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Thread: Teams mimic stem cells using skin cells

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Teams mimic stem cells using skin cells

    NEW YORK - In a leap forward for stem cell research, three in***endent teams of scientists reported Wednesday that they have produced the equivalent of embryonic stem cells in mice using skin cells without the controversial destruction of embryos.

    If the same could be done with human skin cells — a big if — the procedure could lead to breakthrough medical treatments without the contentious ethical and political debates surrounding the use of embryos.

    Experts were impressed by the achievement.

    "I think it's one of the most exciting things that has come out about embryonic stem cells, period," said researcher Dr. Asa Abeliovich of Columbia University in New York, who didn't participate in the work. "It's very convincing that it's real."

    But he and others cautioned that it will take further study to see whether this scientific advance can be harnessed for creating new human therapies. For one thing, the procedure used to get the mouse skin cells to mimic embryonic stem cells wouldn't be suitable. And it's simply not known whether the mouse results can be reproduced with human cells.

    "We have a long way to go," said John Gearhart of Johns Hopkins University, a stem cell researcher who also wasn't involved in the new work.

    In any case, scientists said, the advance does not mean that research that involves getting stem cells from human embryos should now be abandoned. "We simply don't know which approach ... will work the best," said researcher Konrad Hochedlinger of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, who led one of the three teams.

    Embryonic stem cells are prized because they can develop into all types of tissue. So experts believe they might be used for transplant therapies in people who are paralyzed or have illnesses ranging from diabetes to Parkinson's disease.

    To harvest human embryonic stem cells, embryos must be destroyed, an action many people oppose.

    Scientists have long hoped to find a way to reprogram ordinary body cells to act like stem cells, avoiding the use of embryos altogether. The new mouse studies seem to have accomplished that. Past experiments seeking alternative routes to getting stem cells have generally involved tampering with an embryo or egg.

    At a press conference Wednesday, Hochedlinger and a member of a second team said their work was not an attempt to evade the ethical objections to embryo destruction. Instead, they said, the goal was to learn how cell reprogramming works.

    But in a telephone interview, a prominent critic of embryonic stem cell research welcomed the new work on ethical terms.

    "This is what we were looking for people to explore because it may provide all the advantages of embryonic stem cells without the moral problem," said Richard Doerflinger, ***uty director of pro-life activities for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "So I'm very encouraged."

    Hochedlinger and colleagues present their work in the inaugural issue of the journal Cell Stem Cell. (The first word in the journal's name refers to its publisher, Cell Press).

    The other two teams reported their results Wednesday on the Web site of the journal Nature. Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute in Cambridge, Mass., is the senior author of one paper, and the work behind the other paper was led by Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan.

    The new work builds on a landmark paper Yamanaka published last August. He found that by slipping four genes into mouse skin cells called fibroblasts, he could make the altered cells behave much like embryonic stem cells in lab tests.

    But these so-called "iPS" cells still showed significant differences from embryonic stem cells. The three new papers report on creating iPS cells that proved virtually identical to stem cells in a variety of lab tests.

    The technique used in the mouse studies could promote cancer in any patients getting therapy based on iPS cells, so researchers emphasized that a new approach that avoids that hazard would have to be developed.

    Gearhart called that a major issue to be resolved. In addition, he said, scientists still must show that these cells can give rise to many cell types in the lab, as embryonic stem cells can.

    And all this must be accomplished in human cells — a difficult task, he said, because introducing genes into human cells is a major challenge.

    If the technique can be harnessed for people, the iPS cells and the tissue they develop into would provide a genetic match to the person who donated the skin cells. That would make them suitable for transplant to that person, theoretically without fear of rejection.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    This is great news all the way around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    They did it in mice and there needs to be a whole lot of additional research to get done in humans. Meanwhile we know what embryonic stem cells can do for humans but the religious fanatics claim that it would destroy life. I conclude that it would save lives. The benefits are astronomical. The embryoes that would be used would be destroyed anyway. There are millions sitting in clinics today that can't be used because of current laws. But they will be destroyed eventually because they won't be useful for anything over time. They have a shelf life. I think the law should read that if a patient has a disease or something and someone close to them is willing to donate their embryoes they should be allowed to do so.

  4. #4
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    Im not even sure I want to get into this debate but I can assure you Im not a "religious fanatic" and I disagree 1000% with using babies. I know you guys like to call them embryos to make them sound less human but I dont.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Im not even sure I want to get into this debate but I can assure you Im not a "religious fanatic" and I disagree 1000% with using babies. I know you guys like to call them embryos to make them sound less human but I dont.

    Obviously every embryo doesn't develop into a baby. What to do with all the embryoes currently in clinics that will be destroyed anyway because of non-use? Should they just go to waste?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Obviously every embryo doesn't develop into a baby. What to do with all the embryoes currently in clinics that will be destroyed anyway because of non-use? Should they just go to waste?

