02-16-2008, 03:41 PM #41
02-16-2008, 03:51 PM #42
i dont understand how logan and pooks can argue with something that is practically spoon fed to them and articulated so clearly.
it boggles my mind how some of you guys are so blindly patriotic to the point of national fundamentalism.
just because you live in the states does not mean that everything the US does is right, especially when its so completely obvious in this thread that russia is just trying to restore some of their previous strength and soverignity.
instead we get logan fabricating imaginary scenarios about china and russia bombing the states, come on.
the point has been proven by both karn and godfather, there is no rebuttal to be made about the FACTS
02-16-2008, 04:14 PM #43
You have obviously picked your side, do not pretend to deny me the same courtesy. What is fact, that I should want a nuclear strong Russia? Why should I as an American want that? You can parcel all you want from your island of neutrality, my American family and I do not want to see another USSR. That, my friend, is the only fact that I care about. Let me guess, your another college student who thinks he knows evrything about world politics, right? Don't you have some homework to do?
02-16-2008, 04:18 PM #44
you fail to look at it from the standpoint of others. Why should the rest of the world want an arms rich america? why should russians have their soverienty threatened by one of the most weapons rich and (at this stage in history) agressive countries in the world.
Canada isnt an island either
I'm in college but i havent ever assumed i know everything about world politics, i just choose to look at the facts instead of being a stubborn nationalist.
and lastly, im on reading break for the week. no homework for me
02-16-2008, 04:21 PM #45
Well the simple truth is that russia will continue to have the same nuclear capabilites that the us has and there is nothing anyone can do about it except russia itself. It will always be easier to build better rockets than to build a better shield.
If you really want a more secure word you should push your country to commit to more programs like megatons to megawatts. But peacefull programs might not be as sexy as building multi billion dollar useless shields?
02-16-2008, 04:23 PM #46
02-16-2008, 04:24 PM #47
02-16-2008, 04:26 PM #48
The issue is the insult towards russia and the effects it will have on peacefull projects like megatons to megawatts that can acctualy acomplish something.
Both russia and the us knows the shield is no threat against the russian deterant capability. But it is still a spit in the face to place it in former soviet countries. What can america possibly gain by insulting russia?
02-16-2008, 04:33 PM #49
02-16-2008, 04:46 PM #50
its like this.. The United States has got the GIRL now..
but her ex BF the RUSSIA is trying to restore itself back to some position involvement in our lives..
Hell yeah,, we'll try and kick them back down again..
thats how the world works.
We're number 1.. we got our buddies. . Europe.. Canada, Australia, Japan ok.. those are our buddies.. but they don't try and take our GF (shape global policies) away...they'll give input.. (maybe france a lil bit.. but thats the raunchy shaggy friend)
the Russian tried it after ww2.. and they lost.. and they'll lose again..
that might sound cocky.. but thats the attitude of confidence we need to portray.Last edited by Pooks; 02-16-2008 at 05:03 PM.
02-16-2008, 04:57 PM #51
02-16-2008, 05:15 PM #52
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
02-16-2008, 05:51 PM #53
02-17-2008, 10:22 PM #54
02-17-2008, 10:23 PM #55
02-17-2008, 10:25 PM #56
02-17-2008, 10:46 PM #57
02-17-2008, 10:55 PM #58
02-18-2008, 01:50 AM #59
02-18-2008, 01:51 AM #60
02-18-2008, 05:17 AM #61
Okay then please tell me how Iran is going to use a light water reactor and low enrichened uranium to make a bomb. Im quite curious to know since they have no reprocessing facility and the isotopic composition of lwr plutonium is absolutely horrid for weapons purposes. Me not worrying about russias lwr doesnt require giving Iran the benifit of a doubt, there simply isnt any way to use a lwr for weapons purposes without a extraordinary effort.
Frankly when it comes to nuclear issues I know a heck of alot more than you.
02-18-2008, 08:34 AM #62
To justify my lack of worry about Russia building a lwr in Iran Il write exactly why I dont worry.
When you build a plutonium bomb the plutonium is formed as a shell or ball in a subcritical(i.e no self sustaining chain reaction can take place in that geometrical configuration) state. Around the shell/ball you place conventional explosives and in the middle you put a neutron source trigger, for instance a americium/beryllium mixture.
You blow up the explosives, the plutonium gets compressed into a supercritical state and booooom.
The thing is to get the maximum yield you want the chain reaction to get started at maximum compression or close, that is what the trigger for, to deliver neutrons at the right moment to kickstart the whole thing.
