this isnt good, anyone ealing with a german source or remailer needs to look into their source/remailer and take any neccesary action. I see another wave happening right before the Olympics
this isnt good, anyone ealing with a german source or remailer needs to look into their source/remailer and take any neccesary action. I see another wave happening right before the Olympics
yeah i agree, raw deal part 2 is coming...
Let's see . . . 1.3 tons . . . that's the equivalent of
1.3 tons x 2000 lbs per ton = 2600 lbs
2600 lbs x 454 gms per lb = 1,180,400 grams
1,180,400 grams / 1000 mgs (1 gm) per week = 1,180,00 weeks of relatively heavy cycling for one person
1,180,000 cycle weeks / 10 week cycles = 118,000 cycles
118,000 cycles / 3 cycles per year = 39,346 years of cycles
39,346 years of cycles / 1,000 people = enough 'roids to supply 1,000 people for over 39 years
39346 years of cycles / 10,000 people = enough roids to supply 10,000 people for about 4 years
Not so much, when you look at it that way . . .
I thought nobody cared about steroids over there. Sounds like something that would happen in the US
1.3 tons isnt very accurate, after reading the article, it seems thats the total weight of product seized, including vials/water/oil etc.
regardless, that is an amazing amount of gear.
I was under the impression that AAS was legal in Germany but illegal to sell. Or was that England?
***No source checks!!!***
What a shame. Those cops are going to be huge.
Not 100% correct there Morph,
Its a bit of a grey area really.
Steroids are in the controlled narcotics classification group C along side weed etc.
Officially, If you are found to be in possession of a class C substance you can be arrested and interviewed under caution.
Im not so sure what the penalty carries now, but if you have a prescription for what you are in possssion of then you are ok.
So if you get searched and they find a few hunderd Anabol tabs in ur sky rocket they will ask you do you have a prescribtion for them.
But what is more likely to happen is they arrest you for being in possession of a substance bellieved to be a Class A controlled narctoic, namely Ecstacy.
They dotn really care over there which is why its messed up. My buddy is stationed in Vilsneck Germany and he told me he could buy it at certain stores like off the shelf.
guys, we may be missing the point here. Germany may not care about steroids, but the US certanly does, I was once told by a DEA agent that if any of the drugs come into the US, then they can go after the person getting them here, so either the US had a role in this or the german govt. wasnt getting paid right by these guys.
Depends where you go. Its the continent so they are alot more layed back there then in the more western countries.
Few years back i was in Cyprus and called by one Chemist to get some erm medicine. I was told that its not like Greece and they dont do things like that without prescribtions anymore.
As i was really really ill i called by another one not 100 yards away and got a years supply of cold remedies, the guy even adivsed me on cheaper generic copies, was well impressed!
Poland, Czech Rep, Turkey are all the same also.
I see Germany being no different. If you call by a Chemist in a quiet town and ask for something, if they see you are not local they will more than likely sell you what you need, at the end of the day its business and business is business.
Im not talking about the social economic or cultural differences in Germany and Czech Rep, Im simply stating that they are near each other and up until not long ago you could buy stuff over the counter in places like the Czech Rep.
I used Cyprus because of a personal experience but i guess it was all too hard for you to sum up. I didn't say Turkey was in Europe either dip shit.
Id say its still an on going part of Rawdeal since one of the largest manufacturers of Medical drugs outside the US is German. I would imagine that the US would have particular interests in stopping the supply of those generic copies you find coming from Pakistan, China etc.
The whole parcel of it all is to basically place the monopoly on the major manufacturers all of whom 3 are American with one being German/American.
One of these 3 manufactures Viagra, and one of these 3 had a revenue of $48 billion in 2007
The US have the monopoly on the world production of such products, this allows them to restrict medical services where desired and put the prices up to an amount of their choice, which became evident a couple of years following 9/11.
After agreeing to supply aid to third world countries the US government donates a measly amount of aid but then with the backing of the big 3 firms manages to sue the South African government for the manufacture and free distribution of growth hormone to aids sufferers.
This is just a tit bit of what has been going on behind the scenes, it doesn't stop with this bust in Germany, thats small fry to the things that are actually going on, as are the busts on the UGL's
names calling, how matureand yes, the economy makes the difference. czech as a former eastern block country has had enormous problems in the past. only because of this it was possible to e.g. buy some steroids in pharmacies. germany is a total different story. cyprus is principally a third world country. u could buy almost anything there. ur comparison shows u have no clue about it. just because u visited a place once makes u an expert?
and I dont doubt that it will be possible to buy gear under the table - the chances are about as high as in the us.
How is Cyprus a third world country, principally or not tell me how?
Again its an EXAMPLE of how pharmacies are. I called buy one and told to sling my hook, i then called to one 100 yards away and got what i want! It all depends on the person behind the counter.
If i can walk in to a Phamacy in Manchester England and get pretty much anything i want im sure there are places in Germany that are the same, money is money, if business is bad what are they going to to say no and let thier family starve?
Get off your high horse about it all, just because you live in Gemrany doesnt make you an expert on how things work, but i guess you being in Germany makes you an expert on everything that happens in your country, despite being told by an American that his friend buys stuff over the counter there.
As for the name calling, you started it with your BS waving flag attitue, whats all that about? you still pissed of that you lost the war or something? or is more the fact that some one living in your country might know someone working in a pharmacy in there who sells them steroids over the counter without a prescribtion?![]()
Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 03-30-2008 at 07:28 AM.
All I know is what my buddy told me who lives there on base. He doesnt juice but hundreds of guys on his base do and they go right to the store to get it. Im not sure if its a pharmacy or walmart "joke of course" but I know they get it no problem. Maybe because they are U.S Army. who knows but my buddy didnt make that up for the fun of it.
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