you read the thread title, congratz on interjecting mindless propaganda
Thank you for an intelligent response to the discourse that was going on. You have really contributed greatly to the thread and articulated your ideas so clearly with documented facts to back them up I cant help but agree with you. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
As Blome said...There were no conservatives in the White House for the passed 8 years. Only neo-conservatives, who are not conservatives at all.
You guys are hilarious. Conservatives, neo-conservatives. Whatever. When they have piss poor performance you try and distance yourself by giving them a new label.![]()
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
i was giving you a personal insite to my life and experience with racism. what do you thing blacks are the only one who experience it? blacks are not the only people who have to over come poverty, but they are do get certain help that is not available to a white kid. they get this help just b/c they are black, not for any other reason. they dont have white only scholarships or whites only colleges (point of the story). this to me is the strongest example of racism in society to day. guess who are the ones being descriminated against? whites. there are more whites in poverty than blacks across our nation. in the last 400 yrs? yeah up to the 60s. but i get it man its cool to have someone to blame for all of your shortcomings. wether or not you think what the rev. said was racist or not, you cant deny that if it had been the preacher/mentor/bestfriend of any other canidate there shot at the presidency would be over with out a question. no one can deny that no matter what race they are.
p.s. im not going to post something personal that is not true. and if your curious he joined the military (mariens) and is married and adopted his younger brother who is 16.
Dude, the more you post the more ignorant you sound (ignorant = lack of knowledge)! Where to begin....
1. That story IS made up because there isn't a scholarship in the country that works like that. If its real please post the name of the scholarship so I can give it to the 15-20 kids who could benefit from it. A little lesson in the way 'open' scholarships work (open meaning available to all students, that are offered by major universities): If two students, one black and one white, have similar grades, test scores, and achievements AND if the university has a quota to fulfill (in order to receive government money to reflect the broader society), then the black student will be given the opportunity ahead of the white student. This is how all entitlement programs work. And don't give me this shit about lowering standards to accept minority kids because everyone benefits from that because standards are lowered for everyone.
2. Sure they're are scholarships offered to blacks simply because they are black, but all those scholarship are offered by private organization and they all have academic and civic requirements to benefit from the scholarship.
3. There are no 'BLACKS ONLY' colleges or universities. There are, however, 'historically' black colleges all of which have whites and other minorities attending. Ask Carlos, I believe he attended a historically black college. These institutions were born out of necessity because up until the early 70s there were many colleges that didn't allow blacks. But once school integration reached everywhere, many historically black colleges folded. Now how come no one ever calls the Ivy League or other large colleges 'Historically' white colleges? Maybe a bit of denial. Most of them still sport minority levels of less than 5%. Hell the college I went to had less than 3% black population, 99% of whom, male and female, we on athletic scholarship (myself included).
4. There are several 'whites' only scholarships available. The Knights of Columbus gives out scholarships to Italian-Americans. The Sons of the Confederacy and the Daughters of the Confederacy give out scholarships. Jewish organizations as well as Celtic/Gaelic/Scottish clan descendants (Wallace and Campbell come to mind off hand) also all give scholarships. There are a host of others.
5. What shortcomings do I have that I blamed whites for? You don't know me and I've posted before that I am successful in spite of my skin color not because of it. Check my post in the new member intro section for my background or better yet, come to Vegas and look me up to see for yourself.
6. The whining that Obama is getting preferential treatment when it comes to his association with Rev. Wright is absurd. The fact that John McCains spiritual adviser's hateful rhetoric have yet to be covered by the media. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell similar comments and their support of conservative politicians is glanced over is proof that Obama is getting unfair treatment in this matter. How many time was his response speech (or portions of it) are replayed as compared to the times Rev. Wrights 'selective' comments are replayed?
In closing, the biggest load of bullshit out there is whites claiming they are the most discrimated against. The last time I checked they hold the majority of the position of power and make more money as opposed to other groups. Liie Chris Rock said "What are you complaining about? YOU'RE WHITE!" Wah, wah, wah, who's playing the victim now? Try whining to someone who doesn't pick up a book every now and then.
Blome, thanks for the intelligent question. I'll PM you my 'personal' experiences. But bear in mind that I haven't been oppressed because I chose not to be. I've found ways around racists obstacles all my life on my road to personal success. But thank God I had parents (yes a mother AND father) who were great examples of overcoming America's dirty little secret...racism!
Last edited by BgMc31; 04-01-2008 at 05:28 PM.