    No, certainly we should hack them to bits for "research"

    See, I told you I shouldnt get into this debate...

  7. #7
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    What should we do with them then? Yes, let's debate this, I want to know why people are so adamant about not wanting to save lives with these cells and allowing them to be destroyed anyway.

    I know this is more of a moral issue than anything else. Because if you look at the science, embryionic stem cells are children, they are blank DNA coded cells. Women produce them and shed them every month during their menstral cycle. If these cells can be used to help terminally ill, or spinal chord injury patients, or parkinsins patients, it should be done!
    Last edited by BgMc31; 06-08-2007 at 12:15 PM.

  8. #8
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    We should let them be born as intended when the sperm hit the egg. Im uncertain why anyone would be for killing kids. Its not even a religious issue to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    What should we do with them then? Yes, let's debate this, I want to know why people are so adamant about not wanting to save lives with these cells and allowing them to be destroyed anyway.

  9. #9
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I know this is more of a moral issue than anything else. Because if you look at the science, embryionic stem cells are children, they are blank DNA coded cells. Women produce them and shed them every month during their menstral cycle. If these cells can be used to help terminally ill, or spinal chord injury patients, or parkinsins patients, it should be done!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    I know this is more of a moral issue than anything else. Because if you look at the science, embryionic stem cells are children, they are blank DNA coded cells. Women produce them and shed them every month during their menstral cycle. If these cells can be used to help terminally ill, or spinal chord injury patients, or parkinsins patients, it should be done!

    Great news! Have some women on the rag come in and scrape them off.

  11. #11
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Great news! Have some women on the rag come in and scrape them off.

    Those aren't useable, do some research!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Those aren't useable, do some research!

    lol, I know bro. Didnt seem pertinent to this convo at all.

  13. #13
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    Ive had this argument with johan before. No one will ever convince me that we should be killing babies, then chopping them up for research. Unproven research I might add. People that say it holds the cure for this or that are just guessing. So why would they be pushing it so hard? hmmm, I wonder.

  14. #14
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Brotha, they aren't babies!! They are blank DNA coded cells.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Brotha, they aren't babies!! They are blank DNA coded cells.

    Interesting. Cells that turn into you and me, correct?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Obviously every embryo doesn't develop into a baby. What to do with all the embryoes currently in clinics that will be destroyed anyway because of non-use? Should they just go to waste?
    yes, they should go to waste.. an embryo is a fertilized egg..

    maybe we should let it develope more at least until the lungs/heart/liver/kidneys can be harvested, then terminate the developing embryo at say..

    7 months..??

    that's the issue..
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  17. #17
    Join Date
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    excellent post spywizard and roidattack!!! When valid points are made such as you have done the name calling starts. It's a hard subject to discuss because of that reason.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    They did it in mice and there needs to be a whole lot of additional research to get done in humans. Meanwhile we know what embryonic stem cells can do for humans but the religious fanatics claim that it would destroy life. I conclude that it would save lives. The benefits are astronomical. The embryoes that would be used would be destroyed anyway. There are millions sitting in clinics today that can't be used because of current laws. But they will be destroyed eventually because they won't be useful for anything over time. They have a shelf life. I think the law should read that if a patient has a disease or something and someone close to them is willing to donate their embryoes they should be allowed to do so.

    Here he so easily disregards the data because of the lack of additional research yet when it comes to using embryoes which have not cured anything they should be readily used for everything under the sun and of course the name calling, "religious fanatics". When all else fails through out the name calling, right?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    yes, they should go to waste.. an embryo is a fertilized egg..

    maybe we should let it develope more at least until the lungs/heart/liver/kidneys can be harvested, then terminate the developing embryo at say..

    7 months..??

    that's the issue..

    They are no longer useful as stem cells at 7mos. C'mon. The majority of embryoes do not develop into fetus', in most cases when embryoes are harvested, no genotype is established. Most doctors and even the Catholic theologian Peter Kreeft believe an embryoe isn't conidered a life until it reaches the fetus stage.

    No one called anyone a name, KFrost. Come up with a viable argument instead of trying to deflect since you have no good response.

  20. #20
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Anyway, we are all going to have to agree to disagree. Obviously you all aren't going to change my mind on this and I cannot change yours. Good arguments all around (except for Kfrost, LOL)!!

    RoidAttack I sincerely hope you make it to Vegas in the future. I would love to sit down with you for a brew!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Anyway, we are all going to have to agree to disagree. Obviously you all aren't going to change my mind on this and I cannot change yours. Good arguments all around (except for Kfrost, LOL)!!

    RoidAttack I sincerely hope you make it to Vegas in the future. I would love to sit down with you for a brew!

    That would be cool bro

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