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Thread: Americans take back hijacked ship

  1. #1
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    Americans take back hijacked ship

    So apparently, some Somali pirates hijacked an American cargo ship carrying relief supplies to Kenya. Then the American crew of 20 managed to somehow take back control of the ship, and may have even captured one of the pirates.

    Good show, crew!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    haha, Pretty cool.

    Like watching a movie. I didn't know pirates still roamed.

  3. #3
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    Problem is its hard to track them...

  4. #4
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    So did you hear about the skipper trying to escape, yeah the navy ship should have been on the ball cause when he jumped out he could have gone under water and the navy could have sniped many the pirates before they could have hurt the skipper. Also why havent they sniped the pirates yet, if they had a sniper ready blast them when they come to the opening, no more pirates and guess what skipper has a great chance of survival. Any way Obama is a p*ssy and so the skipper will probably be paid for or die one or the other, Our government is a bunch of idiots, did you hear about Kerry saying I am going to call for senate talks, and Hillary saying she was going to talk to the U.N. riiiigggggghhhhhhht! the U.N. is the biggest joke in history, screw the U.N. when we need help nothing happens but when they say jump we say how high. Stupid liberals, I hope they all die hugging trees.

    I hope the Skipper gets away and comes home, I really do but Obama doesnt care at all, so we need to brace ourselves for the skipper to come home in a casket. Thanks alot Liberal morons
    Last edited by sloth9; 04-10-2009 at 07:24 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sloth9 View Post
    So did you hear about the skipper trying to escape, yeah the navy ship should have been on the ball cause when he jumped out he could have gone under water and the navy could have sniped many the pirates before they could have hurt the skipper. Also why havent they sniped the pirates yet, if they had a sniper ready blast them when they come to the opening, no more pirates and guess what skipper has a great chance of survival. Any way Obama is a p*ssy and so the skipper will probably be paid for or die one or the other, Our government is a bunch of idiots, did you hear about Kerry saying I am going to call for senate talks, and Hillary saying she was going to talk to the U.N. riiiigggggghhhhhhht! the U.N. is the biggest joke in history, screw the U.N. when we need help nothing happens but when they say jump we say how high. Stupid liberals, I hope they all die hugging trees.

    I hope the Skipper gets away and comes home, I really do but Obama doesnt care at all, so we need to brace ourselves for the skipper to come home in a casket. Thanks alot Liberal morons
    While I do not share your contempt for President Obama, I agree with the sentiment you express. Its frustrating to see this happen. What we need to do is send the SEALs in and try to save the guy. And Kill the pirates of course. Maybe if we put them on stakes and line them up on the beach this sh*t won't happen to american ships anymore. I Cant believe we're just hangin out NEGOTIATING WITH PIRATES, while THE FRENCH are Kicking ass and not bothering to take names.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sloth9 View Post
    Hillary saying she was going to talk to the U.N. riiiigggggghhhhhhht! the U.N. is the biggest joke in history, screw the U.N. when we need help nothing happens but when they say jump we say how high. Stupid liberals, I hope they all die hugging trees.
    When Iraq invades a country without UN approval, then America uses this as a justification for sanctions and bombing of Iraq. HOW DARE YOU INVADE A COUNTRY, utter the Americans. Yet these same Americans sanction America taking "unilateral action" (i.e. invading countries illegally without UN approval). Hypocrisy at its finest.

    Liberal morons
    I have found that the liberals are usually the educated ones from the prestigious schools of the nation, whereas the neo-cons are the dumber ones. The neo-cons have a simplistic understanding: "let's go destroy them all, and then let God sort it out"...whereas liberals give nuanced and balanced (educated) answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by TexSavant View Post
    While I do not share your contempt for President Obama, I agree with the sentiment you express. Its frustrating to see this happen. What we need to do is send the SEALs in and try to save the guy. And Kill the pirates of course. Maybe if we put them on stakes and line them up on the beach this sh*t won't happen to american ships anymore. I Cant believe we're just hangin out NEGOTIATING WITH PIRATES, while THE FRENCH are Kicking ass and not bothering to take names.
    Somalia has been through fifteen plus years of anarchy and is in a very dire situation. Western countries have devastated Somalia's fishing industry:

    And here is a more reliable source about how Somalia's fishing industry is being destroyed:
    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 04-11-2009 at 01:34 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post

    I have found that the liberals are usually the educated ones from the prestigious schools of the nation, whereas the neo-cons are the dumber ones. The neo-cons have a simplistic understanding: "let's go destroy them all, and then let God sort it out"...whereas liberals give nuanced and balanced (educated) answers.
    According to my IQ scores which place me in the the top few percentile of the population, I find that most liberals are only liberal because their Harvard East Coast buddies are liberal. Additionally they live in a world not based on reality. They think in terms only how their liberal ivy league Poly Sci or Soc Professor told them living in the mid west or the South makes you an ignorant red neck, that spanking your kids is bad and that being white is somehow bad and that all the pale skin racist should pay for the sins of their fathers. But only at the expense of those of the average middle class. Oh and liberals like to yell at people that label other people only to label them as uneducated when they disagree with there perverse understanding of how the world should work not how it really works. In conclusion I believe this link says it best.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    According to my IQ scores which place me in the the top few percentile of the population, I find that most liberals are only liberal because their Harvard East Coast buddies are liberal. Additionally they live in a world not based on reality. They think in terms only how their liberal ivy league Poly Sci or Soc Professor told them living in the mid west or the South makes you an ignorant red neck, that spanking your kids is bad and that being white is somehow bad and that all the pale skin racist should pay for the sins of their fathers. But only at the expense of those of the average middle class. Oh and liberals like to yell at people that label other people only to label them as uneducated when they disagree with there perverse understanding of how the world should work not how it really works. In conclusion I believe this link says it best.
    An ivory-tower education usually makes one more progressive thinking. It expands one's mind, and thereby makes it harder to be bigoted.

    Said another way: the "hicks" don't get a good university education, and hence are left to fester in their intolerance, bigotry, and simple mindedness.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post

    Said another way: the "hicks" don't get a good university education, and hence are left to fester in their intolerance, bigotry, and simple mindedness.
    Thus who fights the wars.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Thus who fights the wars.
    Edit: never mind.
    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 04-11-2009 at 02:56 AM.

  11. #11
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    Liberal and Open-Minded are NOT automatically synonyms

    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    An ivory-tower education usually makes one more progressive thinking. It expands one's mind, and thereby makes it harder to be bigoted.

    Said another way: the "hicks" don't get a good university education, and hence are left to fester in their intolerance, bigotry, and simple mindedness.
    I changed significantly in college, though it was only partially due to the education. Most of it was life experience independent of school. I am a thinker & researcher by nature and I'm committed to the idea of always learning. Most of all, I want to get the right answer with as little regard for rigid political philosophy as humanly possible. A natural result of this is that I have NO RESPECT for political correctness, and deem it a debilitating phenomenon which blinds some from the truth, and attempts to stiffle those who can see it from sharing it. I'm liberal on labor, environmental, and drug policy. I'm one of the few people in this state that doesn't think that same-sex marriage will destroy the country. Though I am concerned about the "slippery-slope" (i.e. polygamy, which is antithetical to the entire history of western culture) But when it comes to foreign policy, I do not believe we can afford to roll the dice on liberal idealism. The world requires ORDER. The United States and our allies have a duty to maintain it. Piracy has long been a capital offense. They are a species of terrorist.

    As for Somalia, they have mostly themselves to blame. Somalia is a FAILED, Hell-hole country FIRST and FOREMOST because their political factions would rather kill each other than have civilized elections. They haven't the cultural tool-set to function in modernity. Hence they resemble a medieval feudal state of warlords and their pitifully impoverished servants. The central government fell 19 years ago. Somalia would be better off reverting to a British/Italian colony, seeing as how they can't govern themselves the way a civilized society is expected too. The only real hope they have is to invite UN / western forces in to help maintain order while disarming and perhaps sending their most sophisticated to those Ivory-Tower colleges you talk about so they can learn how to run a proper parliamentary or presidential democracy.
    THE CHOICE IS THEIRS, and it is stark. Become a modern society with a successful political model, or wallow in medieval misery.

