Carter was supportive of Israel, which pissed off Iran and other Arab countries who retaliated with the Great Oil Boycott, which in turn drove up the price of oil, which in turn drove the US economy into recession. US industry was forced to increase prices for everything to pay for higher energy costs, which created US inflation.
. . . So, I'll assume you would have preferred that Carter had a pro-Arab foreign policy, which would have avoided all those problems, yes?
As far as the Iran hostage crisis, Carter had the military planners put together a bold plan to rescue the hostages. The plan failed when the low-flying helicopters broke down because they blew up too much sand, and the sand got into the engines and made 'em crash.
. . . So, was that Carter's fault? Was it Carter's fault that the Ayatollah Koumani took control of the country?
What would you have done differently?
IMHO, Carter's blamed 100% for errors created by previous administrations. US mideast foreign policy should have favored Arabs from the day the Ottoman Empire crashed. It's not too late to change US policy, but somehow I don't think that will happen. Too many Christian Fundamentalists want war with Iran, and the US will make that mistake sooner or later.
Oh well. Blame who you like. Makes no difference; US foreign policy is unlikely to get straightened out anytime soon.
Almost from the beginning of the crisis, U.S. military forces started formulating plans to recover the hostages, and by early April 1980 the U.S. administration, still unable to find anyone to negotiate with in a meaningful fashion, was seeking a military option. Despite political turbulence in Iran, the hostages were still being held by their original captors in the embassy complex. On April 24 a small U.S. task force landed in the desert southeast of Tehran. From that staging point, a group of special operations soldiers was to advance via helicopter to a second rally point, stage a quick raid of the embassy compound, and convey the hostages to an airstrip that was to be secured beforehand by a second team of soldiers, who were to fly there directly from outside Iran. The soldiers and hostages would then withdraw by air. However, the operation was fraught with problems from the beginning. Two of the eight helicopters sent for the operation malfunctioned before arriving at the first staging area, and another broke down on the site. Unable to complete their mission, U.S. forces sought to withdraw, during which one of the remaining helicopters collided with a support aircraft. Eight U.S. service members were killed, and their bodies, left behind, were later paraded before Iranian television cameras. The Carter administration, humiliated by the failed mission and loss of life, expended great energy to have the bodies returned to the United States. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, who had opposed the mission, resigned in protest. All diplomatic initiatives in the hostage crisis came to a standstill, and the hostages were placed, incommunicado, in new, concealed locations.