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See I always compare the govt. run healthcare to the post office, if you hate your job and make over 40,000 a year then you work for the post office. These people here treat you like crap I actually had to tell a post master to shut up and do his job, because he was whining about manually entering 6 different packages in their computer instead of him scanning some sticker that i could print off my computer, if I wanted to spend money on the stickers and printer ink, I told him your shipping already cost enough as it is why should I pay more so your job is easier? I then told him how much do you make, 18 an hour? Why dont you shut up and do your job, and after that get me your boss. He said I am the post master. I said so you make 25-30 an hour and your whining about using a computer, try working on a fa steam turbine for 12 hours a day, and shut the hell up until you do some real work. well he kicked me out, lol and I went to the main office around here and talked to the post master there, he is the one over all the offices in this city, well needless to say no more lip from capt. jack off. This is the whole reason I dont want the govt. running anything that is going to give me medicine or cut me open.
Obama gave the go ahead if imminent danger occurred, the seals made sure that it was imminent danger. I am not trying to put a play on words but the military did. Obama should have moved faster, but he could have said no and we would still be following. like I said I dont like Obama I cant give him full credit for the rescue it was the military who played the words and made it happen. To your both parties had screwed up the country that is true, that is why I have been talking about a government change we need new politicians, But for the most part liberal policies have caused people to lose their homes leave their states due to high taxes and now alot of companies are opening up here in Texas to get away from high taxes, and unions. Truthfully liberal policies cannot be changed easily, and for the mostpart cause more grief in the public, than helping the public. Truthfully though you cant change our minds, and we probably cant change your mind either, we can bash Obama all day it is our freedoms that we are exercising, because you anti-american liberals bashed on Bush, Bush Jr., and Reagan, so get over it.