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Thread: So guys, Are we going to War???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Question So guys, Are we going to War???

    What do ya think? I think were in Iraq by no later than Feb 2003. Would love to hear some comments on this from you all. I think we should, and will go and remove old Sadam from power. IMO It's in our best interest, and the worlds best interest. We need to get rid of this guy, and continue the war on terrorism. <--- bye bye Sadam.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    i see how the government is gearing up for it. there is no way to avoid us attacking Iraq.

    War is a terrible thing and i could never look forward to it or completely justify it. I wish there was another way

    your right though, by feb we will be in there i bet. i wonder if we will finish the job this time or do what we always sem to do. blow everything up THEN PAY TO FIX IT!!!

    just goes to show you, nothing about war or government makes sense

  3. #3
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    The Iraq parlament turned down the UN resolution today, if Saddam does so to i belive his days are numbered.

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by palme
    The Iraq parlament turned down the UN resolution today, if Saddam does so to i belive his days are numbered.
    Agreed, I think Sadam is up to something with this deal.

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by palme
    The Iraq parlament turned down the UN resolution today.
    This was very childish acting. Like his parliament has any real power. When was the last time that parliament did anything that sadam did not want them too. Also his son comming out and saying they should accept the resolution was funny. They think we are stupid or something. The resolution, which was passed by UN, spells out what the iraq needs to do.

    They are just buying little time. As we speak, sadam is trying to purchase some sort of antidote for his biological weapons. If we go to war after he buys them, alot of our boys are going to suffer for no reason. I say his preparing for some sort of action. We should be ready to go anyday. The whole world will be better without this fuckhead, iraq included.

  6. #6
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    Since Iraq turned down the resolution, and winter is just beginning, these are the 2 necessary items for the US and a coalition to attack.
    I will be a bit surprised if we are not out of there by february, remember once we started the invasion in the gulf war, it was over in less then a week

  7. #7
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    We'll be in Iraq before President Bush has to win his reelection. Hes got a window that hes working with and his time is running out. I apologize to any hardcore bush supporters on this board but I really dont like the man. Im even from Austin tx where he was governor (and they adore him), went to school with his daughters....still hate the man. Of course Im not sayin Gore was much better....politics in the US today are a joke. Everybody votes their pocketbook and gives a shit less about issues which warrant discussion and action.

    damn this was starting to turn into a tirade..sorry bros...sometimes i just get all worked up, so ill stop now

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Just read that Saddam agreed to the UN resolution.

    Smart move. Lets just hope it holds this time? Or do we wanna go in?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    I still say fuck him even if everything goes well with inspections
    Kill that fuck. Hes done too much to alot of people he has to go no matter what

  10. #10
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    I just wonder if saddam will let us inspect the palaces, u would figure that he has maybe 1 or 2 at the most, but it turns out saddam has about 22 presidential palaces. I feel sorry for all the starving ppl when saddam is livin it up.

  11. #11
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    We are just playing the political game with them right now. Bush must justify his actions to ALL Americans and the world before taking him out. To do this he has set up a list of ultimatims that Saddam will inevitably break.

    We will go in there and finish him or it could be disaterous in the future if he is allowed to continue his development of warfare technologies. And UN inspections are not stopping him - and this we must demonstrate to the World first. Otherwise to some, we look like a bully ourselves.

  12. #12
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    A joke i heard on TV about saddam.

    Its like u pull some milk out of the fridge, taste it, its sour. So u put it back in the fridge and hope it will be good tommorrow.

    So true

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Saddam needs to go! Hes another Hitler. Its just a matter of time before he kills a bunch of americans. I'm for BUSH on getting the bastard!

  14. #14
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    Although our own (corporate) greed has driven the war machine to iraq, and find no satifaction in it, i see a hope for the people of iraq through this action. a peace that can only be found on the other side of war.
    it seems that this thing must go forward because of all of the rhetoric of washington and that is unfortunate.

  15. #15
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    Looks like were gonna be doing it soon! How about that speech! W was great!

