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Thread: Gay Aussie hotel wins right to ban heterosexuals, lesbians

  1. #1

    Gay Aussie hotel wins right to ban heterosexuals, lesbians

    Gay Aussie hotel wins right to ban heterosexuals, lesbians

    An Australian hotel popular with gay men has won the right to refuse entry to heterosexuals and lesbians, officials and the owner said Monday.
    The Peel Hotel in Melbourne won an exemption from the Equal Opportunity Act to prevent insults and abuse directed toward gays in its bars and nightclubs, owner Tom McFeely told AFP.

    "The hotel predominantly markets itself towards homosexual males, towards gay men and we want to protect the integrity of the venue as well as continue to make the men feel comfortable," McFeely said.

    "When large numbers of heterosexuals or even lesbians are in the hotel that changes the atmosphere and many gay men can feel uncomfortable."

    The landmark decision by a civil tribunal gives the establishment -- which does not offer accommodation -- the right to refuse entry to people considered a threat to the safety and comfort of its patrons.

    Helen Szoke, the chief executive of the Victoria state government's Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, said the Peel Hotel's gay clientele had experienced harassment, hostility and violence.

    "(They) also have felt as though they've been like a zoo exhibit with big groups of women on hens' parties coming to the club," she said.

    McFeely said his aim was not to ban all straight patrons and lesbians but to limit their numbers so gay men could freely express their sexuality.

    He said he expected a backlash from other patrons, but added: "I'm not worried about it because to be frank I don't really care what heterosexuals or lesbians think.

    "My main motivation is to protect my gay male customers and I realise heterosexuals and lesbians may be upset. but I don't care about that.

    "We are open at 8.00pm and we go all the way through till the morning. We have two dancefloors -- it is a nightclub environment."

    McFeely said it would be easy to sort out desirable gays from undesirable straights and lesbians.

    "It is particularly easy to implement with the females 'cause that is pretty obvious.

    "With the heterosexual males, if they identify themselves as that at the door, or indeed we question their behaviour in the venue and if they come across as being heterosexual, then we will simply ask them to leave if the behaviour is unappropriate."

    Human rights group Liberty Victoria supported the decision, vice-president Michael Pearce said.

    "There are numerous places where heterosexual people can go," he said.

    "I think what (the tribunal) has said is that there aren't that many places where gay people can go and meet without the risk of being harassed or vilified, and that they are entitled to have their own spaces to do that in."

  2. #2
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    It sounds like Sandals resorts. They used to ban gay couples from attending their resorts by saying they were a "family oriented resort." They used the same excuses saying gay couples made other customers uncomfortable. They removed the ban after being sued several times.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Huh . . . sorta reminds me of the way Halloween celebrations used to be in the gay part of Dallas (Oak Lawn). Used to be they were 95% gay folks, and it was a great time for gays to let their hair down and have a good time. Then the trendy straight folks discovered how much more fun we were having than they were, and they started coming over to watch us like a bunch of damm tourists. They'd huddle together, man & women, to discourage guys from hitting on their straight men.

    Over the years it got worse and worse, and now it's about 50% trendy straights and 50% gays. It just ain't what it used to be. Too many tourists.

    From what I understand, the Castro area in San Francisco is going the same way . . . gay folks gave it a fun flavor, and then the trendy straights started moving in, and now the % of gays is going down. And the straights there are getting more and more jumpy about getting hit on by gays . . . sheesh . . .

    I can understand why the folks in Australia are doing what they're doing, especially if hostile straight folks are entering their gay clubs and making things unpleasant for gays, just to give 'em a tough time. I don't think something like that would be legal here in the USA, and I have mixed feelings about that . . .

  4. #4
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    I don't think something like that would be legal here in the USA, and I have mixed feelings about that . . .
    I think banning anyone, for any reason is bad. They should manage the unruly customers or remove them from the hotel. Not ban all straight people because some may be unruly. Not all straight people are bad. Some of my best friends are straight
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  5. #5
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Not all straight people are bad. Some of my best friends are straight
    Too funny! I get a free pass on my next bad joke.

  6. #6
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gaven84
    Gay Aussie hotel wins right to ban heterosexuals, lesbians

    "The landmark decision by a civil tribunal gives the establishment -- which does not offer accommodation -- the right to refuse entry to people considered a threat to the safety and comfort of its patrons.

    Slippery slope! You would be the first to cry foul if it was the other way. E.g. gay couples are considered a threat to safety and comfort of straight patrons. What's good for the goose is good for the gander(unless it's one of those gay geese from the zoo).

  7. #7
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    What's good for the goose is good for the gander(unless it's one of those gay geese from the zoo).
    Bad joke credit used. No more please.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Sounds like an idiotic club owner that isn't very business smart. Anyone in business to make money will want as many customers as possible and look for ways of getting more customers, not looking for ways to limit their patrons. Idiot!!!!

  9. #9
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Bad joke credit used. No more please.

    I love it. I wish I would've seen the comment first. Too funny.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    What's with all these gay-themed threads lately

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Lol once that broke news it was all over the t.v and radio, it was like the top storys of the day!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Darmstadt, Germany
    thats gay!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Sounds like an idiotic club owner that isn't very business smart. Anyone in business to make money will want as many customers as possible and look for ways of getting more customers, not looking for ways to limit their patrons. Idiot!!!!
    not necessarily. If his main clientele are gays and they aren't come because they are being harassed, and I'm assuming if it is known as a gay hotel it doesn't get a large amount of straight couples. It might not be a bad idea business wise. I think the idea of it is wrong.

  14. #14
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    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77
    What's with all these gay-themed threads lately
    We've seen the new Pirate movie and Spiderman 3, so there's nothing much else to talk about . . .

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    I actually think that is GREAT!!. Hopefully the practice will spread like wildfire to the U.S. Property rights man...its all about property rights.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77
    What's with all these gay-themed threads lately
    America v.2007: Get used to it

    I saw 3 comedy shows this weekend at Mohegan Sun (Margaret Cho, some chick/dude whose name escapes me, Kathy Griffin). Literally, all three of their acts were "being gay is awesome, george bush sucks!".

    I'm all for gay rights, but I am getting a little tired of having it shoved down my throat 24-7. This is especially true when most of these celebs and whatnot are basically preaching to the choir about this stuff. I can see this causing somewhat of a "enough!" backlash.

    To quote a horrible comic, bobcat, "Margaret Cho couldn't sell out a High School cafeteria when she was straight. Now that she ****s chicks you get to pay $70 to see her in a packed house. Maybe I should start screwing guys."

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