As an avid hunter and former member of law enforcement, I was already cognitive of the similarities between hunting r***es and assault r***es. But I am also aware of the differences (ie. larger magazine capacities, generally higher rates of fire, shorter range). But those are really just semantics. I know of no one who hunts with an AK47 or AR15, even though they can be used for hunting that is not their intended use.
Here's a question then, if its ok to on an assault r***e because its similar to a r***e is it safe to assume that I can own a tank, fighter plane, etc. Does the 2nd amendment protect my rights to own those things? It may seem like an absurd question, but where is the line drawn? And since, according to you all, the constitution isn't open to interpretation there is no line correct?
Oh I fully agree that fighter planes, tanks, fully automatics, etc. are absurd for the public to own, no matter how good your record is. But, the media campaign about semiautomatic AK47s and AR15s being "just like military weapons" is absolutely retarded... They're not. They're like a semiautomatic hunting r***e, but they look so scary! And they're used in like 1% of crimes, there aren't shootouts in the streets with these things. During the "assault weapon ban" of 1994 the barrel shroud and collapsible stock on an AR15 could make it illegal, and if it didn't have those two things it was totally legal.... what? Since a collapsible stock and heat shield make it so much more deadly...
The reason the phrase "assault weapon" even exists is because stupid-ass soccer moms who have seen AR15s and AK47s in games and movies and piss themselves every time they see them, think that people can just go out and buy a fully automatic one. Of course they're going to vote for an assault weapon ban, they don't know what a fukking assault weapon is... but if you told them you were going to take her dad's hunting r***e, it'd be a bit different.
It's not open to interpretation.
The second amendment:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Bear Arms being the operative word.
The definition of bear Arms:
a. to carry weapons.
b. to serve as a member of the military or of contending forces: His religious convictions kept him from bearing arms, but he served as an ambulance driver with the Red Cross.
Can you carry a tank? How about a fighter jet? That's your answer.
^^on, but no tren
But can I not carry a rocket launcher, anti-tank weapon, any series of shoulder fired missile system, etc.? These do border on the absurd but again where is the line drawn?
Oh, in regards to your original question, I wasn't being sarcastic, I will PM you my own experiences later this evening. That's real talk!
im sorry im to ignorant to understand how a decesion based soley on ones race is not racism...please enlighten me. are we not supposed to be judged by character of a man not the color of his skin...if the white kid has better "character" than why doesnt he get excepted? it is b/c the color of his skin...tell me how lowering standards helps everyone? seems to me that the guy with the higher qualification is loosing, but i dont have any fancy facts to type or distorted data from the website of my choice to go by all i have is common sense.
3.these ivy legue colleges are predominatly white because they dont lower there standards to accept people who arnt qualified. im sorry that there is no magic black points.
4.i come from a AA school, i guess that we are not big enough for all these.
5.congradulations, please help others and set a good ex (not sarcastic, though every thing else on this post is)
6.come on man all minorities get a break on the race issue, i dont know why yu wont acknowledge it, even if you dont think that obama is. look at who you listed chris rock, is there any famous white comedian that could get away with the things he says? you know the answer.
and why would i remember the name of the scholarship if he didnt get it, or even if he did.
The constitution is my concealed carry permit.
So Ivy League schools don't give special 'black' points, I thought you said we get special treatment, so which is it? Make up your mind, you are starting to allow your anger to increase your ignorance. I on the other hand don't acknowledge minority special treatment because it doesn't exist. Prove to me that it does. Stats dude, where are your stats.
You have no idea what you are talking about do you? Read a book for once and you will have your eyes opened. Obviously you want to blame minorities for your shortcomings. You play the victim much better than any minority.
What white comedian can get away with shit Chris Rock does... GEORGE CARLIN!
The reason why lower standards works for everyone is because more of every race get admitted. But no one lowers standards anymore anyway (thanks to U of Michigan challenge of affirmative action which I agree with).
The reason why you can't remember the name of the scholarship is because IT DOESN'T EXIST! Your arguments are baseless.
Its like arguing with a 12yr old who thinks they know it all regardless of what proof you show them. Obviously your AA education was a complete waste of money.
Last edited by BgMc31; 04-01-2008 at 09:13 PM.
