Good job taking advantage of you moderator status, and then closing that thread. And name calling in the process that was not a right thing to do.
Just cause someone doesnt agree with your views does mean they are spewing "lies" ,I support the palestinians, so that doesnt that mean I support terrorism, as you say.
Just cause someone supports the Palestianians doesnt mean the support terrorism.
Im sure your the type of person that thinks all Palestians are terrorists, and thats a shame.
I said I support the Palestianians in whatever they do, I didnt say I support terrorists in whatever they do, dont put words in peoples mouths.
And dont ever say "I support suicide bombings against innocent" thats as far as you will go in putting words in my mouth, no human being can justify killing the innocent on both sides, dont say that, I never said that so DONT say that about me!!
I came to anabolicreview to research and start my first cycle. I like this site and am respectful, read all my other posts, but the part of the board is to discuss matters, and not make up BS and then make that an excuse to close the thread cause you didnt want to bother or reply to my claims.
You attack me for calling Isralies greedy then you post an article im sure you support that says " But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough. Oh im a regular member so I cant say it rite?
Now after reading this close or delete this thread also cause I have made my point.