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Thread: Condoms not answer to AIDS, Pope says

  1. #1
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    Condoms not answer to AIDS, Pope says

    En route to Africa, pontiff advises abstinence, saying condom use "increases the problem"

    Mar 17, 2009 08:53 AM

    Victor L. Simpson
    Associated Press

    ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE – Pope Benedict XVI said on his way to Africa today that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV. It was his first explicit statement on an issue that has divided even clergy working with AIDS patients.

    Benedict had never directly addressed condom use. He has said that the Roman Catholic Church is in the forefront of the battle against AIDS. The Vatican encourages sexual abstinence to fight the spread of the disease.

    "You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms," the pope told reporters aboard the Alitalia plane headed to Yaounde, Cameroon, where he will begin a seven-day pilgrimage on the continent. "On the contrary, it increases the problem.''

    Some priests and nuns working with those living with HIV/AIDS question the church's opposition to condoms amid the pandemic ravaging Africa.

    Benedict's first papal trip to Africa will take him to Cameroon and Angola. Africa is the fastest-growing region for the Roman Catholic Church, though it competes with Islam and evangelical churches.

    The pope also said today that he intends to make an appeal for "international solidarity" for Africa in the face of the global economic downturn.

    He said that while the church does not propose specific economic solutions, it can give "spiritual and moral" suggestions.

    Describing the current crisis as the consequence of "a deficit of ethics in economic structures," the pope said, "It is here that the church can make a contribution."

    On the plane, Benedict also dismissed the notion that he was facing increasing opposition and isolation within the church, particularly after an outreach to ultraconservatives that led to his lifting the excommunication of a Holocaust-denying bishop.

    "The myth of my solitude makes me laugh," the pope said, adding that he can count on a network of friends and aides whom he sees every day.

    In a letter to Catholic bishops released last week, the pope made an unusual public acknowledgment of Vatican mistakes and turmoil in his church over the rehabilitation of Bishop Richard Williamson.

    While acknowledging mistakes were made in handling the affair, Benedict said he was saddened that he was criticized "with open hostility" even by those who should have known better.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Say what.... Thats crazy..

  3. #3
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    The pope is an idiot.

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    This will be the last Pope before the end.... anyone else watch that show on the History Channel?

  5. #5
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    I agree the pope is NUTS but no wonder how old is he!! hes still stuk in the 1800..

  6. #6
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    Peace be unto you all.

    I really think we should show some sensitivity and tolerance towards Catholics. Yes, we have freedom of speech, but there is also something called civility and respect for the sensitivities of others. Think about it this way: if you saw a fat person in real life, would you start mocking fat people to that person's face? (Prone or Mad Matt, don't answer that.) Obviously you would not, as most human beings have an unwritten code and decorum. It certainly does not behoove anyone to use hateful language to describe a man who is respected so very much by Catholics.

    Furthermore, I think what the Pope was trying to say is that by passing out condoms you are condoning sexual activity, which in turn causes the spread of sexual diseases. I disagree with this, and you may too, because the reality is that people will continue to fornicate anyways. But the fact is that what the Pope is saying is not completely irrational. Lastly, I think that he is 100% right to say that pre-marital abstinence is the only solution. In certain places like Africa, it should be imposed like martial law, considering the fact that such a huge percentage of the population has AIDS, such that even if you were not a religious person at all, even still you would think that abstinence would be important in such a condition where the disease is like an epidemic.

    Forgive me if I said anything offensive. I did not mean to call anyone out, and I hope I did not do that.

    In the Care of the Lord,
    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 03-18-2009 at 06:48 AM.

  7. #7
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    Hardly anyone practices abstinence, so why not encourage condoms?

    The pope needs to get off his high horse and come down to reality.

  8. #8
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    Fvck the pope ... that's the biggest bullshit position of power that's ever existed.

  9. #9
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    I agree with Buffed that it prehaps is a bit unfair to critizise catholisism based on the Pope. I do think he is a bit bonkers, another religious relic living in the dark ages.

    Im not sure if that law would work in Africa. I think the problem there is, there isn't enough education. I don't think people have more sex in Africa than say anywhere else, it's because they have a complete lack of understanding concerning disease and contraception. Education is what they need...

  10. #10
    Guess it sucks to be Catholic. Are the majority of Africans Catholic? I could be wrong but I'd guess why would they give a crap anyway?

  11. #11
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    Beyond the Pale.
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    The pope is an idiot.
    Quote Originally Posted by kavva1987 View Post
    I agree the pope is NUTS but no wonder how old is he!! hes still stuk in the 1800..
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33 View Post
    Fvck the pope ... that's the biggest bullshit position of power that's ever existed.
    Were all adults here, surly we can be smart enough to attack the outdated rules of the church and leave the actual man who is the Pope out of it.He's hamstrung, he must say using condoms is wrong,otherwise he cant be Pope.Don't forget use a condom and you'll have to repent in confession.Have sex With anyone but your husband in some Muslin held parts of Africa and get stoned to death.I'm Catholic I wear a condom every time and say a little sorry prayer afterwards as I throw my boys in the bin.

