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Not "twisted." Just enforced.
Liberals don't think that tax money should be used to indoctrinate public school children in the ways of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. What's so bad about that?
What's so terrible about the FCC Fairness Doctrine? All it does is make the publicly owned airwaves available to responsible parties representing opposing points of view on controversial topics.
Rush Lim-baugh and all the other caustic-tongued right-wing talk radio jockeys don't like this sort of thing, because it means that when they say something incredibly stupid on an important topic, then the broadcaster has to make free time available to an opposing point of view. That costs them advertising $$$ time, too.
Since right-wingnuts monopolize talk radio, and they don't want to share their air-time with knowledgable liberal spokesmen, they're the ones harping against the FCC Fairness Doctrine. Well, screw 'em. They're the biggest supporters of the Bush Crime Family and the Iraq War. They're the ringleaders of the dumbest people in the USA.
Screw 'em all.
The airwaves are PUBLIC PROPERTY and do not belong to US Corporations. The airwaves belong to AMERICANS, and as such, Americans deserve to hear opposing views on important topics of public interest.