    Think about it : The only truly successful nations on this earth are the ones that have embraced and adopted modernity. It started in the West, but Japan & South Korea are excellent examples of what can be accomplished when people DECIDE they want to have a better country. China is remarkable despite its left-over Maoist instincts. I believe in China. It will be a good thing when they finally come of age, since the world needs TWO Superpowers to regulate this planet.

  12. #12
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    WTF does any of this have to do with pirates?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Edit: never mind.
    No no no buddy, you cant do that. Come on now you know I can handle it....

    Spit it out....

  14. #14
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    Pirates these days... Send me after them!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexSavant View Post
    I changed significantly in college, though it was only partially due to the education. Most of it was life experience independent of school. I am a thinker & researcher by nature and I'm committed to the idea of always learning. Most of all, I want to get the right answer with as little regard for rigid political philosophy as humanly possible. A natural result of this is that I have NO RESPECT for political correctness, and deem it a debilitating phenomenon which blinds some from the truth, and attempts to stiffle those who can see it from sharing it. I'm liberal on labor, environmental, and drug policy. I'm one of the few people in this state that doesn't think that same-sex marriage will destroy the country. Though I am concerned about the "slippery-slope" (i.e. polygamy, which is antithetical to the entire history of western culture) But when it comes to foreign policy, I do not believe we can afford to roll the dice on liberal idealism. The world requires ORDER. The United States and our allies have a duty to maintain it. Piracy has long been a capital offense. They are a species of terrorist.

    As for Somalia, they have mostly themselves to blame. Somalia is a FAILED, Hell-hole country FIRST and FOREMOST because their political factions would rather kill each other than have civilized elections. They haven't the cultural tool-set to function in modernity. Hence they resemble a medieval feudal state of warlords and their pitifully impoverished servants. The central government fell 19 years ago. Somalia would be better off reverting to a British/Italian colony, seeing as how they can't govern themselves the way a civilized society is expected too. The only real hope they have is to invite UN / western forces in to help maintain order while disarming and perhaps sending their most sophisticated to those Ivory-Tower colleges you talk about so they can learn how to run a proper parliamentary or presidential democracy.
    THE CHOICE IS THEIRS, and it is stark. Become a modern society with a successful political model, or wallow in medieval misery.

    Think about it : The only truly successful nations on this earth are the ones that have embraced and adopted modernity. It started in the West, but Japan & South Korea are excellent examples of what can be accomplished when people DECIDE they want to have a better country. China is remarkable despite its left-over Maoist instincts. I believe in China. It will be a good thing when they finally come of age, since the world needs TWO Superpowers to regulate this planet.
    Although I have 2 associate degrees 1 in automotive and one in medical technology and I have 1 bachelor in mechanical engineering built on from the automotive tech degree, I did not let the liberal "ivy league" try to change me, I actually almost failed my composition 1301 because of my "neo con" views. I had to work harder and make sure my points were rock solid, and my writing had to be A+ work in order to get a B this guy was a jerk from the NY and he hated me, but I pulled a B and later got it an A because I took my case to the president at school. The thing is you guys make a good point, but because I am so strong in my views and I am very opinionated I had to work very hard in school to pull some good grades. I do not feel "neo cons" are dumb we are the ones who fight the wars, and work the jobs that built America. Just like me I have been working in power plants for a couple of years now and were would liberals be without people like me who keep the power coming to your tree hugging lives and houses. For the most part Buffed guys comments make no sense, all the northern states are losing people everyday because of Ivy league liberals taxes, and ideas. People are coming down to the southern states to leave liberals and their rediculous taxes. Anyway I do not feel the need to back up every view I have on a forum we are not all doctors and refined ivy league people. you may pm on any more ideas or thoughts I will not flame you on these topics but I can go head to head with ya, or we can start a new thread on it.

    Now back to the Pirates, Americas policy is no negotiation with terrorist's these pirates are terrorist's and need to die. See I bet Obama will kiss their butts and give them the money, yes the family wants the skipper home, but I bet the Skipper doesnt want to live so bad that America bows down to scum like them. He is ex-military so he has pride, and know the drill. They do need to take these pirates out asap, before more come and then it involves more countries' hostages, if America moves once the pirate reinforcements get there it could put more at risk. I feel Obama is making some serious mistakes here and if the pirates get away with or kill the Skipper -Phillips that will be a huge negative effect to Obama's crew. But it is not a surprising one because this is the stance liberals take, no war and violence and we can talk it out. Look at Carter, he thought he was doing good and the Iranians laughed at him and gave him a cell phone saying we will call you when we make a decision. I bet he still carries that cell phone around thinking it could happen. America wil get tired of Obama and there will be another 12 years at least of Conservatives in office. The problem is that we need a whole new government entity, alot of republicans are corrupt and most of the Dems are too, see republicans can be liberal too.

