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Thread: Chimpanzee kills woman

  1. #1
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    Chimpanzee kills woman

    Sorry...I think this is the most hilarious 911 call ever. Why the fk would you have a chimp as a pet? You can hear the chimp in the background LOL...

    This happened in CT, by the way.

  2. #2
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    sad......that lady sound crazy

  3. #3
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    yah, I saw that on the news this am during cardio...

    that was pretty messed up.

  4. #4
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    I couldn't help but laugh

    Did the chimp actually rip the other chick into pieces?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post

    I couldn't help but laugh

    Did the chimp actually rip the other chick into pieces?
    Yes that what the news said....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    Yes that what the news said....
    So this whack job woman locked herself in a car while her friend was being torn apart. What a ****...

  7. #7
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    I don't feel sorry for either of them. That's what you get for messing around with wild animals. Let the animals be animals.

  8. #8
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    I heard the lady was in critical condition, did she die??

    I feel sorry for the chimp. I don't think its his fault.

  9. #9
    that chimp has an attitude problem.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    that chimp has an attitude problem.
    it was Roid Rage !!

  11. #11
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    1) Im sure if any of us witnessed a chimpanzee ripping a human apart, you wouldn't be "LOL"ing, you'd be ****ing mortified.

    2) How the hell does one buy a chimpanzee for a pet? Surely you must need a licence. Chimps are renowned for being aggresive, its Bonobos that are peaceful.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    1) Im sure if any of us witnessed a chimpanzee ripping a human apart, you wouldn't be "LOL"ing, you'd be ****ing mortified.

    2) How the hell does one buy a chimpanzee for a pet? Surely you must need a licence. Chimps are renowned for being aggresive, its Bonobos that are peaceful.

    I also wouldn't sit in my car watching my friend get f'ed up.

  13. #13
    This was actually not too far from where I live. The lady tried to save her friend. She grabbed a butchers knife and stabbed it a few times in the back. The cops said it was so strong that it was unphased by the stabbings. It was a 200 lbs chimp that they said has at least twice to 3 times the strength of a human man that size. It pretty much ripped the victims face off from what I hear. The cops did not want to shoot it. It opened the car door of one of the squad cars and entered the car where the police officer was to go after him. He shot it in defense.

    Pretty wild story. Aside from obviously trying to save your friend, I can't imagine how hard it would be to have to stab your own pet with a knife trying to kill it. I don't know if I could do that to my dog, let alone a pet that was closer to being human. That she dressed and fed steak and lobster to and ate dinner with since it was a baby.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    1) Im sure if any of us witnessed a chimpanzee ripping a human apart, you wouldn't be "LOL"ing, you'd be ****ing mortified.

    2) How the hell does one buy a chimpanzee for a pet? Surely you must need a licence. Chimps are renowned for being aggresive, its Bonobos that are peaceful.

    The laws in CT have changed over the last few years making it very hard to own a wild animal in your place of residence. I'm not sure how old it was, but I know she owned the chimp long enough to where she got him before the tighter laws were implemented. Basically she was allowed to keep it because He was grandfathered in to the previous rules.

    That being said, I know its still a wild animal but it wasn't AS wild as say a tiger or lion in my opinion. The chimp could dress itself, ate human food at the the dinner table with a fork and knife, slept in bed in pajamas, knew how to use keys to unlock doors and open them, etc.

    I'm not sure of the exact medication, but she gave him something like a zanex a little before the attack. Dr's now think that may have been the cause stating that human medications can react differently in certain animals.

  15. #15
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    that was horrible, I couldnt listen to much of that, people in distress really freak me out, I'm going to vomit. I had no Idea chimps were capable of something so brutal. I would fight a chimp tho, just to see how strong they really are, and now I hate them anyways.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    The laws in CT have changed over the last few years making it very hard to own a wild animal in your place of residence. I'm not sure how old it was, but I know she owned the chimp long enough to where she got him before the tighter laws were implemented. Basically she was allowed to keep it because He was grandfathered in to the previous rules.

