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Thread: Israel is a war criminal!!

  1. #1
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    Angry Israel is a war criminal!!

    Israel is butchering the Palestinians while the entire world is watching with an American/Egyptian green light.

    That is a sad day for mankind. When a city is been under siege for months and months until food, medicine, power, and clean water became as scarce as never. Hospitals are overwhelmed and don't have enough supplies to face the massacre commited by Israel against innocents.***1662.stm
    Last edited by smokethedays; 12-28-2008 at 12:39 PM.

  2. #2
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    This sh-t has been going on for thousands of years, there is right side on this situation. Its just people hating each other more than they love their kids.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    This sh-t has been going on for thousands of years, there is right side on this situation. Its just people hating each other more than they love their kids.
    I agree on it being going for 1000's of years but this is a massacre bro.
    300 killed almost in 2 days and 700 wonded!!! air raids and tanks and bombs against a bunch of disarmed (except for auto rifles and light weapons with Hamas troops) people.

    It is not the same man, the entire world is watching just because the have to kneel to the F-ing dollar.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    I agree on it being going for 1000's of years but this is a massacre bro.
    300 killed almost in 2 days and 700 wonded!!! air raids and tanks and bombs against a bunch of disarmed (except for auto rifles and light weapons with Hamas troops) people.

    It is not the same man, the entire world is watching just because the have to kneel to the F-ing dollar.
    It is the same, in ancient times when you conquered a town or people you killed not only the men, but the women and children. No one was left alive to later rise up and fight back. People are just as horrible as we have ever been. The only thing that is different is the technology.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    It is the same, in ancient times when you conquered a town or people you killed not only the men, but the women and children. No one was left alive to later rise up and fight back. People are just as horrible as we have ever been. The only thing that is different is the technology.
    Excatly, Ancient Times.
    We are in the 21st century.
    Are you justifying what's going on man?!!
    Is that an excuse to whats happenning? Just because it happened before so there is no reason to stop killing innocent children and women?

    Conquering?????? WTF?!!

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    sadly not justification for both sides, p's are allways launching rockets daily over the lines at i's... and one side will break eventually, big diff is i's have prophesy on their sides - from the bible...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    Excatly, Ancient Times.
    We are in the 21st century.
    Are you justifying what's going on man?!!
    Is that an excuse to whats happenning? Just because it happened before so there is no reason to stop killing innocent children and women?

    Conquering?????? WTF?!!

    Im a student of history, Just because we are in the 21st century doesnt mean we act any different as a people than we did in the 1st century. You claim that Israel is a war criminal. Yet you forget that only 50 or 60 years ago the roles were reversed. I dont justify anything, I think we all need to stop making the mistake that one side it to blame. Both sides are to blame for what is happening, that is the reality.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Im a student of history, Just because we are in the 21st century doesnt mean we act any different as a people than we did in the 1st century. You claim that Israel is a war criminal. Yet you forget that only 50 or 60 years ago the roles were reversed. I dont justify anything, I think we all need to stop making the mistake that one side it to blame. Both sides are to blame for what is happening, that is the reality.
    word. if anyone thinks the israelis are bad to palestinians, the rest of the arab world is just as bad to them as well. but i agree with musclesci: you cant say one side is inherently worse than the other. also, food medicine and power are available in palestine... ive been there. pure hamas propaganda. works well on you smokethedays.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    sadly not justification for both sides, p's are allways launching rockets daily over the lines at i's... and one side will break eventually, big diff is i's have prophesy on their sides - from the bible...
    Correct paletinains are lanuching BACKYARD made rockets that hit the ground and make a hole in the streets which bothers Israel alot cause they have to stop the traffic and fix the whole
    Coomon man, so if some one pushes you at a club, you gonna grab an AK-47 and shoot him 50 times?!!!