  16. #16
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    Got the captain back...good news.

  17. #17
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    SEALs are so badass

  18. #18
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    I read that this afternoon, I am so ecstatic, man we didnt have to negotiate and we showed them screw with the USA you die. I just hope we can keep this up in the future. I am just so thankful he didnt have to die to prove a point, you guys just dont know how happy I am to be wrong about this situation, I thought he would be killed or taken to Somalia, I am proud to be wrong. Thankyou God, and to the brave men in the military, and thankyou to the awesome Seals who rescued him. That is our military at its best, I also have to give props to Obama for approving this operation, I do not like him still but he made a good decision, just too bad not sooner. I am very thrilled that he was saved and is on his way home.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    SEALs are so badass
    Fvckin eh, They dont mess around!

  20. #20
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    I'm glad...I was getting scared that we were gonna be gay and let the Captain die.

  21. #21
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    I loved hearing the Navy Seals took those pricks out. But just watch and see..the Somali government or the Amnisty International douche bags are going to start whinning because the forth one was on board the Navy warship negotiating his release already. Hope they fed those pirates to the sharks.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Somalia has been through fifteen plus years of anarchy and is in a very dire situation. Western countries have devastated Somalia's fishing industry:

    And here is a more reliable source about how Somalia's fishing industry is being destroyed:
    Do you even read your own links? Or just spout off Amercan and western hate then hope nobody will look? There is a table of contens, it doesn't take long. Here, I'll quote for you the section on unregulated fishing's impact. Hmm, doesn't seem to me like the West are the ones doing the poaching. East Africa
    Moving to the Indian Ocean, east African countries appear to suffer from IUU fishing
    of many resources including shrimp, but here tuna is of greater importance. Some of
    this IUU is from border-hopping activities – such as the reported IUU fishing by
    Kenyan shrimp trawlers in Somali waters – and some of it is DWFN activity, such as
    the Taiwanese longline activity in Tanzanian waters that in 2001 we estimate to have
    been worth about $20m (Annex A). Recent reports is that this has been brought
    under control by Tanzanian authorities, through improved licensing schemes, but this
    has yet to be validated and there are other aspects of IUU in Tanzanian waters that
    would bear scrutiny, such as possible underreporting by DWFN under access
    agreements. As with the situation in Sierra Leone, the rampant IUU activity (tuna and
    shrimp) in Somali waters is caused by low MCS capability but most importantly weak
    regulatory structures and corruption 94brought on by the recent protracted civil war.

    As for your other youtube video blaming nuclear waste for destruction of fishing industry and the west making them sick...that asshole isn't exactly telling the whole story either, is he? Just the exciting part he wants you to hear, all while criticizing the news for doing the same.

    "Local warlords, many of them former ministers in Siad Barre’s last government, received large payments from Swiss and Italian firms for access to their respective fiefdoms"

    "contracts signed by the two companies and representatives of the then “President” — Ali Mahdi Mohamed — to accept 10 million tonnes of toxic waste in exchange for $80 million (then about £60 million)."

    Why not blame the people who sold the rights to the waters when you can blame the West? There must be a better place for you to go hate America then here.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    When Iraq invades a country without UN approval, then America uses this as a justification for sanctions and bombing of Iraq. HOW DARE YOU INVADE A COUNTRY, utter the Americans. Yet these same Americans sanction America taking "unilateral action" (i.e. invading countries illegally without UN approval). Hypocrisy at its finest.

    I have found that the liberals are usually the educated ones from the prestigious schools of the nation, whereas the neo-cons are the dumber ones. The neo-cons have a simplistic understanding: "let's go destroy them all, and then let God sort it out"...whereas liberals give nuanced and balanced (educated) answers.
    Actually we were backing up a un resolution by invading Iraq..

