Al-Qaeda nukes may have reached US shores
Souce: Frontier Post
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani and American investigators converge that Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda network may have successfully transported several nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons of mass destruction to the United States, The Frontier Post learnt Friday.
Already on high alert, United States security officials are having sleepless nights that Al Qaeda can strike in New York again on the occasion of United Nations General Assembly session.
Investigators from Pakistan’s ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) and American FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) are jointly probing into the possibilities of Al Qaeda possessing nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
They have reached a conclusion that at least two briefcase nuclear weapons may have reached the US shores, sources close to these investigators revealed to this scribe.
The investigators have been able to identify at least one briefcase weapon acquired by Al Qaeda from Central Asian rogue groups.
The weapon identified is small 8-kilogram device that carries at least 2 kg of fissionable plutonium and uranium.
The device, of Russian make, carries a serial number 9999 and manufacturing date October 1988.
The design of the device is simple.
The radioactive materials consist of Uranium and Plutonium both kept in separate compartments.
At the top of the two compartments is placed the charging mechanism.
The charging mechanism can be activated through a timer or even through a cell phone command.
Besides nuclear devices, a chemical and a biological weapon have also been identified to be in the hands of Al Qaeda activists.
They are said to be in possession of at least 70 capsules, also of Russian origin, containing a very lethal biological agent.
Broken in a crowded place, this capsule can cause deaths on a huge scale.
It melts human body meat to the bone.
Another chemical agent in the hands of Al Qaeda operators is called Vipera Lebentina Venema.
A derivative of snake poisons, this venom developed in USSR attacks through skin.
Most probable way of using this agent is through mail as with Anthrax.
US security agencies are already on high alert and realise that Al Qaeda can strike in New York again on the occasion of UN General Assembly.
Analysis of the recent statements released by Osama bin Laden carried out by US agencies has shown that the terrorist network can pick up an important occasion like the UN General Assembly session to retaliate against US strikes on Afghanistan.