need to be cared for or recognized. Even at the cost of others.

    The irony is that nearly 80% of most diseases and/or addictions are either stressed induced or ***ression related. We all too often allow our wounds to become infected and then they multiply in ways that we can no longer control. And when it gets to a point to where it jeopardizes are own personal judgement, anything is possible. As was clearly illustrated in yesterdays event.

    It's like I said yesterday in the other threads related to this. We're all at war, but the ones that succeed in the war are the ones that choose to stand up to evil so that peace and happiness can prevail at the end of the day.

  13. #13
    rubix6's Avatar
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    this thing is so terrible. If someone is that fvcked up......ugg I'm so upset. I was in a building that 5 people were shot just a few months ago, it truly was utterly terrifying. I can't imagine what these people are going through. what a tragety.

  14. #14
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    1 man, 33 dead. Thats crazy.

    If only our AR Supergroup would've been there to save the day. No bullet can penetrate our muscle!

    But yes, very sad. Thats the world we live in...

    Its really sad that this is the world we live in...people cant even go to school and learn and feel safe.

    Im getting outta here. Austrailia, here I come!
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 04-17-2007 at 02:29 PM.

  15. #15
    TR'05's Avatar
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    ^^ These things can happen anywhere, bro. Australian, in 1996, a similar massacre. 35 people were killed by a deranged, troubled man.

  16. #16
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    on another note, my friend's friend, who goes there, was on AIM with me and asked. "where was god?". i didnt really have a response, cause I dont know.
    God was in the same place yesterday as he was when Eve decided to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in an attempt to be like God.

  17. #17
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Very sad.

  18. #18
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Mavs said it best in his previous thread, We are at war everyday we wake up

  19. #19
    Lexed's Avatar
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    all over a girl

  20. #20
    TR'05's Avatar
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    ^^ Was it over a girl?

    The NY Times made mention that nobody has even seen him talk to a girl. He was a very lonely person who shied away from interaction at all costs...Mav, you've put everything very well in your above posts. You have a great perspective on so many things.

  21. #21
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    I heard that a his gf cheated on him thats y he went all crazy. maybe like arny's roid rage

  22. #22
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    ^^ These things can happen anywhere, bro. Australian, in 1996, a similar massacre. 35 people were killed by a deranged, troubled man.

    dammitt. yr right.

    I better just set up position here and build up muscle to where Im impervious to all attacks.

  23. #23
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    God was in the same place yesterday as he was when Eve decided to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in an attempt to be like God.

    sorry. I dont wanna turn this into a religious thread and have people going at forget I said anything.

  24. #24
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    I heard on the news that VA tech (along w/ most schools) does not have a very effective way to let all students know in case of an immeadiate emergency i.e tornado, neuclear attack, some schools have sierens. Why not just have big PA speakers througout the outside around the campus and inside classrooms/hallways so that life saving info can be put out.
    I actually heard that the schools first action at informing students was by e-mail, WTF

  25. #25
    wishmasterATM is offline Banned
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    Mavs I always like your posts man.... its very sad indeed ...really suckss

  26. #26
    rubix6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    all over a girl
    oh my god!!!

  27. #27
    rubix6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venomous Nemisis
    I heard on the news that VA tech (along w/ most schools) does not have a very effective way to let all students know in case of an immeadiate emergency i.e tornado, neuclear attack, some schools have sierens. Why not just have big PA speakers througout the outside around the campus and inside classrooms/hallways so that life saving info can be put out.
    I actually heard that the schools first action at informing students was by e-mail, WTF
    I agree that the email was a pretty shitty way to inform everyone. However, what are you supposed to do? You have thousands of students in the classes and hallways, and another couple thousand on their way to school. If you let out a siren there would be mayhem. And who knows... more people may of been shot if all of the students were running around everywhere.
    The situation was just really fvcked up.

  28. #28
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    i think his perants should be at part fault, im not sure about america but the asian community in australia is very strict, and majority of asian children are very hard apon by there perants beaten regularly all about grades and study, really weird mentality, even getting As and a few Bs isnt good enough.

  29. #29
    scaramouche's Avatar
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    when will american govt control gun laws,80 ppl are shot dead in america each day,how many of those are in self defense do u think

  30. #30
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    ya same here Fosk I went to best school in philly 75 % asains always told me stories like if they get a B on a test parents would woop em. Some would even start crying in class if they get a B mostly girls.