    Yes, the old liberal montra. We are the smart, educated ones and anyone that doesnt think like us must be a idiot. Anymore it cracks me up. Especially when you look at liberal policies that never work for the benefit of the US. Liberals base there success on intentions, not outcome.

  24. #24
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    The west is stealing their fish, so they have the right to turn to piracy...stupidity.
    And there is no evidence of toxic waste reducing fish stocks in Somolia.
    Last edited by Kratos; 04-13-2009 at 02:17 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    When Iraq invades a country without UN approval, then America uses this as a justification for sanctions and bombing of Iraq. HOW DARE YOU INVADE A COUNTRY, utter the Americans. Yet these same Americans sanction America taking "unilateral action" (i.e. invading countries illegally without UN approval). Hypocrisy at its finest.

    I have found that the liberals are usually the educated ones from the prestigious schools of the nation, whereas the neo-cons are the dumber ones. The neo-cons have a simplistic understanding: "let's go destroy them all, and then let God sort it out"...whereas liberals give nuanced and balanced (educated) answers.

    Somalia has been through fifteen plus years of anarchy and is in a very dire situation. Western countries have devastated Somalia's fishing industry:

    And here is a more reliable source about how Somalia's fishing industry is being destroyed:

    you do realize you are american right? sometimes it seems like you have forgotten that. my advice to you is to move to the middle east or better yet somalia since you seem to be so anti-american and see how those animals treat you
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  26. #26
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    Actually we were backing up a un resolution by invading Iraq..

    Yes, the old liberal montra. We are the smart, educated ones and anyone that doesnt think like us must be a idiot. Anymore it cracks me up. Especially when you look at liberal policies that never work for the benefit of the US. Liberals base there success on intentions, not outcome.
    Funny how many of your conservatives stoop to liberal bashing. But let's face it, BOTH liberal and conservative policies have FVCKED up this country. When we had a conservative government (most of Bush's tenure) there was bad policy after bad policy. Now with Obama and an all-liberal government there are many policies that could potentially ruin the country. And I'm a huge Obama supporter. I'm just more willing to give the guy more than 90days to make my assessment.

    Also strange how no one pointed out that Obama gave the go ahead for this military action. Conservatives are always whining that he won't protect Americans, his actions here proved otherwise. But now the conservatives are saying he waited about announcing this because he's a political opportunist and that if this would have gone badly, the 'mainstream' media would have pushed it under the rug. So no matter what the man does, he won't garner conservative support, so I admire him for sticking to his guns. Bush did the same thing while he was president. He knew he wouldn't get any support from liberals, but he didn't give a fvck as long as he had support from his conservative supporters.

  27. #27
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    I wasnt really liberal bashing...just responding to an earlier post.

    The biggest problem I had with Bush is he wasnt a true conservative. We havent had one since Reagan.

    Im just looking at what Obama is proposing and an totally against most of it. I dont dislike the guy..just his policies. From over the top spending to universal healthcare. Like I pointed out, we have govt run healthcare in the military. I have several family members in the military and their healthcare sucks.

    I do like the fact that Obama ordered the seals to go in. He gets props for that for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Funny how many of your conservatives stoop to liberal bashing. But let's face it, BOTH liberal and conservative policies have FVCKED up this country. When we had a conservative government (most of Bush's tenure) there was bad policy after bad policy. Now with Obama and an all-liberal government there are many policies that could potentially ruin the country. And I'm a huge Obama supporter. I'm just more willing to give the guy more than 90days to make my assessment.

    Also strange how no one pointed out that Obama gave the go ahead for this military action. Conservatives are always whining that he won't protect Americans, his actions here proved otherwise. But now the conservatives are saying he waited about announcing this because he's a political opportunist and that if this would have gone badly, the 'mainstream' media would have pushed it under the rug. So no matter what the man does, he won't garner conservative support, so I admire him for sticking to his guns. Bush did the same thing while he was president. He knew he wouldn't get any support from liberals, but he didn't give a fvck as long as he had support from his conservative supporters.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    The biggest problem I had with Bush is he wasnt a true conservative. We havent had one since Reagan.
    I would argue since Grover Cleveland. Reagan spoke of small government, but expanded it exponentially. Strictly cutting taxes is not conservatism.

