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Thread: Baptist preacher hits up a young girl, age 14

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    Baptist preacher hits up a young girl, age 14

    Former Pastor Arrested on Charges He Sent Lewd Text Messages to 14-year-old Girl

    Bob Allen

    An African-American Baptist preacher once promoted by past Southern Baptist Convention presidents Paige Patterson and Jerry Vines and the late television preacher Jerry Falwell surrendered to police in Jacksonville, Fla., Monday afternoon on charges of lewd and lascivious conduct with a 14-year-old girl.

    Darrell Gilyard, 45, took a voluntary leave of absence as pastor of Jacksonville's Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church Dec. 21 after a member of his church told police she found obscene text messages from him on her daughter's cell phone Oct. 23. Gilyard resigned Jan. 4 from the church he led over a 14-year-period to grow from a dwindling congregation into a 7,000-member mega-church.

    An arrest warrant issued after a six-week investigation alleged that Gilyard "did solicit a person under 16 years old to commit a lewd act by sending her lewd text messages and requesting for her to send him lewd text messages back."

    Gilyard's attorney released a statement saying the pastor volunteered to surrender immediately upon being informed he was under arrest. He said Gilyard "has been a committed community servant, instrumental in building Shiloh Baptist from a few to several thousand, and improving many neighborhoods and the lives of young people following a path of crime and drugs."

    "It would be inappropriate to comment on any matters properly addressed in the courtroom," the statement said. "In the meanwhile, he appreciates the enormous support of his family and others, and has sought professional support for himself and his family during this very trying time."

    Gilyard was released from jail after posting $5,000 bond. His arraignment on the felony charge is scheduled Feb. 5.

    Media attention to the scandal renewed attention to 17-year-old newspaper reports from Texas reporting that Gilyard was forced to leave four churches in the 1980s and 1990s after numerous women in those congregations accused him of sexual abuse.

    Those reports also raised questions about handling of those allegations by Paige Patterson, an influential conservative leader who mentored Gilyard while president of Criswell College in Dallas. The Dallas Morning News quoted several women who said they complained to Patterson about Gilyard, but he refused to believe them and told them not to repeat their accusations without proof before finally severing ties with his former protégé after Gilyard admitted to committing adultery in 1991.

    The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests asked trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where Patterson is now president, to suspend him and investigate whether his alleged inaction helped a serial predator move from church to church.

    "I never asked anybody to remain quiet about anything," Patterson said last Thursday on Dallas-Fort Worth TV station WFFA, adding that he believes Gilyard should never be allowed back in the pulpit

    Tiffany Croft, a woman who claims she resisted unwanted advances from Gilyard 17 years ago while an 18-year-old youth leader at First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, says she, for one, doesn't hold Patterson or her pastor at the time, former SBC President Jerry Vines, responsible for Gilyard's conduct.

    Croft, who started a blog encouraging others with knowledge of past sexual misconduct by Gilyard to come forward to help police in their investigation, said she believes both Vines and Patterson were in over their heads and did not know how to handle the situation, and that both made mistakes. She said she does not know why Vines has since spoken in Gilyard's church, but he now knows it was a poor choice.

    "I extended forgiveness and mercy to him and evidently he trampled upon them," Vines wrote in an e-mail to the Florida Times-Union. "No minister if guilty of sexual improprieties, especially with underage children, should ever be allowed to stand behind the sacred desk again. Let the truth be found and let justice be done."

    Croft wrote Saturday in her blog that she would like to see Patterson and Vines "now step up and help put an end to this problem within the church."

    "We need a system where sexual predators go on the books (especially after more than one allegation) [in] some kind of record accessible by all churches to check before hiring pastors or other staff," she wrote.

    "It is not enough to do criminal background checks, because many times victims do no more than confront the church, so there is no public record," she said. "We need a system available to churches nationwide that prevents this."

    Croft said several people have asked for such a record, primarily Christa Brown of SNAP, who has asked Southern Baptist Convention leaders to consider not only a database but an independent panel to receive and review reports of sexual abuse by clergy. Brown said a church panel would function in the 90-percent-plus cases that are not prosecuted because they are outside a statute of limitations by the time a victim speaks up.

    Brown said a national database might have stopped Gilyard, because predators often continue and escalate their behavior after they are allowed to get away with it.

    Croft said Southern Baptists' current practice of trying to keep abusive clergy out of the public eye and black-ball them by word of mouth doesn't adequately protect churches.

