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Thread: Teen makes mistake of trying to rob former U.S. Marine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Teen makes mistake of trying to rob former U.S. Marine

    Oh hell yeah! I love those stories... makes me smile.

    Police: Teen makes mistake of trying to rob former U.S. Marine
    Bay City News Service
    Article Launched: 03/27/2008 10:39:20 AM PDT

    SANTA ROSA - A boy in his mid-teens learned Wednesday afternoon that it is not a good idea to try to rob a former U.S. Marine at knifepoint, even if the former Marine is 84 years old, police said today.

    Santa Rosa police Sgt. Steve Bair said that's what happened around 2 p.m. in the 1600 block of Fourth Street. The elderly man was walking with a grocery bag in each arm when the boy approached him with a large knife, Bair said.

    The boy said, "Old man, give me your wallet or I'll cut you," Bair said. The man told the boy he was a former Marine who fought in three wars and had been threatened with knives and bayonets, Bair said.

    The man then put his bags on the ground and told the boy that if he stepped closer he would be sorry. When the boy stepped closer, the man kicked him in the groin, knocking him to the sidewalk, Bair said. The ex-Marine picked up his grocery bags and walked home, leaving the boy doubled over, Bair said.

    The man reported the attempted robbery to police 45 minutes later.

    Bair said the teen is described only as 15 or 16 years old. Anyone with information is asked to call the Police Department.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks

    good for the marine, i hate how these punks try to pick on the elderly as an easy target.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    In A Cave
    ha funny stuff

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    ha ha - good on him!

    i think the lad should have his balls cut off for trying to rob an old person!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hah.. if that were me I would have beat the shit out of the kid til he couldn't move. Then I'd call the cops.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    That was a blunder to try to rob a man that had been in not just one war but three wars and survived!!! The man is a walking badass to say the least. Plus what the hell could that teen show the Marine that he hasnt seen before?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    That's awesome, feel good story of the day!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Whats even worse is that the gentleman WARNED the kid not to mess with him! Dumb little retard didn't listen... man...


  10. #10
    HAHA i love stuff like this.

    A number of years back i was called out to an old folk home for some toast burning. Then this auld man comes up telling us what he thinks of us and that the governmernt is out of order etc and poeple should learn some respect.

    Then he said something along the lines of there was an old woman from the home there, she got mugged last week for $10, he siad if it had been him that he would have killed the little fvckers! he siad he's 78 but has tangled with much more dangerous things than these little piss ants thinking they are hard men, he siad they dont know the meaning of fear, id fvcking let them in on it!

    I then asked what his histroy was, he told me was a Paratrooper for 24 years, i thought, fvck me he must be one of the hardest old men to be still alive.
    Paratroopers have a reputation of being crazy even today, but back then they must have been total loonies! Wonder how many people he has gutted?

    Its just a shame that that generation is all dying off.

    Just done a bit of reading up on them, turns out the were intitially formed in Manchester, this guy must have been one of the first to be one, jesus the training must have been torture, it was totally experimental. I bet hes killed loads of Germans!
    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 04-04-2008 at 04:36 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Read a similar story last year. A couple of old war buddies from WWII were on a cruise with their wives when they were accosted by thieves in one of their ports-of-call. In this case they actually subdued the attacker and held him until the police arrived.

    Living through a war, or a concentration camp, or any sort of intense physical and mental adversity, leaves the survivor an incredibly strong person. WHAT can someone do to you that hasn't already been endured? Sometimes it seems that all the real fighting and dying and living was done by that "Greatest Generation", but they were placed in extraordinary circumstances none of them would have chosen, given the chance. They rose to the challenge, and I think others (including those currently alive and young) would measure up faced with a Hitler or his ilk today.


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