    That being said, I know its still a wild animal but it wasn't AS wild as say a tiger or lion in my opinion. The chimp could dress itself, ate human food at the the dinner table with a fork and knife, slept in bed in pajamas, knew how to use keys to unlock doors and open them, etc.

    I'm not sure of the exact medication, but she gave him something like a zanex a little before the attack. Dr's now think that may have been the cause stating that human medications can react differently in certain animals.
    its spelled xanax my man, and yeah thatll do it to ya. its a CNS depressant and pretty strong benzo. i tripped out once while on xanax and tried to fight my brother. i got knocked the **** out though.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    The laws in CT have changed over the last few years making it very hard to own a wild animal in your place of residence. I'm not sure how old it was, but I know she owned the chimp long enough to where she got him before the tighter laws were implemented. Basically she was allowed to keep it because He was grandfathered in to the previous rules.

    That being said, I know its still a wild animal but it wasn't AS wild as say a tiger or lion in my opinion. The chimp could dress itself, ate human food at the the dinner table with a fork and knife, slept in bed in pajamas, knew how to use keys to unlock doors and open them, etc.

    I'm not sure of the exact medication, but she gave him something like a zanex a little before the attack. Dr's now think that may have been the cause stating that human medications can react differently in certain animals.
    Dude...chimps are the only animals that have been PROVEN to form "gangs" and attack other gangs. They frequently hunt, kill and cannibalize their own.

    Chimps are indeed wild animals and should be left in the wild where they can be wild without ripping some dumb ass lady's face off. Bringing a wild animal into your home is begging for problems.

    She dressed it up and fed it lobster, gave it Xanax? This lady has some fkin issues. If her friend that got killed was my mom or something, you can be damn sure I'd be suing this lady.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    It's spelled xanax my man, and yeah that'll do it to ya. It's a CNS depressant and pretty strong benzo. I tripped out once while on xanax and tried to fight my brother. i got knocked the **** out though.
    Thanks for that necessary correction of one "letter" for me. Lol.
    Please see my corrections to your sentence in blue.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Dude...chimps are the only animals that have been PROVEN to form "gangs" and attack other gangs. They frequently hunt, kill and cannibalize their own.

    Chimps are indeed wild animals and should be left in the wild where they can be wild without ripping some dumb ass lady's face off. Bringing a wild animal into your home is begging for problems.

    She dressed it up and fed it lobster, gave it Xanax? This lady has some fkin issues. If her friend that got killed was my mom or something, you can be damn sure I'd be suing this lady.
    Yeah, it was actually the chimp from the Old Navy commercials. It wore human clothes, slept in a bed. Ate it's meals with the family, etc.
    While I agree with you about it still being a wild animal and having that innate animalistic instinct to it, I still have to make a separation between chimps and other wild animals. They are humans closest animal relative. We can receive blood transfusions from them since our DNA is so similar. I won't even get into the theory of evolution. While not as strong, a dog can do just as much damage.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Dude...chimps are the only animals that have been PROVEN to form "gangs" and attack other gangs. They frequently hunt, kill and cannibalize their own.
    So do humans.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Yeah, it was actually the chimp from the Old Navy commercials. It wore human clothes, slept in a bed. Ate it's meals with the family, etc.
    While I agree with you about it still being a wild animal and having that innate animalistic instinct to it, I still have to make a separation between chimps and other wild animals. They are humans closest animal relative. We can receive blood transfusions from them since our DNA is so similar. I won't even get into the theory of evolution. While not as strong, a dog can do just as much damage.
    Your logic is ridiculous, man. Dogs are domesticated animals that have been bred and evolved to depend on humans for their survival. And no, a dog can not rip a woman's face off, take multiple stab wounds from a large knife in the back, open the door of a police car and attack a police officer, only stopping because it was shot to death.

