Only a sub-species would create and follow a book like this. "But they're people too Logan13, it's not right for you to label them as a sub-species":rolleyes: Anyone have the audacity to compare this to waterboarding? Let's hear your defense of this one. "Why must you speak so negatively about these people, Logan13?" "You are just being racist." Please bring something original this time. I tire of the lame-ass "Rosie" rebutals, which for many of you consists only of name calling, labeling, or the embellishment of fact(as the term "Rosie" indicates) ........
Military declassifies 'al-Qaeda torture manual' recovered in Iraq
USA Today
Torture tool pictures:
The Pentagon has released what it describes as an al-Qaeda torture manual. The collection of graphic drawings, which are said to show ways the terrorist group extracts information from prisoners, was reportedly recovered during a raid on a terrorist hideout in Iraq.
"Some of the drawings show how to drill hands, sever limbs, drag victims behind cars, remove eyes, put a blowtorch or iron to someoneâs skin, suspend a person from a ceiling and electrocute them, break limbs and restrict breath and put someoneâs head in a vice," according to Fox News Channel.
A military spokesman tells CNN that "they made it in a cartoon manner, so that no matter what your literacy rate, what nationality you are, all you've got to do is look at these pictures to understand how to conduct tortures of innocent people."
A search of the safe house turned up "electric drills, hammers, blow torches, meat cleavers, pliers and wire cutters, chains, screw drivers, whips and handcuffs," Fox News reports.
According to a military statement that was released Monday: After a thorough search of the building, ground forces found a padlocked room. Inside were four men and a boy who had been kidnapped and severely beaten with chains, cables and hoses. The four captives also showed signs of torture, and the boy stated the terrorists had hooked electrical wires to his tongue and shocked him.
You can see the sketches at The Smoking Gun. Warning: These images are very graphic.
Some bloggers are complaining that this story's not getting enough coverage in the nation's newspapers and other media.
NewsBusters, a blog devoted to "exposing and combating liberal media bias," asks: "given the medias fascination with what American soldiers were doing at Abu Ghraib, is it safe to assume that the same level of attention will be given to what our enemy is doing? Or, would that be too much like journalism?"