  16. #16
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    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by Jdawg50
    Looks like were gonna be doing it soon! How about that speech! W was great!
    Well im not sure if you are being sarcastic or not, either way you have your opinion and i respect that.

    but cmon....W is a moron. a tool of the political party. a yes man placed in the highest position. this man is going to get a lot of good people killed....fuck you George W Bush.

    ahh my .02
    sorry if it was harsh


  17. #17
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    W is a moron??? DO you have a degree from Yale and Harvard?? W does. He knows what he is doing bro. Unless you think the twin towers was just a joke. I didnt and I dont wanna see that shit in a much bigger way in a few years, and taking sadam out will help reduce that threat.

  18. #18
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    I dont see Saddam as a big threat (compered to bin ladin and his followers). But i think he should be taken out. To bad they didnt do this 10 years ago. It would have saved the lives of everyone that is going to die in this war (that i belive is comming) and the Iraq people wouldnt have had to go true 10 years of sanctions and starvation.

  19. #19
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    Wasn't Winston Churchill the one who wanted to go in and take care of Hilter before he got out of hand. They didn't let him and Hilter did go out of Control. Which is why we need to go in and take care of dipshit before he destroys more inoccent lives....possibly millions.

    It's kind of ironic seeing how many Anti_American motherfuckers there are (not here in AR) who say we should not hurt the people of Iraq and that war is not the answer...FUCK ALL OF YOU! Do some god damn do we know what the people of Iraq are thinking...they only know one way of life and that is the way Saddam set. I heard in Afgan that the Americans have a good amount of control over there....even so much that the women have started to feel more comfortable again. Now think what we can do for the Iraqi's (sp?) who need our help. We can show them a life where they will not live in fear anymore. Much like the Afgan people.

    We (the American people) need to stand behind our great President (even if you don't like him) and support him...the war is not for oil it's not for greed it's for the better of the American people. Don't sit there with your fuckin poster saying war is bad....shut up and let him do his job.....were not sendong out soilders over there to be's there fuckin job...ask all of the soilders if they want to go...I will gurantee you half if not all of them say they are ready and that this is what they have been training for....why else would they enroll.....

    So, I am for the war and I feel that it is our duty being the most dominate force in the World to show the rest of the World that we are not fucking around anymore. Terrorism has to stop and there is only one way to stop it...but taking out the leaders behind it all.

    I would like to close by telling the American troops that God Bless them and thank you for standing for this great nation....those of us who are true Americans are standing strongly behind you and support you!

    God Bless America!

  20. #20
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    not where I want to be

    Arrow i disagree

    Originally posted by Butch
    Wasn't Winston Churchill the one who wanted to go in and take care of Hilter before he got out of hand. They didn't let him and Hilter did go out of Control. Which is why we need to go in and take care of dipshit before he destroys more inoccent lives....possibly millions.

    this is true, but Sadam is Nothing like HITLER. First off, Churchill wanted to stop Hitler because of his potential and because he had already caused plenty of chaos.

    Sadam has neither the manpower, money, or resourses to launch a campaign across two continents. Hitler had one of the most dangerous war machines in the history of the world. His people backed him becuase they believed in him and his cause. Sadam's country is split. He can ill afford a war, and therefore it is ludicrous to even attempt to compare Hitler with Sadam.


  21. #21
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    The land of stars

    Re: i disagree

    Originally posted by symatech

    this is true, but Sadam is Nothing like HITLER. First off, Churchill wanted to stop Hitler because of his potential and because he had already caused plenty of chaos.

    Sadam has neither the manpower, money, or resourses to launch a campaign across two continents. Hitler had one of the most dangerous war machines in the history of the world. His people backed him becuase they believed in him and his cause. Sadam's country is split. He can ill afford a war, and therefore it is ludicrous to even attempt to compare Hitler with Sadam.

