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I'm from the Philippines. IMO! Muslims asking for independence is bvlshit and a big no no!
In 6 million Muslims only 10 to 15% want their independence only the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front). Here where I live Luzon Area northern part of the country lot's of civilian Muslims are migrating due to MILF and Govt war. I have lots of Muslim civilian friends from Mindanao they told me that MILF is supported by other Muslim nations that's why they have the money, supplies and other stuff that they need. I just can't figure out why our government can't solve this problem our government have land and air supremacy compared to MILF only hand guns and grenades. I think this is because everything is about politics when election is near politicians here needs the support of MILF in Mindanao to manipulate the Mindanao polls. IMO! the our govt must declare all out war and no more peace talks, majority of our money is wasted in this useless problem I think since 1960's.