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Bill S.1317-More bull shit anti-gun agenda!
S. 1317 (Lautenberg): This bill would allow the Attorney General to deny the purchase of a firearm pursuant to an Instantcheck (or a permit which would allow a person to by-pass the Instantcheck) if he “suspect[s]” that the person has been engaged in conduct “related to terrorism” and the Attorney General has a “reasonable belief” that the firearm might be used in connection with terrorism. The Attorney General is specifically permitted to withhold any information concerning his “reasonable belief.” Take into consideration, in evaluating the application of this bill, that DHS in 2009 circulated an advisory attempting to link mainline Second Amendment and pro-life groups to “terrorism” -- and a number of recent newspaper commentaries have argued that groups like GOA and the NRA are, in some way, responsible for criminal acts recently committed in Pittsburgh and Wichita.
08-22-2009, 06:47 PM #2
Question for you Titanium...we had the debate recently over the guy at some of the healtcare debates showing up with a gun. And of course you and Murilo supported the guys right to do so. Would you feel the same way if a man of middle eastern descent showed up in a turbon and traditional islamic attire and a sidearm?
I would feel the same way.
I don't see race and skin color, or religion as a factor at all.
Bro, I have carried a pistol since I was 18.
I'm now 44.
The only thing that has changed is the stigmata that has been put on certain races of people.
Dam shame that it has come to that.
I guess if the Indians slammed the planes into the twin towers, we would have to slaughter the rest of them.
And I can say that openly.
Due to the fact that I have native American blood in my veins.
Your a milano I believe.
Bet you thought I was some kind of racist, or white supremest?
My ancestors got there land taken away and then were slaughtered out of existence.
But it is the past, and I'm over it.
(Blackfoot Indians)
So, If anyone at all showed up exercising there god given rights, by carring a gun, wouldn't think twice about it.
peace bro.
08-23-2009, 12:33 PM #4
Never thought you were racists brotha! You come across as the Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh type, IMO. That may be wrong. But it seems as though you subscribe to those far, far right beliefs that has no room for diversity or mulitculturalism. If my view of you is wrong, I apologize. Without direct contact with you, its hard to tell the mantle of a man based squarely on his posts on a steroid forum!! LOL!!!
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