01-30-2009, 06:33 AM #1
Outrage as convicted paedophile sue's prison
The title says it all. Some sicko is going to sue the prison he is being held at because he only has a "sub-standard" level of living. The worst part is, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually gets the 5 grand he's asking for.
01-30-2009, 08:53 AM #2
i could sue 3 different jails/prisons that i was incarcerated in... they all have sub-standard levels of living. its the point of jail
Jails shouldnt be sub-standard, we are people not animals. However, a poedophile should be thankful he, or she is still alive..
01-30-2009, 09:12 AM #4
the one prison i was in... no air conditioning... so during august when it was 105 outside. it was 115 inside.
the entire prison would be swimming in sweat. we could watch the walls sweat moisture
no windows. no fans. not the slightest breeze. just 100% humidity. we would actually stop up our doors and flood the room with water from the sink. then lay in it. just to cool off for a few mins.
entire tiers would be flooded cuz of ppl flooding their cells.
they also didnt feed us. i lost 20 pounds in the first 3 months
we were locked down for 22 hours a day. 2 hours out to shower and make phone calls
we had no outside yard (prison was in the center of a city) so i didnt feel the sun on my skin for 9 months
thats sub standard living. but im not bitching. i took it with my chin up and made sure when i got out... that i stayed out.
01-30-2009, 09:17 AM #5
You been in three diff jails? Wow, i knew you'd been in one but three! But yes, I thought the point of prison WAS that it was nowhere near as good as the outside world. I mean take the most dangerous prisoner in the UK, this madman called Bronson. He's been in solitary confinement for 28 of his 30+ year term, he's in his cell for 23 out of 24 hours each day, he has to sleep, eat and shit in this one room. Apparantly this is for the good of everyone else, yet he has never murdered anyone. And you got some ****ing paedo complaining that he has to walk somewhere to use a toilet?!
01-30-2009, 09:23 AM #6
01-30-2009, 09:26 AM #7
01-30-2009, 09:26 AM #8
01-30-2009, 09:33 AM #9
oh 100%!!
i used to not give a shit. not realize how my actions affected ppl. i didnt care about me or others. but once you lose everything. you realize those things you need in your life to keep you sane. family. close friends. hobbies and the little things.
so i sat in jail without speaking to any family members or friends for months on end. and all i did was think and write. think of where i was and where i wanted to go. it really helped me that i got into weight lifting and that whole lifestyle right before i got locked up (the last time. lol) thats given me something to focus on and help me keep my head together and stay out of trouble. i still have urges and bad thoughts. haha. but i control them. cuz i know the consequences now
My worst experiance was Walton in Liverpool, many years ago. When you first go in your made to strip infront of groups of s******ing female screws, then 15 men a time were made to shower under two showers. Your made to wear an ill fitting prison uniform, that may not have been washed for years. I remember the guy next to me was given a pair of boxer shorts that were full of shit stains. Four of us would share a cell that was built for two and slopping out was the norm. For those that dont know what that is, four men share two buckets to piss and shit in, you are only allowed to empty the buckets once every day. We had no taps in our cell, and were allowed one shower each week, thursday if i remember. However that would often be once every two weeks, along with clothing change. We had one hour to walk the yard a day and the food wasnt fit for humans.
01-30-2009, 11:40 AM #11
man you guys must have some good stories..... i can see a new thread.... i got banged up for..... lol...just kidding, private stuff i know...
01-30-2009, 11:53 AM #12
01-30-2009, 11:55 AM #13
get the thread started
01-30-2009, 11:57 AM #14
01-30-2009, 12:01 PM #15
I have over 50 convictions, 4x in jail ranging from 4 years to 6 months, and will be up for another jail sentence this summer...
01-30-2009, 04:37 PM #18
Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-30-2009 at 06:13 PM.
01-30-2009, 07:08 PM #19
Living condistions suck, but on the other hand you have all the butt love you want....J/K lol
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