    Good point Symatech, and good valid reasoning.But do we really know what he has up his sleeve? I mean I know he does not have the man power and we already proved that we can kick the shit out of him....but what is he really hiding? I mean all it takes is one bomb to go off to cause mass distruction.

    I don't know, this guy scares me...which is why I think it is best to take care of him and not have to worry about him.

  22. #22
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    Re: Re: i disagree

    Originally posted by Butch

    Good point Symatech, and good valid reasoning.But do we really know what he has up his sleeve? I mean I know he does not have the man power and we already proved that we can kick the shit out of him....but what is he really hiding? I mean all it takes is one bomb to go off to cause mass distruction.

    I don't know, this guy scares me...which is why I think it is best to take care of him and not have to worry about him.
    You are right Butch, we have no idea what he has up his sleeve. And I agree that he must be taken from power. But I think now is not the time to do it. The only way sadam could use his alleged weapons of mass destruction on americans is if we attacked him. Once again he has neither the technology or resources to launch an ICBM into america. The other way is if he gave/sold them to terrorists who then tried to bring them into our country. If the latter is true, then why havent they done it already? maybe they have and were unsuccesful? i dont know. But the point is, attackind Iraq will not make terrorist harboring nations fear us. If anything it will enrage them further. I think we are making a big mistake in assuming that attacking Sadam will strike fear in the hearts of terrorists. My prediction is that we will see a lot more violence as a result of this action.


  23. #23
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    Im going to bump this becuase I think we were havin a nice healthy conversation. so far there have been some good arguments on both sides and id like to keep it goin so......

  24. #24
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    I think there will be a war regardless of what Iraq does. Bush will wait this out until the majority of Americans are fed up with what they're hearing from the media, and then its his turn to tie up the ends that his dad left loose. I don't blame him for taking this personal, but hopefully uses the advice of the experts rather than his Harvard edumucation.

  25. #25

    Seems emanate

    I have to agree that we are close to going to war! My hope is that we here in the good ole US of A have our house in order! (our mental shit)

    I was in grad school for Clinical Psych during the gulf war incident and had to volunteer talking calls at a local crisis hotline center. Let me tell ya I have never received so many calls for guys my age (and ranging from 24-27) calling in crying and chronically anxious about the images they were seeing on the news!

    Yep fellas, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not, we have a deep fear of DEATH!

    So take a deep breath and find Religion if necessary, it's gonna be a rough ride!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    The End of a Dictator

    After watching the news and hearing that SH has authorized his field
    commanders of his military to use chemical weapons incase HE"S attacked justifies to me and it should to others that this evil, evil human
    being must be stopped at all cost. I hope he does use them because that justifies our use of our nuclear option, go ahead spray an aerosol
    around and possibly kill a few hundred or thousand soldiers, sad to say but it could happen, I have dear friends still in the service, and yes i am deeply concerned for their wellbeing as should all of us, but if he uses any of those horrible weapons, to hell with him, NUKE HIM!!!!
    And the commanders in the field should already know from the lasttime that a bunker deep in the ground or hardened facility can't stop an IRON
    RAIN for long and they will when they lose and surrender they will be brought before the world for their crimes against humanity and justifiably be punished swiftly.

  27. #27
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    We have been at war since 1991- the only change is that we are getting ready to finish the job once and for all.

    The real disgrace is that the US did not act in 1998 when Sadam booted the inspectors out of Iraq. Yes, the French and many of the other European pussies would have balked, the UN would have stalled- but it was the morally-correct thing to do.

  28. #28
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    Originally posted by Jdawg50
    W is a moron??? DO you have a degree from Yale and Harvard?? W does. He knows what he is doing bro.
    U seriously got to be joking me jdawg, i think u are the only one ever to defend his intelligence, however i'll agree that he does have integrity. As for the degree part, i don't think u know what u're talkin about jdawg. The man got his degree with a 'C' average, pretty high huh? He shouldn't have been there in the first place. Don't you find it ironic that the man that is against affirmative action because it gives ppl an unfair advantage of placing in the school was in fact given an unfair advantage of being placed in school?