    I'm pretty sure chimps do just fine in the wild without lobster, clothing and Xanax.

    There's a reason the laws you referred to were created, to prevent people from keeping wild animals as pets so that this very thing doesn't happen.

    This retarded lady should put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger. She not only got her friend killed, she also got the chimp killed.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Your logic is ridiculous, man. Dogs are domesticated animals that have been bred and evolved to depend on humans for their survival. And no, a dog can not rip a woman's face off, take multiple stab wounds from a large knife in the back, open the door of a police car and attack a police officer, only stopping because it was shot to death.
    Please do a search for how many dog related attacks happen in america each year. A dog can not take someone's face off? Are you really serious? Maybe not your teacup yorkie, but do a little research before you post and speak of logic. And yes, larger dogs can take stab wounds and keep going. You think a 200lb rottweiler would be stopped by a knife when it was in attack mode? And obviously they can't open doors. (Lack of intelligence and opposable thumbs). My pitbull has jumped through a closed glass kitchen window to get at a stranger on my property.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Please do a search for how many dog related attacks happen in america each year. A dog can not take someone's face off? Are you really serious? Maybe not your teacup yorkie, but do a little research before you post and speak of logic. And yes, larger dogs can take stab wounds and keep going. You think a 200lb rottweiler would be stopped by a knife when it was in attack mode? And obviously they can't open doors. (Lack of intelligence and opposable thumbs). My pitbull has jumped through a closed glass kitchen window to get at a stranger on my property.
    1. I never said a dog cannot take someones face off. I said a dog is not capable of those events in succession. Yes, there are more dog attacks in the know why? Because there are more dogs. I'm sure if there were as many pet chimps as there are pet dogs, you'd be seeing about chimp attacks all the time, as opposed to pit bull attacks. Chimps can jump, grab, throw, use tools, stomp opponents, etc. A chimp on a rampage will do far more damage than a dog ever could, as evidenced by the events in CT and around the world. Add that to the fact that chimps form gangs and kill for the sake of killing, and you've got an animal that has no business living in someone's home.

    2. Where have you ever seen a 200 lb Rottweiler? Males get up to 110. A Rottweiler that weighed 200 lbs would be severely overweight and hardly up for a fight.

    3. Why would you try to compare domesticated dogs to wild chimps?

    4. My teacup yorkie?

    Why are you trying to defend the actions of a stupid woman? You know damn well that chimps aren't meant to be pets.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 02-19-2009 at 11:20 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BritishColumbian View Post
    that was horrible, I couldnt listen to much of that, people in distress really freak me out, I'm going to vomit. I had no Idea chimps were capable of something so brutal. I would fight a chimp tho, just to see how strong they really are, and now I hate them anyways.

    Fighting a chimp, hell fighting most wild animals IS NOT ADVISABLE. As stated in this thread, chimps have something like 3 times the power of a human, pound for pound. In the wild, most animals kill for food...chimps are one of the few animals that kill for the hell of it. Ive seen tribes of chimps in nature documents corner animals and literally kill it for the sake of it. They can be really evil bastards. It really isn't hard to see how we evolved from chimpanzees and how we keep certain traits. By comparison, Gorillas are very gentle primates.

    I don't blame the chimp for this. Prehaps it had a bad reaction to the drug given it before. Sometimes dogs just go off on one. Ive heard something as minor as a smell or a sound can trigger something in a dog to attack someone or something.

    Cats still go out and kill birds and mice. Animals will NEVER be truly domesticated by humans.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Dude...chimps are the only animals that have been PROVEN to form "gangs" and attack other gangs. They frequently hunt, kill and cannibalize their own.

    Chimps are indeed wild animals and should be left in the wild where they can be wild without ripping some dumb ass lady's face off. Bringing a wild animal into your home is begging for problems.

    She dressed it up and fed it lobster, gave it Xanax? This lady has some fkin issues. If her friend that got killed was my mom or something, you can be damn sure I'd be suing this lady.

    I should have read further down, because this is 100% true. Chimps most the time will adhere to the usual laws of nature, but every now and again they perform some pretty ****ed up stuff. And now that I know what Xanex does to a human from Jiggas response....well giving that to a Chimpanze is asking for trouble.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Please do a search for how many dog related attacks happen in america each year. A dog can not take someone's face off? Are you really serious? Maybe not your teacup yorkie, but do a little research before you post and speak of logic. And yes, larger dogs can take stab wounds and keep going. You think a 200lb rottweiler would be stopped by a knife when it was in attack mode? And obviously they can't open doors. (Lack of intelligence and opposable thumbs). My pitbull has jumped through a closed glass kitchen window to get at a stranger on my property.
    I have to agree with Vera as well as NooMoto, and while you two have opposing opinions, there are some things that can be taken from both of you.

    1) Owning a chimp for a pet is asking for trouble
    2) Certains dogs, like chimps, have been known to cause carnage...i've heard of some pretty effed up stories of what Rotties and Pits have inflincted on people before.
    3) People can call dogs and cats domesticated, they're not really. Cats still go out and hunt mice and birds, a dog will kill a squirrel if it corners one. If humans vanished over night, your average cat and dog could cope quite well in the wild.
    4) Chimps do indeed form gangs..I think it's why humans act the way they do today.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    1. I never said a dog cannot take someones face off. You said a dog is not capable of ripping off someones face.I said a dog is not capable of those events in succession. And yes it is Yes, there are more dog attacks in the know why? Because there are more dogs. Was not my point. I'm sure if there were as many pet chimps as there are pet dogs, you'd be seeing about chimp attacks all the time, as opposed to pit bull attacks. Chimps can jump, grab, throw, use tools, stomp opponents, etc. A chimp on a rampage will do far more damage than a dog ever could, as evidenced by the events in CT and around the world. Really? Hmm, no deaths, one injured. How many times have you heard about a dog killing one or even multiple people? I've heard this a lot.Add that to the fact that chimps form gangs and kill for the sake of killing, and you've got an animal that has no business living in someone's home.
    My point was not that there are MORE dog attacks than chimp attacks obviously. My point was that even domesticated animals kill and injure humans.

    2. Where have you ever seen a 200 lb Rottweiler? Males get up to 110. A Rottweiler that weighed 200 lbs would be severely overweight and hardly up for a fight.
    My friend has two actually one is 211 lbs and the other is 208. They are bread in germany. My parents st bernard is also 175 lbs.

    3. Why would you try to compare domesticated dogs to wild chimps?
    Again, you are missing my point. I was saying that even domesticated house pets can be just as violent. BTW the chimp was domesticated since birth. Difference. Just like there are such things as wild dogs.

    4. My teacup yorkie?
    Why are you trying to defend the actions of a stupid woman? You know damn well that chimps aren't meant to be pets.
    I'm not defending her actions at all. Just stating that I don't think you can group them in with a pet lion or something like that. Any animal, be it domestic or wild has the ability to turn even on its owner.

  28. #28
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    I lol the whole time. Wrong i know but funny.

  29. #29
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    Man, you guys are right, that clip is hilarious to listen to!! Do you also like to laugh at the 9/11 devastation videos, or victims of war, etc.? Those are just as funny. Put yourself in the woman's shoes for about two seconds and you'll really think it's not that funny--even if it was just plain stupid to own that thing as a pet.

    Is this funny too?

    (It's not related at all to the chimp attack; I'm just trying to make a point.)

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Overhaulz View Post
    Man, you guys are right, that clip is hilarious to listen to!! Do you also like to laugh at the 9/11 devastation videos, or victims of war, etc.? Those are just as funny. Put yourself in the woman's shoes for about two seconds and you'll really think it's not that funny--even if it was just plain stupid to own that thing as a pet.

    Is this funny too?

    (It's not related at all to the chimp attack; I'm just trying to make a point.)

    lol, thats just creepy.

    And there is a huge difference between 9/11 and a chimp attack. Thats like apples to oranges

  31. #31
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    yeah I don't find that funny at all.

  32. #32
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    The people who died in the 9/11 attacks had no control over their deaths. The woman getting mauled because she was dumb enough to hang out with a chimpanzee had full control over what she chose to do. So yes, I find the woman getting mauled by a chimp funny.

    FYI...I was watching the news last night, they had a woman on who had been bitten by the same chimp on a previous occasion.

  33. #33
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    Its funny till it happens to you and then we want all the sympathy in the world

  34. #34
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    Why again was the chimp on Xanax?

    My bitch sister in law takes it all the time and gets all moody and violent...

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Its funny till it happens to you and then we want all the sympathy in the world
    Well...I wouldn't hang out with a fkin wild animal, especially not one that could kick my ass. I'm not retarded enough to believe that an animal such as a chimpanzee is my homeboy. I find it funny when dumb people do dumb shit and get punished for it.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Well...I wouldn't hang out with a fkin wild animal, especially not one that could kick my ass. I'm not retarded enough to believe that an animal such as a chimpanzee is my homeboy. I find it funny when dumb people do dumb shit and get punished for it.
    Yes I agree with the dumb shit and getting "punished."

    I'm not here to argue or down people or whatever. All I'm saying is shit does happen sometimes and it may seem comical in a cartoon, to someone else possibly, but when its a loved one then we may change how we feel about the situation. I live towards the Smokey mountains and people run into animals all the time in the park. I mean they get attacked by raccoons, bambi and shit. May sound funny but it ain't when your face is hanging off your skull. Animals don't think like us when its fight or flight time. Once the "enemy" is down they may not stop like most humans would in a fight. They bust heads and take names....

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Yeah, it was actually the chimp from the Old Navy commercials. It wore human clothes, slept in a bed. Ate it's meals with the family, etc.
    While I agree with you about it still being a wild animal and having that innate animalistic instinct to it, I still have to make a separation between chimps and other wild animals. They are humans closest animal relative. We can receive blood transfusions from them since our DNA is so similar. I won't even get into the theory of evolution. While not as strong, a dog can do just as much damage.
    lol ... you cant get blood tansfusions from a chimp... and the 2 % dna diff is quit a bit diff... it that was the case 2 % not being a big deal than we would be closer to plants than chimps... some plants have more advanced dna.

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    imagine watching your friends face being ripped off and their was nothing you could do as the chimp feasted (ate) her face... and chewed off her fingers - she had the chimp for a long time and knew it power that is why she was so crazy about it being shoot to death.

    not the first time chimps tore off a humans face either...

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    lol ... you cant get blood tansfusions from a chimp... and the 2 % dna diff is quit a bit diff... it that was the case 2 % not being a big deal than we would be closer to plants than chimps... some plants have more advanced dna.
    lol, you're wrong pal.

    White blood cells do contain chimp DNA. Other blood products should not really be an issue. Red blood cells do not contain any genetic material, and neither do platelets.

    In may 2007, There was a court case in Europe to determine whether Chimps should have Human rights by law.
    During the case, "experts pointed out that chimps differ from humans by only 1 per cent of their genetic material, can accept a blood transfusion and can learn and use human languages through signs or symbols - although they lack the vocal dexterity to master speech..... and there are striking similarities in the composition of the blood and the immune responses. In fact, biologically, chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than they are to gorillas."

  40. #40
    FYI we can also accept kidney donations from each other.
    Chimpanzees and bonobos are our joint closest living relatives. (Not plants, lol. ridiculous)
    Last edited by VeraDeMilo; 02-20-2009 at 12:38 PM.

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