  29. #29
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    lol, I saw you lurking...I knew you would disagree with something I said

    Theres only so much you can do with a dem controlled congress. But he was far far more conservative than Bush Sr and Jr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    I would argue since Grover Cleveland. Reagan spoke of small government, but expanded it exponentially. Strictly cutting taxes is not conservatism.

  30. #30
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Didn't Reagan raise taxes a number of times?

  31. #31
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    No, cut taxes. Thats what sparked the economic boom.

    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Didn't Reagan raise taxes a number of times?

  32. #32
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    Like I pointed out, we have govt run healthcare in the military. I have several family members in the military and their healthcare sucks.

    I can personally back up this statement,it was like the healthcare i received while in the military was running 25 years behind the times and that includes the skill level of the surgeons, i finally had enough of the incompetence and went into a civy hospital with a civy surgeon and it was like night and day.

  33. #33
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    Thanks for your input bro. Any responses?

    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    Like I pointed out, we have govt run healthcare in the military. I have several family members in the military and their healthcare sucks.

    I can personally back up this statement,it was like the healthcare i received while in the military was running 25 years behind the times and that includes the skill level of the surgeons, i finally had enough of the incompetence and went into a civy hospital with a civy surgeon and it was like night and day.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    Like I pointed out, we have govt run healthcare in the military. I have several family members in the military and their healthcare sucks.

    I can personally back up this statement,it was like the healthcare i received while in the military was running 25 years behind the times and that includes the skill level of the surgeons, i finally had enough of the incompetence and went into a civy hospital with a civy surgeon and it was like night and day.
    See I always compare the govt. run healthcare to the post office, if you hate your job and make over 40,000 a year then you work for the post office. These people here treat you like crap I actually had to tell a post master to shut up and do his job, because he was whining about manually entering 6 different packages in their computer instead of him scanning some sticker that i could print off my computer, if I wanted to spend money on the stickers and printer ink, I told him your shipping already cost enough as it is why should I pay more so your job is easier? I then told him how much do you make, 18 an hour? Why dont you shut up and do your job, and after that get me your boss. He said I am the post master. I said so you make 25-30 an hour and your whining about using a computer, try working on a fa steam turbine for 12 hours a day, and shut the hell up until you do some real work. well he kicked me out, lol and I went to the main office around here and talked to the post master there, he is the one over all the offices in this city, well needless to say no more lip from capt. jack off. This is the whole reason I dont want the govt. running anything that is going to give me medicine or cut me open.

    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Funny how many of your conservatives stoop to liberal bashing. But let's face it, BOTH liberal and conservative policies have FVCKED up this country. When we had a conservative government (most of Bush's tenure) there was bad policy after bad policy. Now with Obama and an all-liberal government there are many policies that could potentially ruin the country. And I'm a huge Obama supporter. I'm just more willing to give the guy more than 90days to make my assessment.

    Also strange how no one pointed out that Obama gave the go ahead for this military action. Conservatives are always whining that he won't protect Americans, his actions here proved otherwise. But now the conservatives are saying he waited about announcing this because he's a political opportunist and that if this would have gone badly, the 'mainstream' media would have pushed it under the rug. So no matter what the man does, he won't garner conservative support, so I admire him for sticking to his guns. Bush did the same thing while he was president. He knew he wouldn't get any support from liberals, but he didn't give a fvck as long as he had support from his conservative supporters.
    Obama gave the go ahead if imminent danger occurred, the seals made sure that it was imminent danger. I am not trying to put a play on words but the military did. Obama should have moved faster, but he could have said no and we would still be following. like I said I dont like Obama I cant give him full credit for the rescue it was the military who played the words and made it happen. To your both parties had screwed up the country that is true, that is why I have been talking about a government change we need new politicians, But for the most part liberal policies have caused people to lose their homes leave their states due to high taxes and now alot of companies are opening up here in Texas to get away from high taxes, and unions. Truthfully liberal policies cannot be changed easily, and for the mostpart cause more grief in the public, than helping the public. Truthfully though you cant change our minds, and we probably cant change your mind either, we can bash Obama all day it is our freedoms that we are exercising, because you anti-american liberals bashed on Bush, Bush Jr., and Reagan, so get over it.

