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  1. #1
    Tock's Avatar
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    Heterosexual couple kidnap young girl

    Heterosexual couple kidnap young girl

    Ya, I phrased the headline that way because
    if it had been a 15 year old boy that was found in a house belonging to two gays, the news headline would have read, "Homosexuals kidnap young boy!" and then the anti-gay religious people would wave their bibles and preach against gays, and the news reports would be all about homosexuality & etc.

    So, if nobody else is going to condemn all heterosexuals for what this group of straight people have done, I'll be glad to oblige. Meanwhile, a word of caution to all you teenage girls: Beware! Dangerous heterosexuals lay waiting to capture you in their snares, their tangled webs of deceit and lies, waiting to enslave you and force you into their oppressive closets. Beware!

    Heterosexual couple kidnap young girl

    ================================================== =====

    Missing Conn. girl found in hidden room
    By STEPHANIE REITZ, Associated Press Writer

    BLOOMFIELD, Conn. - Police looking for clues in the yearlong disappearance of a 15-year-old girl said they found her Wednesday, pale but alive, locked in a hidden room in a home owned by an acquaintance of her parents.

    Bloomfield police went to the home Wednesday in nearby West Hartford to serve search warrants for DNA and other evidence and found the girl locked inside a tiny room hidden underneath a staircase and blocked from view by a dresser.

    Authorities did not identify the girl, but said she had sometimes run away from home before she vanished last June.

    "She is a child from troubled circumstances and found what she believed to be a friend," Bloomfield Police Capt. Jeffrey Blatter said.

    Police arrested Adam Gault, 41, an animal trainer from West Hartford, and 40-year-old Ann Murphy, described by police as Gault's common-law wife. Police said they also arrested a third person who lived in the house, but no other details were available.

    Gault was charged with second-degree unlawful restraint, second-degree reckless endangerment, second-degree custodial interference, interfering with an officer, risk of injury to a minor and second-degree forgery. He was being held on $500,000 bond.

    Murphy was charged with conspiracy to commit second-degree reckless endangerment, conspiracy to commit second-degree custodial interference and risk of injury to a minor. She was held on $100,000 bond.

    It did not appear the girl had been living in the room, but she could not have gotten out on her own, Blatter said. It was not clear how long she had been inside.

    Blatter said the girl was pale and was being examined by medical personnel.

    "We can all assume that a 14-year-old under the influence of a 40-year-old has been harmed in some way," he said.

    West Hartford Police Capt. Lori Coppinger said the girl was scared and timid, crying quietly as she left the house. An officer found her when he slid the dresser back to reveal a locked door.

    The officer said, "Lieutenant, you better get in here," Blatter said.

    The girl was sitting inside a room that was about 3 feet high and 4 to 5 feet deep. Police said they did not find bedding inside.

    Other people were living in the house, including a 15-year-old boy, though it wasn't clear whose child he was.

    The boy's case has been referred to the ***artment of Children and Families, which will also decide if the missing girl should be returned to her parents.

    Neighbors said Gault and Murphy had lived in the white two-story house for five or six years, posting signs in the yard advertising puppies for sale. An empty chain-link dog kennel with two doghouses could be seen in the back yard.

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
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    at age 14 my brother got a blow job from a guy in a car.. he had lost his puppy and my brother was trying to help him find it..

    yes, he got candy too...

    sex with underage kids is wrong..
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  3. #3
    RA's Avatar
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    Well if your going in that direction Im sure it will be easy to find more crimes that hetero's commit because homosexuals make up such a small % of the population.

  4. #4
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    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Kale sits back with a large box of Popcorn and a can of Diet C o k e and waits for the barrage

  6. #6
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Is this website for real?

    Here's some quotes I found from his "research" into SARS and how it compares to HIV:

    "Because of gay rights, homosexuals have constructed a world-wide disease machine."

    "THE bug will probably kill many of them, but it will also kill many of us. Clearly, allowing the 'gay germ machine' to continue to chug along unchecked is incredibly short-sighted."

