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I don't see what the problem is.
I was a military cop, had someone refused to get back in their car when I told them to at a traffic stop, well, I'd assume they might pull a gun and shoot.
Didja know that most cops who get killed in the line of duty are killed at traffic stops? Ya. And dowdy wenches can shoot ya just as well as lusty wenches or thuggish brutes.
The lesson here is, at a traffic stop, when a policeman tells you to get back in the car, get back in the car. Most of the time, he's just wanting to do his job, write ya a ticket, and go on. But if you're gonna do stuff that makes him think you might shoot at him, he's not gonna like that. If you really have nothing to hide, then do him a favor; have your license and other papers ready for him when he comes up to your window, keep both hands right where he can see them. You don't have to, true, but if you do, you'll stand a better chance of driving away without a ticket, and you probably won't get tazered.
If you do have something to hide, then check out the ACLU video on what to do at a traffic stop.
Sheesh . . . if it was me, I'd go back and tazer the wench again, just for being stupid.