  10. #10
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    The "Jews" are nothing but a bunch of ****ing snakes that hide behind "We are gods people" and infiltrate and destroy governments and think they can do anything they want.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    word. if anyone thinks the israelis are bad to palestinians, the rest of the arab world is just as bad to them as well. but i agree with musclesci: you cant say one side is inherently worse than the other. also, food medicine and power are available in palestine... ive been there. pure hamas propaganda. works well on you smokethedays.
    I hate Hamas my friend, You are wrong about that one.

    Im against brutality thats all.
    This has been spkoen about many many times its countless.
    The Arab world reaction is VERY justified against the Israelies who gathered them selves off the streets of Europe and poured in Plaestine after the UK enriching "the promise land" idea to get rid off them and have an ally in the Mid East.

    Now that a country has been established and regular people live there, iam not saying Israel gotta be demolished like those crazy radicals out there.

    All Im saying is that its so bad for people who supposedly suffered the Nazi camp and oppression to re-do what they suffered and know best how it feels against other people.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    The "Jews" are nothing but a bunch of ****ing snakes that hide behind "We are gods people" and infiltrate and destroy governments and think they can do anything they want.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    The "Jews" are nothing but a bunch of ****ing snakes that hide behind "We are gods people" and infiltrate and destroy governments and think they can do anything they want.

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    If Israel had no oil, and didnt have the backing of the USA then im betting the jews would have been forced out long ago.

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    Oh, and **** the Palestinians as well.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    If Israel had no oil, and didnt have the backing of the USA then im betting the jews would have been forced out long ago.
    Israel doesnt have significant oil reserves, and thoughout history the jews have been forced out of Israel many times.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Israel doesnt have significant oil reserves, and thoughout history the jews have been forced out of Israel many times.
    That is not an excuse to go butcher unarmed people my friend. with tanks and planes vs. rifles, stones, and backyard made rockets

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    I just find it strange, when Russia did something similar not so long ago the world was in uproar, when isreal do it, it seems to be fine. Isreal have large enough oil reserves to keep many intrested.

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    the point is you gotta know what you are talking about, dont look at one side... and they are God people - shelved right now, gentiles conversion in to the church in Gods plan now - however, just understand that if you dont understand you will just wait a little while and let it all play out... as for other nations helping israel will be judged along side of the ones that dont ... so go get big and love every one you can

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    the point is you gotta know what you are talking about, dont look at one side... and they are God people - shelved right now, gentiles conversion in to the church in Gods plan now - however, just understand that if you dont understand you will just wait a little while and let it all play out... as for other nations helping israel will be judged along side of the ones that dont ... so go get big and love every one you can
    And there lies the problem, just watching to see how it plays out..

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    how would influence some thing dif? call the un and give them you suggestion... im sure they have not thought of what you would do dif... right?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    the point is you gotta know what you are talking about, dont look at one side... and they are God people - shelved right now, gentiles conversion in to the church in Gods plan now - however, just understand that if you dont understand you will just wait a little while and let it all play out... as for other nations helping israel will be judged along side of the ones that dont ... so go get big and love every one you can
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    how would influence some thing dif? call the un and give them you suggestion... im sure they have not thought of what you would do dif... right?
    I really don't understand what you mean AT ALL.

  23. #23
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    you think that is a bad massacre when there has been genocide going on in rwanda for years now? watch hotel rwanda, and that isn't even close to the full effect.

    but its a war, people die. it goes on all over the world pretty much every day. just because this has been a big debate for years, it gets put on the news

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    what do you want to know... i will help explain any thing i can

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    That is not an excuse to go butcher unarmed people my friend. with tanks and planes vs. rifles, stones, and backyard made rockets
    No were in that post did I say that it was an excuse...

    I was pointing out to the other poster that he has no idea about what he is talking about. Much like other people who jump in on this subject and try to claim one side or the other is to blame. Thinking like that is what keeps the fighting going. The blame game diverts the responsibility from one side to the other.

    Both sides have butchered unarmed people. They are both to blame and they both should be held accountable.