But you also have neutron production in the plutonium itself, so you can never say with 100% certainty when the chain reaction will get started. That means that the explosive yield of the bomb is in acctualy a probability distribution that depends on the rate of neutron production in the plutonium.
Different isotopes of plutonium produces neutrons at different rates.
The above grap shows different mixtures of Pu and the yield probabilities. Each line shows the probability to exceed a certain yield that is given in the upper right corner. UO2 core 45MWd/kg is light water reactor fuel at a avarage burnup(roughly speaking time spent in reactor). By looking at the graph you se that the probability to get a yield larger than 15% of design value is around 12%, so a 88% chanse the bomb will be crap. The probability to get a yield more than 50% of design value is more or less nonexistant.
Now the problems doesnt end with higher neutron production, the unwanted isotopes of Pu(every isotope except 239 basicly) also produce alot of heat due to higher rated of radioactive decay. This means the nice little ball of reactor grade Pu has a surface temperature of 241 degres celsius(465 Farenheit). Imagine the problems of building a nice bomb surrounded by explosed that is at such a high temperature and to get all the electronics ect to work not only in that temperature but also constantly exposed to radiation.
So sure you can theoreticaly make a extremely shitty and unreliable weapon out of the spent fuel from the russian lwr, I think you americans did try a few bombs like that out. BUT its so much easier to build a nice and cheap graphite moderated reactor running on natural uranium in some hidden bunker that produces almost pure Pu239 for a fraction of the cost.
So does that introductionary lecture in nuclear bomb making satisfy you on why I give the russian reactor the "benifit of a doubt"
02-18-2008, 12:05 PM #63
Cold War!
02-18-2008, 01:23 PM #64
02-18-2008, 01:47 PM #65
If the state department states(please give a link) that the russian lwr is a proliferation risk they are plain wrong. The potential proliferation risk is the enrichment plant and the heavy water reactor they are planning if they in conjugation with it build a reprocessing plant.
02-18-2008, 02:03 PM #66
Karn is right that the missle shield would be overwealmed by any country that had a lot of nukes BUT this ability is just in its infancy. Wait until we perfect it to pass judgement. Through the years we have had naysayers on many advances. I agree not all of them have turned out but the US has always been on the cutting edge with military technology.
02-18-2008, 02:05 PM #67
Were not building the thing for Russia anyway. Iran, Korea, etc
02-19-2008, 08:03 AM #68
The problem with such a shield is that it will always be alot easier and cheaper to build a better rocket that can fool the shield than it will be to uppgrade the shield.
But wouldnt it be a hell of alot better to place the shield in a place where it wont results in the seed of a new arms race?
02-19-2008, 08:51 AM #69
02-19-2008, 10:09 AM #70
Well the defensive value of the shield is highly in question, why not place it in the states instead if you realy think you need it? The current plan for placement doesnt seem like it is the only possibility. Placing it on former soviet territory is just asking for troubble. If this whole deal hinders the further dismantling and destruction of weapons material it will make the world alot unsafer.
02-19-2008, 10:25 AM #71
You mean Alaska? Its one of the 50 states and its a strategic location for shooting down any incoming ICBMs. Im not sure why Putin has his panties in a bunch anyway. The US has spelled out the countries its worried about and Russia is not one of them.
You hear were going to shoot down that satellite thats already coming down?
02-19-2008, 10:35 AM #72
yeah I heard about that, makes me wonder if the satellite was realy coming down or if it is a signal to china after they shoot down a satellite last year.
I can understand Putin and Russia on this issue. Like I wrote earlier, would you be comfterable if Russia built a missile shield in say mexico or canada? To protect themself offcourse but not from the us.
02-19-2008, 11:27 AM #73
02-19-2008, 11:38 AM #74
02-19-2008, 12:09 PM #75
Right on! The EU has been very quiet abut this whole thing. I wish the EU would strongly oppose it.
How could you miss that news? It was all over the place!
Im not sure if your sarcastic with the last sentance
02-20-2008, 07:36 AM #76
02-20-2008, 07:43 AM #77
China do have some very nice technology. When it comes to nuclear tech for instance they are quickly catching on and in some cases are even ahead of USA and Europe. They publish more papers in nanotech research than the US does. Stem cell treatments are already available in china, but that is mostly because of difference in regulation rather than more advanced science.
Its like I have been saying, the US and Europe isnt hungry for success anymore. Thats why China and India will fly right past us if we dont wake the **** up. They have grand visions for the future and the motivation to acomplish those visions. The avarage european or american only vision is to watch idol during the weekend.
02-20-2008, 07:52 AM #78
02-20-2008, 08:04 AM #79
02-20-2008, 10:53 AM #80
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