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Thread: Global Warming Causes Earthquakes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Global Warming Causes Earthquakes

    Melting Ice Sheets Can Cause Earthquakes, Study Finds
    Mason Inman
    for National Geographic News

    March 14, 2008
    As ice sheets melt, they can release pent-up energy and trigger massive earthquakes, according to new study.

    Global warming may already be triggering such earthquakes and may cause more in the future as ice continues to melt worldwide, the researchers say.

    A series of large earthquakes shook Scandinavia around 10,000 years ago, along faults that are now quiet, the scientists point out.

    The timing of each earthquake roughly coincided with the melting of thick ice sheets from the last ice age in those same places.

    Researchers had suspected that the melting had triggered these earthquakes by releasing pressure that had built up in Earth's crust.

    Now a new study, the first to use sophisticated computer models to simulate how ice sheets would affect the crust in the region, bolsters this scenario.

    The study showed that earthquakes are "suppressed in presence of the ice and promoted during melting of the ice," said study leader Andrea Hampel of the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany.

    Hampel and a colleague had earlier found evidence that the shrinkage of a huge lake at the end of the last ice age had triggered a series of large earthquakes in Utah.

    The new study shows this can happen even along faults that are normally quiet and are not prone to slip.

    The new research will be published soon in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    So expect to see Al Gore at the next Earthquake site to say, "you see, I told you so!". This is unreal, these global warming fearmongers are relentless and know no bounds, everything bad and I mean everything is due to global warming even earthquakes!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I would love to hear a full presentation on this bullcrap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Big D
    Global warming may be happening but there is absolutely zero we have to do with it!!!!

    This earth of ours was covered in ice at one point and it warmed up from there!

    If you really look at it we are sitting next to the largest heat source in the galaxy! It's called the freaking sun! We are basicallly just slow cooking!

    That's as close as I'm going to get to admitting that there is such a thing as global warming!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood080 View Post
    Global warming may be happening but there is absolutely zero we have to do with it!!!!

    This earth of ours was covered in ice at one point and it warmed up from there!

    If you really look at it we are sitting next to the largest heat source in the galaxy! It's called the freaking sun! We are basicallly just slow cooking!

    That's as close as I'm going to get to admitting that there is such a thing as global warming!
    Naw dude we've had multiple ice ages through the years it what happens..... basically Co2 lvls slowly rise over hunders of thousands of years or whatever as the heat of the earth rises and the ice melts all of the sudden the earth corrects this by throwing us back into an ice age to reduce the temp/co2 levels and it starts all over...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    well its not news that melting ice sheets can cause earthquakes, hell the swedish nuclear waste storage is designed specifically to be able to handle such earthquakes when the next ice age ends.

    But I dont se how the current glacieres melting could cause earthquakes in any important area. Maby greenland but what the hell does it matter if a earthquake hits greenland. The research is probably not anything special, its just media that twists anything they can find.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Earthquakes in Antarctica and Greenland., oh boy... poor polar bears and penguins?

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