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i dont usually come around here because bickering over the internet solves nothing.
It has nothing to do with the fact that you know you will lose in debate, right? 
nevertheless, you have no proof 1400 innocent people were killed or a handful of fanatics were killed.
Your argument is similar to what the anti-Semites say: "there is no proof that 6 million Jews were killed."
When it comes to dead Jews, then you balk at anyone even doubting the number (and rightfully so). But when it comes to dead Gentiles--especially those heathen terrorist loving Muslims (and ESPECIALLY the "cockroach" Palestinians)--then suddenly you can't believe anything! Suddenly you don't know anything!
The spokesman for the Israeli human rights group, B'Tselem, placed the estimate at 1,400 dead Palestinians.
How on earth do you have any credibility when you claim that only a "handful" were killed? I can understand if you--in your bigoted ways--would say that all 1,000 were terrorists (since that is the Zionist thing to do!)--but to deny the facts altogether and say that only a "handful" died...!!! You are quite the joker.
Perhaps we should say only a handful of Jews died in the Holocaust then?
in fact, hamas media ban in gaza prevents anyone from really knowing anything aside from what suits their ends.
Ummm...can you give proof that Hamas banned the media in Gaza?
It is Israel who banned the media in Gaza:
Is it upside down day again?
Also, you left out a crucial piece of information from the article (not that i think the independent is a real newspaper anyhow): That each home was given 5 minutes to exit before troops entered. they didnt have to die...
There are two issues here:
First, Israel has created more refugees than any other country on the earth. There are nine MILLION Palestinian refugees in the world. One out of every four refugees in the world is Palestinian. So the issue is not simply just killing. It is also about creating refugees: destroying the homes of people, and running them out of their land. This number--9 million--should put the issue into perspective. This is what your colonial Zionism has done. Yitzhak Rubin, a former Israeli prime minister, said about Ben Gurion (another Israeli Prime minister):
"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'" (Yitzhak Rabin remembering the establishment of Israel in 1948, 23 October 1979)
Second, five minutes to leave your house or you will be blown up? So let's say I was a soldier and I said "I am going to blow your house up in five minutes." Inside that house are women and children and old men. Let's say they don't leave after five minutes. Then I am justified in killing them all? Even the babies who "refused" to leave? Really? That is purity of arms to you? What kind of deranged world do you live in?