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Thread: Us Stock Market

  1. #1
    AUSGYMJUNKIE is offline New Member
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    Us Stock Market

    hey bros here from australia....

    does anybody whos involved in the trading of stocks in the stock market have anything to say about all these dramas? my main question is will this sub prime trouble recover and blow over? the reason why im asking is because stocks here in oz and all over the world are copping a beating.
    the sub prime problem does not directly affect my stocks but its causing panic selling which is sending the market way down which means im losing a shit load of money everyday, analysts here are saying it will pass and return to normal here in oz because our economy is strong but im not so confident.....

    any comments guys would be helpful

  2. #2
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Anything to do with energy is going to blow up over the next couple years....

  3. #3
    Tock's Avatar
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    It'll be fine. The gov't will pump mega $$$ into the system to keep things stable, and the American taxpayer will end up footing the bill.

    It's kinda sad, because the crazy idiots who were making all the loans should have known that the loans were likely to fail, but they made them anyway. They probably thought that if things went bad, the US government would bail them out, which is what's probably going to happen.

    Seems to me that the consequenses of those bad loans should be borne by the people who made them, not the taxpayer. JMHO . . .

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AUSGYMJUNKIE
    im losing a shit load of money everyday
    you're not losing any money unless you sell while it's down.

  5. #5
    Prada's Avatar
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    One word: Diversify.

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    you're not losing any money unless you sell while it's down.

  7. #7
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    It'll be fine. The gov't will pump mega $$$ into the system to keep things stable, and the American taxpayer will end up footing the bill.

    It's kinda sad, because the crazy idiots who were making all the loans should have known that the loans were likely to fail, but they made them anyway. They probably thought that if things went bad, the US government would bail them out, which is what's probably going to happen.

    Seems to me that the consequenses of those bad loans should be borne by the people who made them, not the taxpayer. JMHO . . .
    So you are against low income families owning their own home? Do you think that all low income families should be quartered in this nation's ghettos........

  8. #8
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    So you are against low income families owning their own home? Do you think that all low income families should be quartered in this nation's ghettos........
    Logan, feel free to think that I am against all low income familes that own their own home. If their home is paid for, it should be taken away from them. If it's not paid for, then they should be forced to work 2nd and 3rd jobs until it is paid for, and then it should be taken away from them.
    And after that, not only should every member of those families be quartered in the nation's ghettos, but they should be drawn and quartered in the nation's ghettos, and made an example of to any other low income family that might have the gumption to try such a thing.

    Ya, that's what I'm saying, Logan.
    Sheesh . . .

  9. #9
    AUSGYMJUNKIE is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    you're not losing any money unless you sell while it's down.
    yeah true i havent lost the money just the shares arent worth what they used to be which feels just as bad...but im going to ride it out and im sure the market will recover once the panic settles, i hope anyways.....

    whats with the mining sector? all base metal prices are falling continously which is hurting mining there alot more companies mining these days? competition and supply must be out wei***ng demand which is sending prices down...any of you guys have suggestions for some future growth possibilities in any sectors?

  10. #10
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    When I look at my 401k, I try and think about the shares i'm buying while it is low.

    (it's hard not to look at the loss column)

  11. #11
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Logan, feel free to think that I am against all low income familes that own their own home. If their home is paid for, it should be taken away from them. If it's not paid for, then they should be forced to work 2nd and 3rd jobs until it is paid for, and then it should be taken away from them.
    And after that, not only should every member of those families be quartered in the nation's ghettos, but they should be drawn and quartered in the nation's ghettos, and made an example of to any other low income family that might have the gumption to try such a thing.

    Ya, that's what I'm saying, Logan.
    Sheesh . . .
    Are you slandering the nation's poor Tock? I do not think that they would take kindly to this type of rhetoric, even the poor can get lawyers. Does this sound familiar big guy?

  12. #12
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
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    wow logan, you actually sound socialistic...are u aware of that?!

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