    "Unfortunately, the gay germ machine will tend to make any but the most stringent quarantine null and void. How so? Gay rights almost assures that if SARS 'hits' the 'gay community', an effective quarantine will be nigh impossible."

    "If ever there was a time for the civilized world to preach and enforce strictures against fornication, to outlaw homosexual activity, and to do everything possible to make monogamous marriage attractive, that time is now. Marital monogamy protects the whole 'herd,' even as promiscuity endangers the whole herd."

    "Airplanes have not just changed the equations about disease control. Coupled with gay rights, the plane has allowed the construction of the largest germ-machine the world has ever known."

  7. #7
    MrNice's Avatar
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    The thing is though, when you say "Couple" to 95% of the world that means a man and a woman. You can argue about whether it should or not all freaking day, but it does.

    So when a news story says "Homosexual couple steal child" they're not doing it to single out homosexuals. They're just clarifying what sort of couple it was.

    "Heterosexual couple" is redundant, since nearly everyone would assume the couple to be heterosexual anyway. Do we need to point out the majority all the time? Its taken as a given.

  8. #8
    Spartan13's Avatar
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    Home, hetro who cares, kill all child molesters, right off the bat to first offense, castration, not chemical, but violent mechanical castration, 2nd off, death, I bet it would stop quick and who is really going to oppose it?

  9. #9
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    So when a news story says "Homosexual couple steal child" they're not doing it to single out homosexuals. They're just clarifying what sort of couple it was.
    The local (Dallas) newspaper used to write headlines like
    "Police arrest man in rape case" when it was a white guy, and
    "Police arrest black man in rape case" when it was a black guy.

    When they specify a particular type of man, they associate the class of people with the individual who committed the crime. Over time, readers tend to associate the class of people with crime. But when they neglect to specify the occasions when white people commit crimes, then every other minority is associated with crime, and white people are not. So, they decided to mention the race of people in such reports only when it was of significance in the story.
    Seems to me that the same principle applies to stories involving gay people. If they only report the sexual orientation of gays in criminal reports, then readers, over time, get the idea that when the word "gay" appears in the news, then it's probably going to involve a crime.

    I don't oppose revealing a criminal's sexual orientation, but if it's going to be done to gays, it should happen to everyone. Just my opinion.

  10. #10
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Well if your going in that direction Im sure it will be easy to find more crimes that hetero's commit because homosexuals make up such a small % of the population.
    Which makes my point -- If you're gonna be robbed, burgled, raped, ravaged, or pillaged, it's very likely that it's gonna be a heterosexual who does it.

  11. #11
    Tock's Avatar
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    Here's another example --
    A story where a preacher abused his wife for several years, and the wife got fed up with it and shot him dead, and ran away with the kids.
    There's not a mention of their sexual orientation. There are no headlines like

    Heterosexual Horror: Abusive Preacher's Wife Sends Him to Hell
    Harried Heterosexual Woman Shoots Hubby to Kingdom Come

    Yet, at
    they write:
    New Jersey Governor Resigns Over Homosexual Affair
    Does it really matter if it's a homosexual affair or a heterosexual affair? If it was a heterosexual affair, would the headline read, "Governor resigns over heterosexual affair?"

    At they report,
    Has anyone ever told a story about a Heterosexual activist? I'm sure the government is chuck full of 'em. So what?
    BP chief quits over gay affair
    Has the media ever reported how anyone ever quit anything because their affair was heterosexual? says:
    US military chief calls homosexual acts 'immoral'
    I'm sure that even you jaded fellows can think up a few heterosexual acts that could be regarded as 'immoral.' But, has any important military official given them similar attention? Why not? The military is about 97% heterosexuals and only 3% gay. I'm sure that a significant percentage of heterosexuals in the military do things like

    the dirty sanchez
    oral/anal sex

    but where are the denounciations for these things? Where are the military leaders who protest," There seems not to be much interest in what 97% of the population is doing, just the other 3% who seem to be having a much better time. Where are the stories that announce, " html ?"

