IMHO, and keep in mind that I'm no scholar on this issue, but it seems to me that the United Nations made a big mistake back in 1947 when it recognized the country of Israel on the terms that it had. A lot of people who had been living & working on the land for centuries had to move (some left at gunpoint). Had the UN established a new country for those friendly folks in the central part of Texas, or Canada, or India, most likely the folks who lost title to their land wouldn't much care for what happened. Arabs would be no different.
I've heard people say that Israel owned that land before the Arabs did, so they should get it back. But, following that logic, American Indians should get back (what's left of) North and South America.
IMHO, despite all the wrongs that have been done, and all the further wrongs done in hopes of setting things aright, about the only thing that will return that bit of real estate back to the Arabs would be Sex.
- Seems to me that the Israeli government has noticed that their birthrate is so low that the Arab-Israeli citizens, with their greater birthrate, will soon outnumber the Hebrew-Israelis. As far as I'm concerned, the most peaceful way to correct the UN's action would be to let nature take its course, and when the demographics change, as they eventually will, the voters of Israel can choose to stop fighting their neighbors and return the original plots of land to ancestral families, and live happily ever after.
News accounts of recent efforts to counteract Arab birthrates: