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Thread: 'The Views' History Lesson

  1. #1

    'The Views' History Lesson

    "Keep in mind that probably when [Epicurus] was around, there was no Jesus Christ stuff going on," said co-host Whoppi Goldberg said.

    "They still had Christians back then," Shepherd interrupted.

    "They had gods," Goldberg said.

    "They had Christians," Shepherd insisted. "And they threw 'em to the lions."

    "I think this might predate that," Goldberg said.

    "I don't think anything predated Christians," Shepherd shot back.

    Behar then piped in.

    "The Greeks came first, then the Romans, then the Christians," she said.

    "Jesus came first, before then," Shepherd said.

    "No, not on paper," Goldberg sadly said, meaning the Bible.

    I love the way the 'smarter' one corrects shephard by saying, "The Greeks came first, then the Romans, then the Christians,"

  2. #2
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I bet she was a blonde in a previous life.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Canada - No source checks
    The View should be abolished from existance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    What a waste of air.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    source check [email protected]
    bunch of old hags that are pmsing 24/7 how can anyone watch this shit

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by eliteforce View Post

    "Keep in mind that probably when [Epicurus] was around, there was no Jesus Christ stuff going on," said co-host Whoppi Goldberg said.

    "They still had Christians back then," Shepherd interrupted.

    "They had gods," Goldberg said.

    "They had Christians," Shepherd insisted. "And they threw 'em to the lions."

    "I think this might predate that," Goldberg said.

    "I don't think anything predated Christians," Shepherd shot back.

    Behar then piped in.

    "The Greeks came first, then the Romans, then the Christians," she said.

    "Jesus came first, before then," Shepherd said.

    "No, not on paper," Goldberg sadly said, meaning the Bible.

    I love the way the 'smarter' one corrects shephard by saying, "The Greeks came first, then the Romans, then the Christians,"
    A Christian cannot pre-date Christ. But the Old Testament(10 Commandments) goes back to the 12th century BC. Anyone know where in the timeline Islam comes into play..............

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    bunch of old hags that are pmsing 24/7 how can anyone watch this shit
    At least Whoopie speaks intelligently.

  8. #8
    um i think we know that, that a christian cannot predate christ, thats why we're making fun of how stupid these women are that get to serve as commentators..islam was about 700ad i guess..prior to that the arabs were followers of a non-monotheistic religion based on these stones that represented different spirits..

    the roman impire eventually adopted chritianity at about 200AD, it then split in 2 and the Byzantine Empire came to control Palestine and what is now Lebanon and Syria, it was the Byzantine empire that destroyed the jewish temple in Jerusalem and kicked out Jews, makeing their empire a 'Christian' state. The Jews took refuge in the territories of the Arabs, hense you have(had) yemini, and iraqi jews. Once the Arabs went islam they rolled over the Byzantines taking Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine..then they kept going all the way through north africa and into spain..or what was the Arab Empire but most commonly known as the Islamic Caliphate. The Arabs allowed their Jewish cousins back into Palestine or where ever they wanted to live in the empire.
    Then The Christian Crusaders came in about 1100 and expelled the Jews(and muslims) again, when they reached Jerusalem they executed every muslim and jewish man, woman, and child in the city an moved in to 'live' there.
    87 years later Saladin finally sacked Jerusalem and the 1st crusade was finshed, the christians were expelled to acre and then acre eventualy surrendered
    The Arabs again allowed the Jews to return to Palestine but constructed the Al-Aqsa mosk on the temple mount (the crusaders had used the site to store rubish).
    there were at least 3 more crusades after that but none were able to take palestine again until the ottoman empire took it.

  9. #9
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    All that talk is great....But the Bible at most goes back 5,500 years...Where was the bible and "God" for the last 600,000 years of human existence? Not to mention, several polytheisitc societies that have existed well before any verse of the bible was written.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    All that talk is great....But the Bible at most goes back 5,500 years...Where was the bible and "God" for the last 600,000 years of human existence? Not to mention, several polytheisitc societies that have existed well before any verse of the bible was written.
    Since records only go back to around 6-7k years ago, how do you know what mankind believed in prior to this? The answer is quite honestly, that you don't.
    Last edited by Logan13; 12-11-2007 at 12:49 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Exagerating? Why?

    The Homo genus (which we descend from) started around 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago with Homo habilis. Homo sapien (which we are) started around 300,000 years ago.

    Archeological finds confirm that...


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup View Post
    Exagerating? Why?

    The Homo genus (which we descend from) started around 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago with Homo habilis. Homo sapien (which we are) started around 300,000 years ago.

    Archeological finds confirm that...

    who are you to say what, if anything, man believed in prior to any historical written records(6-7K years ago)?

  13. #13
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Do you think its unresonable to exclude that they belived in the bible before the bible even was written?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern View Post
    Do you think its unresonable to exclude that they belived in the bible before the bible even was written?
    Yes, since these stories came down from someone at sometime prior to being written down.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    Since records only go back to around 6-7k years ago, how do you know what mankind believed in prior to this? The answer is quite honestly, that you don't.
    I dont think its really my place to speculate on such things, all I asked was where was this bible for the passed couple hundred thousand years of human history? and, why did God wait 295,000 years to bless mankind(Homo-Sapiens) with his "love" for them in written form? Didnt they need a code to live their lives by prior to this point in history? We already know that some of the oldest human remains have arrow heads in them, and that people murdered then, pre-dating the Bible. So where was God to inform mankind in writing that killing was wrong?

    Quite honestly, you cant prove that they DID believe in him. So either way its a moot point.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I dont think its really my place to speculate on such things, all I asked was where was this bible for the passed couple hundred thousand years of human history? and, why did God wait 295,000 years to bless mankind(Homo-Sapiens) with his "love" for them in written form? Didnt they need a code to live their lives by prior to this point in history? We already know that some of the oldest human remains have arrow heads in them, and that people murdered then, pre-dating the Bible. So where was God to inform mankind in writing that killing was wrong?

    Quite honestly, you cant prove that they DID believe in him. So either way its a moot point.
    It is my belief that mankind has always believed in something greater than themselves out of fear. It may have been fire, lightning, or the animals that once stalked us as prey. Whether we wish to call this a religion is another story. The humanity of religion as evolved through time. Some religions have even evolved with time, whereas others have not and may seem brutal to many of us today.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    bunch of old hags that are pmsing 24/7 how can anyone watch this shit
    Agreed .

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