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Thread: Ron Paul talks abolishing the Fed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Ron Paul talks abolishing the Fed

    I like how the Fed supporters talk "stability". The guy tries to mention the depression but looked like a jackas when Ron Paul reminded him that the depression occured years after the Fed took over. hahaha

    Basically thew opinion is this "We have come to far to go back now, it's to radical to return to common sense".

    They still don't understand that a central bank is out of the communist manifesto. You cannot have capatilism when you have a central bank.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    What the Price of Gold is Telling Us

    Today’s news that gold hit $1,000 an ounce showcases the dollar’s continuing decline. In April, 2006, Dr. Paul took to the floor of the House of Representatives and gave a speech entitled "What the Price of Gold is Telling Us." At that time, gold was just over $600 an ounce. The numbers may have changed since then, but the arguments given and principles presented may be more relevant now than ever before.

    Here is an excerpt:


    One of the characteristics of commodity money-- one that originated naturally in the marketplace-- is that it must serve as a store of value. Gold and silver meet that test-- paper does not. Because of this profound difference, the incentive and wisdom of holding emergency funds in the form of gold becomes attractive when the official currency is being devalued. It’s more attractive than trying to save wealth in the form of a fiat currency, even when earning some nominal interest. The lack of earned interest on gold is not a problem once people realize the purchasing power of their currency is declining faster than the interest rates they might earn. The purchasing power of gold can rise even faster than increases in the cost of living.

    The point is that most who buy gold do so to protect against a depreciating currency rather than as an investment in the classical sense. Americans understand this less than citizens of other countries; some nations have suffered from severe monetary inflation that literally led to the destruction of their national currency. Though our inflation-- i.e. the depreciation of the U.S. dollar-- has been insidious, average Americans are unaware of how this occurs. For instance, few Americans know nor seem concerned that the 1913 pre-Federal Reserve dollar is now worth only four cents. Officially, our central bankers and our politicians express no fear that the course on which we are set is fraught with great danger to our economy and our political system. The belief that money created out of thin air can work economic miracles, if only properly ’managed,’ is pervasive in D.C."
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    you know its a damn shame that this country has the people so brain washed that they see ron paul talk and don't even question the fact that maybe this guy might have a point. just i like was watching this documentary the other day about how the federal income tax is bs and how there is no law that says that you have to pay it. how ever in a supreme court that pass a ruling that th IRS does not have to prove or show the nation where that law is at. that has got to be the biggest bs court ruling that i have ever heard of. we live in a country that is a well oiled machine for keeping a select few in power mean while the rest of us take it up the fanny to provide for the lavish lifestyle that those in prower get to live. sorry about the rant. i'm really steaming now i think i will go workout.LOL......

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    ^^^I honestly no longer consider these ****ing sheep Americans, that is when I speak of them I type a "" around the word.

    If they were true ****ing Americans, they would question policy and educate themselves. Instead they are to consumed with daily games and technology.

    I mean, they feel free because they can go here or there and buy their new iPhone or watch TV and use the Internet, drive the biggest cars around.

    To them, that is a free society. One day reality will hit them so hard.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    ^^^I honestly no longer consider these ****ing sheep Americans, that is when I speak of them I type a "" around the word.
    Hmm . . . yep, they're Americans, despite your frustration, and despite their lack of interest or understanding of current events.

    If other people don't benefit from the best presentation of the best information you can offer, well, that's not your fault. It's human nature not to worry about things until the s--- hits the fan.
    For now, all you can do is take action to protect yourself and your loved ones for the time when things turn to snakes.

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