    Yep, gay people are just the subject of too much attention, when it comes to sexual orientation. These "Holier-Than-Thou" types focus on gay people instead of on their own shortcomings. Well, screw 'em, and the horses they rode into town on.
    That's what I say . . .


    Wife who killed pastor husband may serve 60 days
    POSTED: 5:48 p.m. EDT, June 8, 2007
    Story Highlights• Mary Winkler's time served since arrest counts toward sentence
    • She was convicted in April of manslaughter
    • Winkler shot her husband in the back, took children to Alabama beach
    • She testified that popular Church of Christ preacher was an abusive husband

    SELMER, Tennessee (AP) -- A woman who killed her preacher husband with a shotgun blast to the back as he lay in bed was sentenced Friday to three years in prison, but she may end up serving only 60 days in a mental hospital.

    Mary Winkler must serve 210 days, or about seven months, of her sentence before she can be released on probation, but she gets credit for the five months she has already spent in jail, Judge Weber McCraw said.

    That leaves only two months, and McCraw said up to 60 days of the sentence could be served in a facility where she could receive mental health treatment. That means Winkler may not serve any significant time in prison.

    Winkler, 33, was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in April and could have received up to six years for killing her husband, Matthew, in the parsonage where the family lived in March 2006.

    At her trial she testified she was physically and emotionally abused by her husband, but at her sentencing hearing Friday she said, "I think of Matthew every day, and I'll always miss him and love him."

    She pleaded to the judge for leniency, and asked to be reunited with her three daughters, who are now in the custody of Matthew Winkler's parents. The judge denied Winkler's request for full probation or judicial diversion, which would have eventually cleared her record of the conviction.

    Prosecutors had sought a murder conviction against Mary Winkler, who they alleged had been trying to keep her husband from learning about a check-kiting scheme. They claimed she had become caught up in a swindle known as the "Nigerian scam," which promises riches to victims who send money to cover the processing expenses.

    Winkler, however, testified during her trial that her husband hit and kicked her, forced her to look at pornography and demanded sex she considered unnatural. Jurors were shown a pair of tall, platform shoes and a black wig Winkler said she was pressured to wear during sex.

    Matthew Winkler's family said at the sentencing hearing that Mary Winkler's allegations amounted to a second attack on her husband, a popular 31-year-old preacher at the Fourth Street Church of Christ in Selmer.

    "The monster that you have painted for the world to see? I don't think that monster existed," said Matthew Winkler's mother, Diane Winkler.

    When Mary Winkler took the stand, she turned to her husband's family and told them she was "so sorry this has happened." She said she understood they were angry with her and that she prayed every night for them to have peace.

    Mary Winkler was arrested a day after shooting her husband. She was found 340 miles away on the Alabama coast, driving the family minivan with her daughters inside.

    Diane Winkler testified that the girls, ages 9, 7 and 2, were having nightmares about people with guns breaking into their house.

    "You've never told your girls you're sorry. Don't you think you at least owe them that?" she asked.

    Mary Winkler's sister, Tabitha Freeman, asked the judge to give her a chance to be reunited with her children, and called her "the best example of a good person I can think of."

    "She just needs them. She's not complete without them," Freeman said.

  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Here's another example --
    A story where a preacher abused his wife for several years, and the wife got fed up with it and shot him dead, and ran away with the kids.
    There's not a mention of their sexual orientation. There are no headlines like

    Heterosexual Horror: Abusive Preacher's Wife Sends Him to Hell
    Harried Heterosexual Woman Shoots Hubby to Kingdom Come

    Yet, at
    they write:
    New Jersey Governor Resigns Over Homosexual Affair
    Does it really matter if it's a homosexual affair or a heterosexual affair? If it was a heterosexual affair, would the headline read, "Governor resigns over heterosexual affair?"