    Croft said a national database is "such a simple thing, really," and asked, "Who better [to support it] than two prominent voices like Paige Patterson and Dr. Vines?"

  2. #2
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    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    More info on the guy:

    Gilyard's 'Rags to Riches' Tale Has Holes
    Gilyard's Former Mentor 'Embarassed'

    DALLAS, TX. -- Dr. Paige Patterson is the man who took young Darrell Gilyard just out of high school under his wing and offered him a scholarship at the Criswell Seminary where he was president.

    Patterson said in the early 80's, he took the word of a Jacksonville friend, Dr. Jerry Vines, and took Gilyard in. So that is when Gilyard began his religious training.

    Now, Patterson said it was a big mistake. "I discovered Darrell didn't tell the truth, he was unfaithful to his wife. We know much more now than we did then," Patterson said.

    Patterson even questioned Gilyard's first job in the ministry and did not think he was ready.

    "Next thing you know, I'm informed there's a problem in the church. Darrell behaved less than circumspectly with women in the church," Patterson said.

    Those same allegations would continue to surface. Patterson said four churches in Texas and Oklahoma were rocked by scandal because of Gilyard; woman after woman came forward with allegations that Gilyard was either having sex with women in the congregation or making dirty phone calls to them.

    "I did tell Darrell if he continued to do that sort of thing in his ministry, it would be dead," Patterson said.

    Patterson was so disappointed in the church sex investigations in Texas and Oklahoma that he expelled Gilyard from Criswell Seminary in Dallas. He said he did this to ensure that Gilyard would never get another job with the southern Baptist church.

    Though Gilyard was pastor at Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church for almost 15 years, it is not affiliated with the southern Baptist church.

    Dr. Jerry Vines did not immediately return our calls for comment.
    "Rags to Riches' tale has holes

    PALATKA, Fla. -- One day after former pastor Darrell Gilyard was arrested for sending lewd text messages to a teen girl, our investigation led us to his hometown in east Palatka.

    "The Darrell Gilyard Miracle Story" was first preached in sermons and was made into a movie by the late Reverand Jerry Fallwell. The story tells Gilyard's claims of going from rags to riches.

    In the story, Gilyard said he was once homeless, living under a Palatka bridge. But since his first sermon in the 90's, reports have surfaced this information simply wasn't true.

    Our investigation took us to a library where we found Barbara Davis, the woman who raised him. She died in 2000, but before she passes, she told reporters that if Gilyard had slept under a bridge, it wasn't because he did not have a home to go to.

    We also found a neighbor who knew him when he was in the 6th grade. He remembers Gilyard as a clean-cut kid who was on the student council. The two played football together at Palatka High School.


    Former Pastor Arrested
    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- The Jacksonville mega-church minister under investigation for allegedly sending sexually-explicit text messages to a middle school girl has been arrested.

    Darrell Gilyard was arrested just after 5:00 p.m. Monday night, and was charged with lewd and lascivious conduct on a child under 16-years-old.

    Within 45 minutes, however, he was out of jail, bonded out on $5,000.

    As we first told you, Gilyard stepped down as pastor weeks after our investigation uncovered a mother's allegation that her daughter received lewd text messages.

    We went to the pastor's house in an upscale gated community on the Southside to try to talk to him about the charges, but got no answer at the door.

    We also contacted Gilyard's attorney, Hank Coxe, who also didn't want to comment.

    Sources say that Pastor Gilyard is looking for jobs outside Florida. But he'll need to be back in Jacksonville by February 5th at 9 a.m. for a court date on those lewd and lascivious conduct charges.

    Local Pastor Says He Warned Shiloh about Gilyard
    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Wednesday we learned the state attorney is looking into allegations against Pastor Darrell Gilyard. Now another Baptist pastor says he warned Shiloh Baptist leaders about Gilyard years ago.

    George Harvey Junior from Mt.CharityMissionaryBaptistChurch said he read Dallas newspaper articles more than a decade ago about Gilyard leaving his church in Texas when several women accused him of inappropriate behavior.

    When Harvey learned Shiloh was considering hiring Gilyard as a pastor, he warned the deacons. He said he also told Gilyard face to face that he was not fit to lead a religious congregation.

    “I went to the church and met with Gilyard in the old auditorium and I began to share the fact from the bible perspective that he was disqualified for pastoring because of those improprieties in Texas,” Harvey said.

    The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has not filed any charges against Gilyard and has referred the matter to detectives for investigation. The state attoney’s office is investigating this case, but State Attorney Harry Shorstein would not comment any further.


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