  26. #26
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    What is cruel about it? Hundreds of rockets and mortars were fired from that neighborhood in the preceding days. Defending oneself is not cruel. Every one of us is decended from people who defended themselves because people who don't win Darwin Awards.
    SO from what i have read if someone comes to a battle with knifes you would do the honorable thing and put down a gun?
    After years of being brought to their knees, jews will never wait till its too late. Why is it okay for hamas to fire rockets and continue with suicide bombing while there is a cease fire in effect.

    When the u.s has an issue with a country it doesn't need the approval of another country to defend it self but that right is not reserved for other sovereign nations?
    There will never be peace in the middle east until one of the races gets wiped out. Its a sad truth.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    The "Jews" are nothing but a bunch of ****ing snakes that hide behind "We are gods people" and infiltrate and destroy governments and think they can do anything they want.
    Quite the overstatement, don'tchathink? Overgeneralization too, eh?

    Infiltrating and destroying governments is something that US officials do on the sly with wanton abandon. Soviets & Russians, French, German, Italian, British, Chinese, Japanese, pretty much any group with enough resources at their disposal and an ax to grind.

    Perhaps you'd like to take a swing at an unfortunate philosophy that afflicts a % of Israeli leaders: Zionism. It derrives the worst part of its nature from a quality many Christian, Muslim, and other religions have: fundamentalism.

    It's not much fun, and there's not much mental about it, so I dunno where they got that name from . . .

    • noun 1-- a form of Protestant Christianity which upholds belief in the strict and literal interpretation of the Bible. 2 the strict maintenance of the ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion or ideology.


    Not all Jews support Zionism, either, as evidenced by the friendly folks at

  28. #28
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    IMHO, and keep in mind that I'm no scholar on this issue, but it seems to me that the United Nations made a big mistake back in 1947 when it recognized the country of Israel on the terms that it had. A lot of people who had been living & working on the land for centuries had to move (some left at gunpoint). Had the UN established a new country for those friendly folks in the central part of Texas, or Canada, or India, most likely the folks who lost title to their land wouldn't much care for what happened. Arabs would be no different.

    I've heard people say that Israel owned that land before the Arabs did, so they should get it back. But, following that logic, American Indians should get back (what's left of) North and South America.

    IMHO, despite all the wrongs that have been done, and all the further wrongs done in hopes of setting things aright, about the only thing that will return that bit of real estate back to the Arabs would be Sex.
    - Seems to me that the Israeli government has noticed that their birthrate is so low that the Arab-Israeli citizens, with their greater birthrate, will soon outnumber the Hebrew-Israelis. As far as I'm concerned, the most peaceful way to correct the UN's action would be to let nature take its course, and when the demographics change, as they eventually will, the voters of Israel can choose to stop fighting their neighbors and return the original plots of land to ancestral families, and live happily ever after.

    News accounts of recent efforts to counteract Arab birthrates:

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    they are God people
    Lots of groups all claim to be "God's People." Hebrews, Muslims, Republicans, Nazi Germans, Polygamist Mormons, Witch-Burners, KKK, Catholics, Crusaders, American Politicians, Christian Scientists, One-Worlders, everyone except atheists.

    So, what makes you so sure that your god is the one that matters? I have absolute proof from seventeen different religions that demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that their religion (and their god) is the only true god, and that all the others are false.

    Let's see what you have to show . . .

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Lots of groups all claim to be "God's People." Hebrews, Muslims, Republicans, Nazi Germans, Polygamist Mormons, Witch-Burners, KKK, Catholics, Crusaders, American Politicians, Christian Scientists, One-Worlders, everyone except atheists.

    So, what makes you so sure that your god is the one that matters? I have absolute proof from seventeen different religions that demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that their religion (and their god) is the only true god, and that all the others are false.