    At they report,
    Has anyone ever told a story about a Heterosexual activist? I'm sure the government is chuck full of 'em. So what?
    BP chief quits over gay affair
    Has the media ever reported how anyone ever quit anything because their affair was heterosexual? says:
    US military chief calls homosexual acts 'immoral'
    I'm sure that even you jaded fellows can think up a few heterosexual acts that could be regarded as 'immoral.' But, has any important military official given them similar attention? Why not? The military is about 97% heterosexuals and only 3% gay. I'm sure that a significant percentage of heterosexuals in the military do things like

    the dirty sanchez
    oral/anal sex

    but where are the denounciations for these things? Where are the military leaders who protest," There seems not to be much interest in what 97% of the population is doing, just the other 3% who seem to be having a much better time. Where are the stories that announce, " html ?"

    Yep, gay people are just the subject of too much attention, when it comes to sexual orientation. These "Holier-Than-Thou" types focus on gay people instead of on their own shortcomings. Well, screw 'em, and the horses they rode into town on.
    That's what I say . . .


    Wife who killed pastor husband may serve 60 days
    POSTED: 5:48 p.m. EDT, June 8, 2007
    Story Highlights• Mary Winkler's time served since arrest counts toward sentence
    • She was convicted in April of manslaughter
    • Winkler shot her husband in the back, took children to Alabama beach
    • She testified that popular Church of Christ preacher was an abusive husband

    SELMER, Tennessee (AP) -- A woman who killed her preacher husband with a shotgun blast to the back as he lay in bed was sentenced Friday to three years in prison, but she may end up serving only 60 days in a mental hospital.

    Mary Winkler must serve 210 days, or about seven months, of her sentence before she can be released on probation, but she gets credit for the five months she has already spent in jail, Judge Weber McCraw said.

    That leaves only two months, and McCraw said up to 60 days of the sentence could be served in a facility where she could receive mental health treatment. That means Winkler may not serve any significant time in prison.

    Winkler, 33, was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in April and could have received up to six years for killing her husband, Matthew, in the parsonage where the family lived in March 2006.

    At her trial she testified she was physically and emotionally abused by her husband, but at her sentencing hearing Friday she said, "I think of Matthew every day, and I'll always miss him and love him."

    She pleaded to the judge for leniency, and asked to be reunited with her three daughters, who are now in the custody of Matthew Winkler's parents. The judge denied Winkler's request for full probation or judicial diversion, which would have eventually cleared her record of the conviction.

    Prosecutors had sought a murder conviction against Mary Winkler, who they alleged had been trying to keep her husband from learning about a check-kiting scheme. They claimed she had become caught up in a swindle known as the "Nigerian scam," which promises riches to victims who send money to cover the processing expenses.

    Winkler, however, testified during her trial that her husband hit and kicked her, forced her to look at pornography and demanded sex she considered unnatural. Jurors were shown a pair of tall, platform shoes and a black wig Winkler said she was pressured to wear during sex.

    Matthew Winkler's family said at the sentencing hearing that Mary Winkler's allegations amounted to a second attack on her husband, a popular 31-year-old preacher at the Fourth Street Church of Christ in Selmer.

    "The monster that you have painted for the world to see? I don't think that monster existed," said Matthew Winkler's mother, Diane Winkler.

    When Mary Winkler took the stand, she turned to her husband's family and told them she was "so sorry this has happened." She said she understood they were angry with her and that she prayed every night for them to have peace.

    Mary Winkler was arrested a day after shooting her husband. She was found 340 miles away on the Alabama coast, driving the family minivan with her daughters inside.

    Diane Winkler testified that the girls, ages 9, 7 and 2, were having nightmares about people with guns breaking into their house.

    "You've never told your girls you're sorry. Don't you think you at least owe them that?" she asked.

    Mary Winkler's sister, Tabitha Freeman, asked the judge to give her a chance to be reunited with her children, and called her "the best example of a good person I can think of."

    "She just needs them. She's not complete without them," Freeman said.
    Actually the proper term is "Fvck you and fvck the Horse you rode in on"

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