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Thread: bust down the street from my house..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas

    bust down the street from my house..

    this is pretty crazy.. this just happened where i live... i saw it on the news...

    Agents Bust Alleged Steroids Ring
    DEA Agents Raid House In Alleged Steroids Distribution Ring

    POSTED: Wednesday, June 17, 2009
    UPDATED: 9:32 pm CDT June 17, 2009
    SAN ANTONIO -- Acting on a tip, federal drug agents searched a home and found evidence of what they said was a "significant" steroids operation.

    A series of suspicious packages addressed to a home on the 800 block of North Alamo Street prompted Drug Enforcement Agency officials to tag along on a controlled delivery to the home, said DEA agent Deborah Sibila. The delivered packages, Sibila said, contained illegal steroids.

    "We're seeing more and more with the steroids here in San Antonio," she said. "The source varies. East coast, west coast."

    Believing there were other steroids inside the home, federal agents obtained a search warrant that was executed about 6:20 p.m. Once inside, agents said they found bags of pills, syringes and bags of white powder labeled, "D-Bol." D-Bol is a steroid known as Dianabol Methandrostenalone, Sibila said.

    Two men were detained pending testing of the items found in the home and could face multiple federal charges if the substances are steroids, Sibila said. Those results are expected in about two weeks.

    Agents also found Winstrol, another steroid, and Clomid, a women's fertility drug typically used by steroid users cycling off the drug and designed to boost the body's natural production of testosterone. The home appeared to be what Sibila called a trans-shipment operation, meaning drugs would allegedly be delivered to the home in its raw form and packaged in pills or liquid.

    Federal agents also raided a second home on the city's north side, but declined to release any additional information about the location or result of the raid.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    San Diego
    so your looking for a new source?


    what is a controlled delivery anyway....they send in a undercover guy to deliver the pkg and if it is accepted then thats it? My mailman looked at a package I got that required a signature. He read it and said...hmmmm..chinese herbal supplements.... it was a new mailman in his new black four door sedan. he said it was casual day so he didn't have to wear his uniform or drive the truck and the other guy in the car was a trainee taking pictures of the "right way to deliver mail." As a matter of fact that was just a little while ago this morning... and ...what....hold kids are telling me there are some policemen coming up the driveway....

    gotta go...
    Last edited by ezlimitz; 06-20-2009 at 02:42 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    not funny, and no.. why? are you soliciting..? because its against board rules..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    i just thought i would share... happened in my town and i thought i knew almost everything when it comes to this or where its coming from.... since i work in the club industry.. and know a lot of people that surround themselves with that...
    just saying it could happen to anyone anywhere.. this house is on mins away from me.. and i didnt even know...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12;4705***
    not funny, and no.. why? are you soliciting..? because its against board rules..
    he was making a joke man. jesus.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    i know.. i was just being a hard

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    thats crazy dude, did you have any idea you could get juice down the street from you at all?>

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    thats crazy dude, did you have any idea you could get juice down the street from you at all?>
    i didnt .. but i kinda did... everyone at the clubs i work at sell it.. among other things.... i just didnt know it was so close to my house... .. i saw it on the news that day and was like wtf... i could have walked down the street and got my shit?! lol.... just an eye opener... why pay so much for shipping charges and insurance or street prices when you can walk down to your local supplier lol..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    San Diego
    not funny? i'll try harder next time...watching your nieghbors get busted is crazy.....

    too close to home in too many ways...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    This reminds me of a guy that moved into my neighborhood. A house actually right across road on the corner. The guy had two escalades on like 24's both. He had a XLR-V caddy, two busas, his kids had mini bikes. Then he and his wife put in a pool into the new house they just bough in a month. We figured that he had at least 200,000 dollars in cars and rims. His new next door neighbor turned out to be a sheriff that moved in the new house next to him 4 months or so later. This was a new housing development so people didnt know each other very well yet. But this guy was the talk of the neighborhood almost instantly because of all the cars coming and going and of course all the new cars he would buy. Well after the sheriff moved in it only took about a month before the Local, State and Federal agents blocked off our neighborhood one morning and raided his house and took everything with them. Turns out he was a big time rec drug dealer.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 06-21-2009 at 12:33 AM.

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