    Let's see what you have to show . . .
    well thats the whole problem. no one believes in the other, and everyone thinks its their way. people say the US is different, but as you mentioned, people in the country still think they are better than others simply for their religion. overseas its even more outspoken because its been going on for years to no avail. the jews make it even bigger by claiming "their holy land" and making it a country on that fact a lone. thats like me going to my neighbors house, claiming that god sent me to live there, and killing him when he doesn't leave. its crazy, but its what they believe, and are willing to die for it

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    IMHO, and keep in mind that I'm no scholar on this issue, but it seems to me that the United Nations made a big mistake back in 1947 when it recognized the country of Israel on the terms that it had. A lot of people who had been living & working on the land for centuries had to move (some left at gunpoint). Had the UN established a new country for those friendly folks in the central part of Texas, or Canada, or India, most likely the folks who lost title to their land wouldn't much care for what happened. Arabs would be no different.

    I've heard people say that Israel owned that land before the Arabs did, so they should get it back. But, following that logic, American Indians should get back (what's left of) North and South America.

    IMHO, despite all the wrongs that have been done, and all the further wrongs done in hopes of setting things aright, about the only thing that will return that bit of real estate back to the Arabs would be Sex.
    - Seems to me that the Israeli government has noticed that their birthrate is so low that the Arab-Israeli citizens, with their greater birthrate, will soon outnumber the Hebrew-Israelis. As far as I'm concerned, the most peaceful way to correct the UN's action would be to let nature take its course, and when the demographics change, as they eventually will, the voters of Israel can choose to stop fighting their neighbors and return the original plots of land to ancestral families, and live happily ever after.

    News accounts of recent efforts to counteract Arab birthrates:

    Some believe that was the payment the Jews requested for getting America involved in the war.
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    simply put hundred of prophases have built a undeniable case of the truth of the bible... much of it backed up by some of the people you talked about... every group of people have recorded some kind of flood, records of Jesus. and millions of books written on the subject backed up my the oldest know forms of writing in Greek and Hebrew during roman times and after.

    Google doc dino or ken hovind - watch the videos and watch how he dissects every possible question you have with a SIENTIFIC answer... he is a scientist who felt like he could disprove some part of the bible and thus prove it was bogus... well, he now debates with the best in the world on the subject and does so betting money that they can not prove other wise


    starofdavid(I think that is the name) .net same sort of story however he proves much about the bible from many dif angles. that will blow your mind -

    when your done with that info I will give you much much more...

    as for America getting involved sure their are many reasons - the biggest ... simply put we are a nation built on fundamentalism... read the constitution - and maybe they know some thing we don’t?

    but, all and all, we search for things in our live to make up feel happy or fulfilled, working out make us feel better, look better, a pretty girl on our arm makes us fell and look better as well... non of that matters too much- what does (according to the bible) is that you love one another praise the God who made you. that is why you/we feel so torn when we hear about stories like the Santa killer, like the middle east, but don’t hate the Word of God - read about it educate your self

    I did and TRUST ME I didn’t disserve His grace (for giveness for Sin) yet it is a gift that is given when you trust that what happen, happened.

    Read an ask question - thats what you do here right?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    simply put hundred of prophases have built a undeniable case of the truth of the bible...
    100 "prophases?"

    Regardless, any number of proponents make that same claim of their book. If you're looking for an excuse to become a Bahai, check out Joe Sear's account of how all the Bible prophecy points to "the Bab."
    "Theif In The Night"

    I'm sure his list of fulfilled prophecies will be just as persuasive as your list of fulfilled prophecies . . . meaning, not very . . .

    But just in case it is, let me know, and I'll keep feeding you with different religious organizations and the list of fulfilled prophecies that prove whatever point they want to make.

    If you despair of ever getting things figured out, let me know, and I'll put you on to these friendly folks, and their take on "fulfilled prophecies."

