Oh, you don't know about that?
How much do you know about her record in Alaska?
On the enviroment
Palin doesn't believe in human induced climate change (that alone is fine)
Sued Bush against Polar bears being listed as threatened
supports right to shoot wolves from the air
Opposes the endanged species act
Palin has supported oil and gas drilling plans and mining operations just about anywhere in Alaska
She supports creationisim taught in public schools. WTF.
She's attacked Alaska's native tribes by going after many of their tribal rights including not providing them with lauguage assistance to voters. If she can't respect the cultures within her own state, how is she going to do it on an international level?
As for her praise for giving back the money for the bridge to nowhere? The state got the money for the bridges. They just chose to spend it on something else.
Don't get me wrong she has some redeaming qualities, and she might help McCain win. I don't want to see Obama as Pres. At least on the surface she apears to lean more towads less goverment than many others that could have been picked as a running mate.