Not sure why you keep denying the facts, it seems as though in your mind you can't or won't accept the fact that Obama isnt the second coming of Christ. Why do you bring up McCain, we're not debating McCain here, hes already thrown his chips in with Bush which brands him a complete jackass, so theres no need to draw similarities, besides McCain and the religious zealots you mentioned don't share the same intimate relationship Obama has with Wright. McCain was trying to get votes from the religions right, in fact in prior election he insulted the preachers you mentioned. A better point to make might be that hes willing to do whatever to win votes. Seems like you've been listening to too many liberal radio programs!
Just to get this clear, do you even think Mr. Wright was out of line in any of the outrageous shit he said? Seems like you're prescribing to the talk like 'he jus a good ole black preacher using firey words to get the people goin!', rather than acknowledging the fact hes a racist hate monger who Obama considers 'like an uncle'.
obviously we percieve things in a different way. unlike you, i dont see where the black race has to overcome adversity any more than the white race. what do blacks have to overcome that everyone else doesnt. give me a law that applies to blacks that doesnt apply to every other american? we all have to overcome adversity in some form to be successful.
im not blaming anyone for my shortcomings. im 22 y/o, come from a broken home, in the middle of nowhere, and earn in the top 1% of my county, with no college education. i dont know where this conversation turned but i dont even remeber what we were originally talking about, my last three post have all been personal.
Where in any of posts did I say Obama was the second coming? I actually gave reasons why I support his candacy, none of which borders on religious fanaticism. I think Obama is the best of the three available.
I brought up McCain in response to a post saying that McCain hasn't any similar affiliations. I proved that he did. Regardless of why he's aligned himself with this zealot, the fact remains he still has and the media and conservatives have yet to mention this at all. Purely a double standard.
Do I think Wright was out of hand? OF COURSE! But no one has yet to provide a single statement that was racists. I don't support what he said and it was clearly offensive. But there is a difference between racists speech and offensive speech.
Last edited by BgMc31; 04-01-2008 at 09:35 PM.
Hes a hate monger going on rants about 'white america', I'm sure that really does wonders for the people taking in that rhetoric. No better than Pat Robertson saying Katrina was because of gays. No wonder so many black people have this idea of 'us' and 'them'.
And I'm guessing the reason the media doesnt go after McCain is because of THE REASONS I LISTED. Hes clearly kissing up to the religious right in a shameless ploy to win votes, not toting the religious whackos as part of the family.
Last edited by zartan; 04-01-2008 at 09:44 PM.
And therein lies the problem. Of course you can't see what a black person has to overcome because you aren't black just like I'm insensitive to the perspective of a white man (you) who complains about minority 'special' treatment because I don't see it. We see this great country through different lenses but it doesn't mean we love it more or less than the other. Its debates like this that can open people's eyes and maybe one day this can all be resolved. The problem is politicians and the media only talk at one side which polarizes people. Libs listen to their shows and conservatives listen to theirs. Same with blacks and whites. But that is another reason why I'm supporting Obama. Good or bad, he's someone who is finally forcing us to face the problem of race in this country. Everybody always says that this race issue keeps us from facing 'real' issues that need to be dealt with. But race is such a fundamental issue in this country that has never really been faced before...and now its unavoidable!
Good to see your voting for a president based on race. What exactly would you hope to see accomplished by the fact the president is half black? IF anything it should show all the nay sayers that America is pretty advanced in terms of race when we are willing to give the highest office in the land to a man percieved as a member of a 12% minority!
I'm not voting for him simply because of the race issue. If you read my previous posts you will see there are a litany of other reasons as well. Plus you last statement is true, if elected it not only shows the world how far we progressed but it also shows ourselves that skin color is just color.
I don't listen to talk radio. Espn radio and shade 45 on sirius is what I listen to daily.
So George Carlin, Billy Crystal, Kirk Douglas, Adam Sandler, John Daly, these people aren't white? Man I must have missed something. If they aren't white maybe Sammy Sosa and Big Papi, or Tim Duncan and Colin Powell aren't black since none were born here.
Oh the wisdom of Peter Griffin. Funny yet oh so true when speaking of middle eastern Jews. But most Jews live in Russia (the original Caucasians).
Obama making it this far in the election is proof of that already. Not to say you aren't doing this, but people should be focused on the issues, not voting for Obama because hes black or to prove a point. That is ass backwards racism... Its like the black student saying to the black professor, 'cmon man hook me up, we are brothas'! I don't think theres any white groups of people meeting up saying 'cmon fellas we gotta make a plan to git these blacks and asians down! But there are groups of black people doin it and publicly and in churches with people like Wright preaching intolerance rather then respect and overcoming adversity through persistence.
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