do you think the president of the US will be assassinated... dont give me abusive comments.
It could happen, there are a lot of people out there who hate him and a lot of technology that would allow such a thing from great distances
do you think the president of the US will be assassinated... dont give me abusive comments.
It could happen, there are a lot of people out there who hate him and a lot of technology that would allow such a thing from great distances
i think there will be a few tries
but i doubt any will succeed
YesI think he will, either taht or one of the three law suits that will go to the supreme court will force him to turn over his birht certificate and show that he was born in Kenya.
Then we'll get the steroid loving Biden... Woo hoo I can hardly wait
threads like shouldn't get started
even references are taken fairly seriously
freedom of speech. as long as its not a blatant threat directed solely at the individual. we can discuss these matters.
im sure the secret service will be waiting for me at home now.
me and my big mouth
I was thinking of this as soon as he beat Clinton. If there was ever a president witha target on his back this is it. I hope nothing happens but you can be sure someones plotting.
i dont,im not saying there wont be threats or even attempts,how many people/organizations do you think would like to assassinate bush but he is still here and there is alot of hate for him,what do you mean the world is not ready for a black president everybody is celebrating world wide it would appear and he just got about 64 million americans to vote for him,you will always have fringe elements about.
Here is some proof. Look up the church that Obama attended and read EVERYTHING! It shows that the church is racist against whites and that they hate America. Also his step father has ties with Alkida. Its basically handing the country to the terriost
I think this is a great thread and yes i think.....meh...i hope gets assassinated but yeah then we get Biden which is lame so i dunno or do i even care?
"good assassination" ?? hmmmm
i will remind you all about this in 2 years when he is still in office. now lets change the subject and stop talking about killing people before you get yourseld banned
hmmm.. blantant republican much? at least mccain knows that someone bought into all his nonsense campaigning.
thats like saying i knew someone from high school that went on to shoot someone 30 years later. so now all of a sudden i keep the company on murderers??
go turn on some fox news, i'm sure they will help console you..
I can't believe that after 8 years of having the worst President in US history, that people want Obama to crash, burn and even die before he's done anything.
And for the record, im sure most of the Presidents since JFK have all had plots made against them at the very least. People are talking like he's going to be the first President to have a assassination attempt on him made.
Can anyone list the last two presidents that were elected to congress prior to being elected president.
goerge w bush is and was a great president. idc what the news says how in 10 years he will be known as the worst president ever. people bush's plan wasnt going to make everything great asap. he was doing the right thing. not everything is perfect. his plan was going to GET IT DONE.... but now obama is going to ruin all of the work that was done. i am a straight up republican. obama has a couple ideas i like but nothing mccain didnt plan on doing already.
...or arrested? Anyone remember the incident about a year ago when some guy on a different board talked some shit about Bush and the SS came after him? Took ip logs from the site and tracked him down
1) I wish death on no one
2) I agree with Flagg, I think Palin could have done a better job then Bush so I'm sure Obama can do nothing worst to this least I'm hopeful
3) After hearing some comments on here, other sites and in real seems more like 1908 then 2008. I can't believe there's still people that think because they are white, or at least not black, they are somehow supirior to someone else.
bush sucked
if obama gets assasinated they should assasinate bush in retaliation, lol.
Yeah right.
on 11 September 2001, The President was visiting a school in Florida when he was told about a second plane hitting the world trade center. He then carried on reading a story about goats to the school kids. After Condoleeza Rice told him not to return to Washington, he flew around in Air Force One for two hours before finally returning to the White House to address the nation.
In a speech on board the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN on May 1 2003, Bush claimed that Iraq had just been won and that combat was over. 5 and a half years later nothing of the sort has happened, nor looks close to happening anytime soon.
Guantanomo Bay.
Until only about two months ago, Bush kept saying over and over again, how the American Economy was strong. Either he really is as stupid as everyone says or he's a liar on that subject, and the result is America in HUGE DEBT today.
Has no qualms about US Military illegally entering sovereign nations to "kill terrorists".
Even though Bin Laden claimed responsibility for the attacks on the WTC, and months before Iraq offering oil fields to America for lifted sanctions, Bush decides to have other ideas, invades Iraq and siezes ALL her oil fields. What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
And so on.
Find me one GOOD THING he has done that far outweighs any of the above.
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