    Since you like Mr. Hovind, he puts in an interesting appearance here:
    Too bad he didn't bring a fire extinguisher with him so he didn't crash and burn quite so badly . . . according to him, this planet is only about 6000 years old. The debate is only 2 hours, but it seems about 6000 years . . .

    Who's the guy who prints books with pictures of dinosaurs (T. Rex) chilling out on Noah's Ark along with all the other animals? I keep a copy of one in my shop's waiting area for grins . . .

    Too bad we don't have a religious forum; this thread has potential for some fun . . .

    But, it's not, so I'll resist the temptation . . .
    Last edited by Tock; 12-29-2008 at 12:46 AM.

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    (that kick is with love)listen to the hovind 6000 year old the earth... and you will def change you mind... yes he is boaring and horrible humor - but your funny and have no facts (he he he)

    look at his sientific expertise... the man proves his point and offers millions to prove him dif.

    their is a video out there that he debates 5 harvard professors on the big bang thereory and leaves them speachless... POINT HOVIND

    the dif betwee the religions and the bible is that they are documented by them selves and the bible is over thousands of years... by dif people

    t rex? how much of t rex have they really found? like lucey the missing link a monkeys rib and back bone some toes and a head found over two mile away... o ya and found in the last few days before the investors pulled the funding to run the dig... humm - ya that sounds ligit.

    and i got it figured out, and i figure this... what if im wrong you your right - then the lights just go out and thats that
    im wright and your wrong... wheee hooo ... you better by your self an asbestos suit your going to need it... and watch out for the sexy girl angles with boy parts... that will suck

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    That is not an excuse to go butcher unarmed people my friend. with tanks and planes vs. rifles, stones, and backyard made rockets
    Bro are u for real, cause if you are, were have you been my brother!!!!!!

    hey heres a funny story for u guys Jordan use to get their water imported from israel and someone in isreal thought it would be funny to contaminate the water with human fekal matter (shit) so to tell the story short thousands of people got sick and many even died!!!!! unless Israel can fight and beat all the Middle east they will never be accepted their by any neighboring country. they hold their position through force and might and this in the long run will always fail. and guys not all jews are bad Jewish girls are awsome!!!!

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    The "Jews" are nothing but a bunch of ****ing snakes that hide behind "We are gods people" and infiltrate and destroy governments and think they can do anything they want.

    Its the zionists thats the problem.
    Last edited by goose; 12-29-2008 at 06:45 AM.

  37. #37
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    Even Rupert Murdoch is Jewish,what fair media you guys have,LOL.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    (that kick is with love)listen to the hovind 6000 year old the earth... and you will def change you mind... yes he is boaring and horrible humor - but your funny and have no facts (he he he)

    look at his sientific expertise... the man proves his point and offers millions to prove him dif.

    their is a video out there that he debates 5 harvard professors on the big bang thereory and leaves them speachless... POINT HOVIND

    the dif betwee the religions and the bible is that they are documented by them selves and the bible is over thousands of years... by dif people

    t rex? how much of t rex have they really found? like lucey the missing link a monkeys rib and back bone some toes and a head found over two mile away... o ya and found in the last few days before the investors pulled the funding to run the dig... humm - ya that sounds ligit.

    and i got it figured out, and i figure this... what if im wrong you your right - then the lights just go out and thats that
    im wright and your wrong... wheee hooo ... you better by your self an asbestos suit your going to need it... and watch out for the sexy girl angles with boy parts... that will suck
    Is it just me, or does that make any sense?? I really havn't got a clue what your talking about.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    Correct paletinains are lanuching BACKYARD made rockets that hit the ground and make a hole in the streets which bothers Israel alot cause they have to stop the traffic and fix the whole
    Coomon man, so if some one pushes you at a club, you gonna grab an AK-47 and shoot him 50 times?!!!

    In your example... the next guy wont' push you in the club..
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  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    In your example... the next guy wont' push you in the club..
    well put...
    Just as i said, i dont thing anyone would put down a gun if the other guy brought a knife to the battle...

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