    Do you honestly think that W could have made it without the family he has litereally been blessed with? The answer is no he couldn't have, hell i wish i had a family that could get me into yale, hell it'd be nice to get elected pres too.

    I'll give a couple examples.

    When running for president, W was asked who the leader of pakistan was. He didn't know.

    He waved to Stevie Wonder, after which you could see a priceless expression on W's face after he realized what he did.

  29. #29
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    Originally posted by gordero
    We have been at war since 1991- the only change is that we are getting ready to finish the job once and for all.
    Actually we have been at war since world war II, at least our economy had. Since world war II, the economy has been at least a part-war time economy. The only reason that this is a lil scary is the history behind countries who try to maintain part war time or full war time economies over an extended period of time. The romans and english both tried to do this, and in the end both failed and ended up losing almost everything, of course we know what happened to the romans. I'm sure there are many other cases, but those were 2 fairly prominent empires who at the time no one thought could be brought down.

  30. #30
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    Originally posted by saboudian

    U seriously got to be joking me jdawg, i think u are the only one ever to defend his intelligence, however i'll agree that he does have integrity. As for the degree part, i don't think u know what u're talkin about jdawg. The man got his degree with a 'C' average, pretty high huh? He shouldn't have been there in the first place. Don't you find it ironic that the man that is against affirmative action because it gives ppl an unfair advantage of placing in the school was in fact given an unfair advantage of being placed in school?

    Do you honestly think that W could have made it without the family he has litereally been blessed with? The answer is no he couldn't have, hell i wish i had a family that could get me into yale, hell it'd be nice to get elected pres too.

    I'll give a couple examples.

    When running for president, W was asked who the leader of pakistan was. He didn't know.

    He waved to Stevie Wonder, after which you could see a priceless expression on W's face after he realized what he did.
    Wow those are two amazing examples of how stupid he is... please, get a life bro. Oh and btw your degree from MSU, is not nearly as good a degree as Harvard and Yale (Even if you have an A average vs. Mr. Bush's so-called C average) That was an MBA too btw which is not a easy degree to attain. I guess since you have a copy of Mr. Bush's transcripts, your one up. Please send me a copy of them.
    Can you name the leaders of every country in the world? I sure can't, and I bet Clinton, and Gore can't.

    Bro go back to your lefty school and listen to your lefty profs, and continue to think left. When you get out in the real world you will change your views as soon as you get your first paycheck and W2. Oh, yea and as far as national security is concerned. Talk to any US military person, and they will tell you what a mess the military, CIA, FBI, NSA was when Clinton was in office. They thank god that W is working for them. Too bad, your guy lost, get over it, God bless the USA, and God bless George W. Bush. I look forward to the world saying what a great move it was ousting Sadam.

    Maybe Michigan will be the first place the drop a Chem of Bio weapon. THen you'll change your ideas for sure.

  31. #31
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    Talking Lets talk about a dumbass

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	algore.jpg 
Views:	209 
Size:	54.8 KB 
ID:	16238  

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    My god

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    As far as war with Iraq is concerned, i listened to the entire colin powell address to the UN, anyone who has seen this will support war. I mean doesn't it sound fishy that saddam says he doesn't have weapons of mass destruction when the USA has tapes of his men talking about them? The fact that Colin Powell was also able to make a link with saddam supporting terrorists both in palestine and in al-qaeda is also convincing.

    I just can't beleive it when ppl don't support war, they say there is no need, or what harm can a starving country thousands of miles away do, or we're just in it for the oil.

    All you need to do is look at what our inactivity has done, WTC was attacked several times, embassy bombings, military establishments bombed, US ships attacked, hell at MSU you are no longer able to study abroad in Israel because american students are being targeted. Of course its possible that saddam may not have had anything to do with some of those, but he stilll supports terrorists and thats all you need to know.

