This article makes a good point for the human Vs animal comparison
Homosexual behavior among animals
It is said that 450 species of animals have been documented as exhibiting homosexual behavior. So now the question is: Is homosexuality among humans natural?
Actually, I think the bigger question is: Are humans in the animal kingdom?
The article lists penguins, apes, dolphins, and some birds as examples. Apes really draw attention because of their close resemblance to humans. But an ape is not human.
Ask yourself: Do you consider yourself a mere animal? Don't you believe there's a soul in you, something that makes you who you are, and something that no animal has? Many homosexual activists argue for their "natural" behavior by using such studies in the animal kingdom. It is sad that they would stoop themselves down to the level of animals in order to justify their sexual "orientation" and behavior.
We all know that animals kill their own and even devour their own. Would that justify a murderer to commit the crime? What would the judge - or yourself - think when the murderer's defense attorney says that some species of monkeys kill their own all the time in the wild, and that's why it's "natural" for his client to commit murder. It would sound absolutely ludicrous, wouldn't it?!
Behavioral studies of animals are not about humans. Humans know good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, morality vs. immorality. It is in our hearts, in our souls, although sometimes we reject it. That is what makes us human.