  31. #31
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Edited. Keep comments like this to yourself.

  32. #32
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    when will american govt control gun laws,80 ppl are shot dead in america each day,how many of those are in self defense do u think
    guns dont kill people dude

    even if u ban guns the "bad guys" will ALWAYS find a way to get one.....and there will never be anything like that seeing as how we have the right to bear arms amendment 2 i believe..

  33. #33
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    when will american govt control gun laws,80 ppl are shot dead in america each day,how many of those are in self defense do u think

    gimme a break with that liberal bullshit

  34. #34
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    word is, that the bastard went into the classroom and had each person lie down and then proceed in an execution style.

    We talked about this in class, and i am assuming it is true. I know this is going to give you guys a deep angry rising up feeling, like what you would have done in this situation.

  35. #35
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    gimme a break with that liberal bullshit
    no really look statistics on countries with controlled laws.. and tell me that the freedom of having guns isnt what the problem is.

  36. #36
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    no really look statistics on countries with controlled laws.. and tell me that the freedom of having guns isnt what the problem is.
    so your saying that if guns were controlled he couldnt have gotten one? thats bs thats like saying if steroids were controlled u couldnt get them HAHA we all know thats not true!

    they will never have control laws in the states i'd bet anything on it...

    how bout look at it this way...let everyone carry concealed then people might think twice about this sh*t cuz no one would know who has a gun or not makes alot of sense to me.....

  37. #37
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    no really look statistics on countries with controlled laws.. and tell me that the freedom of having guns isnt what the problem is.
    perhaps these countries dont have the gang war and drug type problems we have

  38. #38
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    so your saying that if guns were controlled he couldnt have gotten one? thats bs thats like saying if steroids were controlled u couldnt get them HAHA we all know thats not true!

    they will never have control laws in the states i'd bet anything on it...

    how bout look at it this way...let everyone carry concealed then people might think twice about this sh*t cuz no one would know who has a gun or not makes alot of sense to me.....
    its not that he couldnt have goten one, but if he couldnt walk home get a gun of his own or his perants, would he went looking for a gun? would he of went to a gun store and bought one. if possible? would he havle found a illegal gun, would he be that heart felt on doing it, its easy to just get a gun and pull the trigger and make the mistake, then he is forced in his eyes to kill himself or face the punishment, by that time hes already going crazy and got himself in deep so he kills as many people as he can...

    you think he would go home and pick up a knife and do the same? very much doubt it, if the gun wasnt obtained so easily he could have went to school and abused her then hit that guy or a dozen other things.

    give guns to only people who need them. it would take forever to do that in america since its so far gone already, but look at the countries that stopped it before it got so far out of control with majority of people owning multiple weapons.

    im not going to write on and on about it, but think clear and tell me its not true. i dont know anything about liberal and all that. but without the population of guns it had a strong chance of being no where near as fatal.

  39. #39
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Fosk, how about we just end it here.

    What your saying is very very very good points. its a great perspective and you are right in some ways. YOu bring up very valid points. For sure, this could have probably been avoided if he would have had to try harder to get a gun. If guns were illegal, if he was hellbent on doings this, nothing we could have done about it, he would have gotten a gun. However, maybe, just maybe, if he would have had to spend more money, go through more shit to get it, maybe he would have thought twice, very valid point

    But you have to understand us first. We take alot of pride in those 10 amendments. Changing what our forefathers did would to us, feeling like getting raped in the but. Understanding this mentality of ours, you have to realize that your argument is a lost cause. we are to stuborn. Right to bear arms is somthing that came along when those british guys said hey **** you to parliment. That right was one right fought for, so with that history, understandably, we are not going to give that up.

    And that america is diluted with gang wars and shit like that. so changing hte law isnt going to take the guns away from the bad people. So you have bad people with guns, and good people losing guns. not a good sich-shiation. Sure, some shit will be prevented, but in the big picture, i feel a little uneasy about losing that right.

  40. #40
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    did the news say where he got the gun? and who's to say if he couldnt have gotten a gun he could have gotten online spent 20 minutes and about 50$ and built a hellasious are you saying we should ban the internet and farm stores from carrying potential chemicals to keep people from building bombs etc?

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