    Of course the one thing that makes me mad are those french and germans. If anyone is in it for the oil, its the french. They'll join in the end and then try to get a peice of the pie like they did last time, but they aren't goin to help us now, we'll remember that next time tanks are rollin down paris avenue, not to mention how many countless times the US has helped france over the last 50 or so years.

    Well at least the US is pullin out the stops now, they are threatening all of the non-supportive countries with the almighty dollar. The US has now said all of the contracts in Iraq will go to american companies instead of the non-supporting countries which they should go to, which would cost them millions of dollars, i guess thats what u have to do to convince some ppl to go to war. I guess its just not enough to say saddam is a threat to all, responsible for countless deaths in and out of his country, geez i saw some of the torture methods he uses on some ppl, its not just you either, he will go after u and your whole family.

    There was this one guy who saddam saw as a potential threat to his power, saddam had his sister raped in front of him and then killed em both, thats just one story, do u have any idea how many more stories are going to come out after saddam is gone? But thats not enough, you have to use money to convince some which is sad.

    They had this one specially designed chamber. They would put the person to be tortured in their, lock the doors. There was about 20 holes in the ceiling, a system of pipes would drop a drop of acid every minute or so from a different random hole each time. Thats just like a cruel joke.

    Heh, in Bagdad, every where u go, there are huge statues, billboards, portraits, every household must have a picture of saddam on their window, every news segment must begin with saddam, saddam is portrayed as various character by actors, saddam the sports figure, saddam the kind man, my fav, saddam the sex symbol, in baghdad, the streets are all named, Saddam Drive, Saddam Road, Saddam Freeway, Saddam Street, Saddam Avenue, etc u get the idea

    When asked about the roads, signs, portraits,etc.

    Saddam replied

    "What can i do if the people want to show their love for me"

  34. #34
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    Feb 2003
    Thats a great gore pic! I heard that audio tape of bin laden, Or whoever it was and they where going to rally with iraq to take down america. I think that alone links them to terrorism and the us military should turn iraq into a parkinglot!

  35. #35
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    Originally posted by Jdawg50

    Wow those are two amazing examples of how stupid he is... please, get a life bro. Oh and btw your degree from MSU, is not nearly as good a degree as Harvard and Yale (Even if you have an A average vs. Mr. Bush's so-called C average) That was an MBA too btw which is not a easy degree to attain. I guess since you have a copy of Mr. Bush's transcripts, your one up. Please send me a copy of them.
    Can you name the leaders of every country in the world? I sure can't, and I bet Clinton, and Gore can't.

    Bro go back to your lefty school and listen to your lefty profs, and continue to think left. When you get out in the real world you will change your views as soon as you get your first paycheck and W2. Oh, yea and as far as national security is concerned. Talk to any US military person, and they will tell you what a mess the military, CIA, FBI, NSA was when Clinton was in office. They thank god that W is working for them. Too bad, your guy lost, get over it, God bless the USA, and God bless George W. Bush. I look forward to the world saying what a great move it was ousting Sadam.

    Maybe Michigan will be the first place the drop a Chem of Bio weapon. THen you'll change your ideas for sure.
    Wow, thats all i can say. You think i would take my MSU chemical engineering degree up against Bush's Yale "C" average MBA?

    The answer is hell yes i would, with no doubts in my mind at all. Don't even argue with me anymore on this point, cuz you're simply wrong.

    91% of harvard students make honor roll, so that means 91% of the students of harvard were not just a lil smarter but a hell of a lot smarter then W. You hear ppl talking about how clinton was such a genious all the time, how we was this oxford road scholar and could start a conversation with anyone on any topic, no one ever questioned his intelligence. Of course my other point was, he shouldn't have been in Yale in the first place.

    Do i think Clinton can name every world leader?
    Do i think Gore can name every world leader?

    Yes i do, if u're gonna be elected president, you'd better at least know their names.

    Understand when i get my first pay check? Hell there's alot of ppl that have been havin some trouble gettin pay checks with george bush's economy, granted its not completely his fault. Of course giving tax cuts to the rich is usually not a good way to deal with it.

