Originally Posted by
Rhino and Beefjr...You guys are in way over your head in this conversation. Trying to discuss politics with people who actually have a grasp on the political situation in this country. All I hear either of you doing is voicing your propagandized redneck opinions that you most likely are parroting from Fox News network.
Beefjr... You really need to attack Obama's name and make yourself sound like an inbred hick that hasn't graduated the 6th grade? There are a plethora of policy issues for which you could attack the guy and make him seem equally as unappealing to Americans, as many of his ideas are extremely left wing and Socialist. Maybe you could have pointed out the fact that he voted for the FISA bill which had a provision in it to grant immunity to telecom company's who were complicit in breaking the law and violating American citizen's civil liberties. You would have surely sounded much more intelligent and your argument would not have been predicated on a falsehood which you no doubt pulled off of Ann Coulter's blog or some other such right wing extremist site. However, I highly doubt that and most likely you picked up the "Osama bin laden" line from some other inbred hillbilly at your hunting lodge(i mean doublewide).
Rhino1...If you knew the true definition of a liberal, which was a person who believed in civil liberties and individualism you might not be spouting off at the mouth the way you are. It is only in the last couple decades that liberalism has such a perverted meaning which is associated with bleeding heart liberal Democrats. I am a registered Republican(Conservative/Libertarian). However, when you repeat baseless arguments which an Amobea could have pieced together, you are not helping the party out one bit. You simply serve to reaffirm some peoples prejudices and stereotypes that the Republican party is a bunch of good ole boys. I can't say that I'd expect much more from you, as I haven't seen you put forth one coherent sentence yet, so I'd imagine that piecing together an entire argument more then 3 sentences based on facts and statistics would likely be an impossible task for you.
So in closing, you guys ought to leave the politicking up to the people who know what they're talking about and can actually represent the party in a positive manner. Try biting your tongue the next time you feel compelled to interject your mindless uneducated opinions into threads where something of substantative value is being discussed.