  12. #12
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    he should have said what was really on his mind "fvck little boys to not spread hiv"

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    he should have said what was really on his mind "fvck little boys to not spread hiv"
    Was some one 'bothered' by a priest as a child?

  14. #14
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    Couple questions to ponder...

    Why is the pope an idiot for believing in his faith? Thats idiotic in itself to say that...

    How are condoms the answer? Ever since the existance of condoms the rate of infection has steadily increased....

    Could education may be more of a help? Aids isn't only spread by unprotected sex...

    And why don't we throw some morals in there...or at least that thing called 'education' if you dont believe in 'morals'.

    How about we take away the condoms and just let natural selection do its thing....since they dont seem to be working...OOPS thats not very "christian" of me...
    Last edited by rhino1; 03-29-2009 at 03:15 AM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    Couple questions to ponder...

    Why is the pope an idiot for believing in his faith? Thats idiotic in itself to say that...

    How are condoms the answer? Ever since the existance of condoms the rate of infection has steadily increased....

    Could education may be more of a help? Aids isn't only spread by unprotected sex...

    And why don't we throw some morals in there...or at least that thing called 'education' if you dont believe in 'morals'.

    How about we take away the condoms and just let natural selection do its thing....since they dont seem to be working...OOPS thats not very "christian" of me...
    1:He is not an idiot for his beliefs.I agree with you.
    2:Condoms arn't perfect but since the introduction of seat belts in cars the number of people dieing on the roads around the world has stedily increased, why bother using them either?
    3:Morals and sex don't realy mix.Morals wise either you only have sex with your spouse or you have sex with pretty much anyone willing.Thats how humans are and few strive to control their primal urges,specialy where sex is conserned.
    4:As for taking away condoms,just cos she humped some sc*mbag doesnt mean I shouldn't get some.Sluty girls no all the good stuff. J/K

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pocketbattleship2B View Post
    1:He is not an idiot for his beliefs.I agree with you.
    2:Condoms arn't perfect but since the introduction of seat belts in cars the number of people dieing on the roads around the world has stedily increased, why bother using them either?
    3:Morals and sex don't realy mix.Morals wise either you only have sex with your spouse or you have sex with pretty much anyone willing.Thats how humans are and few strive to control their primal urges,specialy where sex is conserned.
    4:As for taking away condoms,just cos she humped some sc*mbag doesnt mean I shouldn't get some.Sluty girls no all the good stuff. J/K
    i would like to see some more proof of this. cus i think its bs

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pocketbattleship2B View Post
    since the introduction of seat belts in cars the number of people dieing on the roads around the world has stedily increased, why bother using them either?
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    i would like to see some more proof of this. cus i think its bs
    It *could* be true, simply due to population increases and amount of cars produced and driven pre-1965 (or whenever seat belts became mandatory).

    Either way, it doesn't help the argument much.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    he should have said what was really on his mind "fvck little boys to not spread hiv"

    Sure that's what Muhammad did with the tradition of thighing..

    Oh wait, you were being sarcastic weren't you??

    Only person i know that consistently uses condoms all the time, no matter what, is my brother.. he's gay..
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    Couple questions to ponder...

    Why is the pope an idiot for believing in his faith? Thats idiotic in itself to say that...

    How are condoms the answer? Ever since the existance of condoms the rate of infection has steadily increased....

    Could education may be more of a help? Aids isn't only spread by unprotected sex...

    And why don't we throw some morals in there...or at least that thing called 'education' if you dont believe in 'morals'.

    How about we take away the condoms and just let natural selection do its thing....since they dont seem to be working...OOPS thats not very "christian" of me...

    i am a roman catholic . oh and yes i think the leaders of our church are idots too . show me where it says in the bible that condoms are bad unholy . it dont this is a rule made by the church so that we catholics would keep having children . . im sure god has a lot more on his plate than if im wearing a rubber tonight while having sex with my wife .

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    i would like to see some more proof of this. cus i think its bs
    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    It *could* be true, simply due to population increases and amount of cars produced and driven pre-1965 (or whenever seat belts became mandatory).

    Either way, it doesn't help the argument much.
    Yes, because of the huge increase in cars on the road more people are dieing.This is also why there is a hugh increase in casese of std/sti's,there are far more people having far more unprotected sex and getting diseases. People are going to have sex no matter what, educate them and they might protect themselves and each other.Thats all I'm saying.

  21. #21
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    Booooo the pope

    hooray beer!

  22. #22
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Booooo the pope

    hooray beer!
    I agree....

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