    I don't understand if u're callin me a democrat, or supporting gore, or supporting some crazy party. But i will quote jesse ventura when he commented about the 2 party system " If you're choosing the lesser of 2 evils, its still evil"

    I know those probably weren't very good examples, but you hear em every single day and thats what was off the top of my head. To me i would be extremely embarrassed if i was him and i didn't know the leader of pakistan, that really is embarrassing.

    BTW, the fact that bush got a "C" average is not top secret, i've heard that several times, especially when there was all of those gore/bush comparisons

    I don't know what clinton did that he made such a mess in the cia,fbi,etc , but i would guess it has something to do with him cutting the defense budget every year. I do support clinton on that note, the cold war had just ended, there was no reason for such a huge defense budget, and the primary concern of the nation was no longer defense.

  36. #36
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    Weak bro, Weak, now your backpeddling. Nice try though. Bad examples, they sure were. Sorry I cant see how anyone can call the W an idiot, he's the president isnt he? He had do to something right? Oh, yea his father did all of that for him. Please, Oh yea, and your so called fact about his C average... Show me the money... or as I like to say F---You pay me. I wanna see that transcript you know so much about. Please. Your arguements are weak and vauge, kind of like your examples of Bush's stupidity. Your need to enrol in a poli-sci class before you leave MSU with your chem eng degree.

    You need to take an econ class while your at it too, the "Tax cuts for the rich" is an even weaker arguement. Its called tax cuts for tax payers. Who do you think pays the majority of the tax burden??? The upper 10%. Clinton rode a wave that Reagan and Bush put in place, Clinton was at the right place at the right time. Tax cuts are exactly what we need, and we need to give them to the people that pay the taxes. This allows these same rich people the ability to build more factories, and hire more people, and spend more money on thier businesses. ECON bro, Milton Friedman- check out anyone of his books. it would be good for you.

    You will see when you get into the real world with your chem eng degree, and 40% of your income goes to uncle sam, you'll wish Bush was making that tax cut permenant.
    Last edited by Jdawg50; 02-11-2003 at 10:00 PM.

  37. #37
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    not where I want to be

    Lightbulb some food for thought

    First off, just because the man has a degree from a good college doesnt make him smart. My best friends brother graduated from harvard, and he has the common sense of a lemming. He'd be on the streets if his parents didnt support him.

    Second, One of the administrations largest arguments is that Iraq may be supporting -even hiding- terrorists. You guys want to know another country where terrorists live freely? how about the USA. Yeah I said many of you truely believe that there are no terrorists in the USA? well i know, why dont we just declare marshall law then? get rid of all those nasty terrorists the Bush way. please

    Third, does it bother anybody else, that we are so concerned with Iraq who MAY have weapons of mass destruction, North Korea HAS nuclear weapons. They have come out in public and said they will start their plants again to make the weapons grade plutonium etc. needed for the bombs. Well shit, why are we wasting time in Iraq over POTENTIAL weapons when there are REAL weapons in korea? hmmm, maybe its because the people wont support a war in korea again....oh wait, they dont support 1 in Iraq either

    ill post more later

    peace bros

  38. #38
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    and by the way, is that really GORE, i cant tell. and in case any of you are wondering i didnt vote for any presidentail candidate last election. lookin at my choices just made me want to move. Gore...and idiot idiot too.

    anyways back to the pic. even if it is gore (which i am presuming it is) at least he knows what war is like. all BUSH (sr and ol' W) know about war is what their advisors tell them.. oh and what they see on TV

  39. #39
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    Typical. Everytime some country dont want to go to war you bring up how much you have helped bla bla bla. The French helped you gain independence from the British and still you talk bad about them.
    We in Europe have seen alot of wars (in our own backyard) and that is one of the reasons why alot of the people here dont want another one.
    And as for North Korea i think it´s the 1 million men strong army they have that prevents the USA from going in.

  40. #40
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    my bad, got posted twice.
    Last edited by saboudian; 02-12-2003 at 09:25 AM.

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