  35. #35
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    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    lol, I saw you lurking...I knew you would disagree with something I said

    Theres only so much you can do with a dem controlled congress. But he was far far more conservative than Bush Sr and Jr.
    Haha, not so much disagreeing with you just correcting the myth that Reagan was a conservative. Don't get me wrong Reagan had some amazing rhetoric and if he governed half as good as he spoke we'd be better off for it (no dept. of education, etc.). Kinda like Thomas Jefferson who was probably one of the greatest political thinkers and one of the greatest founders. That is until he became the president and than all that changed for the worse.

  36. #36
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    Miami, FL
    Also strange how no one pointed out that Obama gave the go ahead for this military action.
    Legally, Obama was obligated to "authorize" deadly force. He had no choice. The only time hostages do not take priority over all else in a situation is when there is a nuclear weapon involved. This is the ONLY time that hostages can be legally expendable.

    So yeah, he "authorized" the killing of the pirates, but really he had no other choice.

  37. #37
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    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Didn't Reagan raise taxes a number of times?
    Several, in fact:
    -TEFRA in 1982 (which included about 200 billion in additional taxes)
    -Deficit Reduction Act
    -a 5 cent increase on gasoline
    -taxes on truckers
    -a huge expansion of Social security (which increased payroll taxes)
    -reduced many loopholes for businesses
    -raised corporate taxes and closed corporate tax loopholes in the Tax Reform Act of 1986
    -plus deficit financed spending (essentially a future tax)

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by sloth9 View Post
    See I always compare the govt. run healthcare to the post office, if you hate your job and make over 40,000 a year then you work for the post office. These people here treat you like crap I actually had to tell a post master to shut up and do his job, because he was whining about manually entering 6 different packages in their computer instead of him scanning some sticker that i could print off my computer, if I wanted to spend money on the stickers and printer ink, I told him your shipping already cost enough as it is why should I pay more so your job is easier? I then told him how much do you make, 18 an hour? Why dont you shut up and do your job, and after that get me your boss. He said I am the post master. I said so you make 25-30 an hour and your whining about using a computer, try working on a fa steam turbine for 12 hours a day, and shut the hell up until you do some real work. well he kicked me out, lol and I went to the main office around here and talked to the post master there, he is the one over all the offices in this city, well needless to say no more lip from capt. jack off. This is the whole reason I dont want the govt. running anything that is going to give me medicine or cut me open.

    Obama gave the go ahead if imminent danger occurred, the seals made sure that it was imminent danger. I am not trying to put a play on words but the military did. Obama should have moved faster, but he could have said no and we would still be following. like I said I dont like Obama I cant give him full credit for the rescue it was the military who played the words and made it happen. To your both parties had screwed up the country that is true, that is why I have been talking about a government change we need new politicians, But for the most part liberal policies have caused people to lose their homes leave their states due to high taxes and now alot of companies are opening up here in Texas to get away from high taxes, and unions. Truthfully liberal policies cannot be changed easily, and for the mostpart cause more grief in the public, than helping the public. Truthfully though you cant change our minds, and we probably cant change your mind either, we can bash Obama all day it is our freedoms that we are exercising, because you anti-american liberals bashed on Bush, Bush Jr., and Reagan, so get over it.
    Utterly ridiculous statement!!! Conservatives always stoop to that bullshit rhetoric. Just because we can not only see America's greatness and also America's shortcomings, we are considered anti-american. I could guarantee that many that you call anti-american have deeper roots in this country than people like you. That statement was definately uncalled for!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Several, in fact:
    -TEFRA in 1982 (which included about 200 billion in additional taxes)
    -Deficit Reduction Act
    -a 5 cent increase on gasoline
    -taxes on truckers
    -a huge expansion of Social security (which increased payroll taxes)
    -reduced many loopholes for businesses
    -raised corporate taxes and closed corporate tax loopholes in the Tax Reform Act of 1986
    -plus deficit financed spending (essentially a future tax)
    My point exactly, but leave it to conservatives and Ronald Reagan with THE super conservative, role model!! People need to learn their history!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    lol, so a 25% accross the board tax cut doesnt earn him a reputation as a tax cutter hey?

    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    My point exactly, but leave it to conservatives and Ronald Reagan with THE super conservative, role model!! People need to learn their history!

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