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Thread: UCSD condemns party mocking black history

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    UCSD condemns party mocking black history

    SAN DIEGO — The chancellor of the University of California, San Diego, is condemning a ghetto-themed party organized by fraternity students to mock Black History Month, but officials say nobody is likely to be disciplined.
    The weekend "Compton Cookout" held off-campus was offensive and a "blatant disregard of our campus values," Marye Anne Fox said in a statement e-mailed this week to staff and 29,000 students.
    "We reject acts of discrimination ... and we will confront and appropriately respond to such acts," Fox said.
    A Facebook posting advertising the party invited people to a condominium complex off-campus "in hopes of showing respect" during Black History Month, according to a copy posted on the Web site for San Diego TV station 10News.
    The posting offered a dress code heavy on T-shirts, rapper-style urban clothing by makers such as FUBU, and gold chains. Women were urged to go as "ghetto chicks," described in the invitation as having gold teeth, cheap clothes and "short, nappy hair."
    The invitation said the party would serve watermelon, chicken, malt liquor, cheap beer and a purple sugar-water concoction called "dat Purple Drank."
    The party theme disgusted some students on campus, where blacks comprise less than 2 percent of the undergraduate class.
    "These are the people I go to school with, and knowing that they're mocking my culture and the history of black people is really offensive," sophomore Elize Diop said.
    The party was organized by members of several UCSD fraternities, according to an e-mail from Gary Ratcliff, assistant vice chancellor for student life, that was obtained by the San Diego Union-Tribune.
    However, it was unlikely that anyone will be disciplined because the party was not sanctioned by the university or any student organization, so there wasn't any technical violation of school policies, UCSD spokesman Jeff Gattas said.
    A call to the university's Intrafraternity Council, which oversees campus Greek fraternities, was not immediately returned Wednesday. An e-mail to the president of the campus's Kappa Phi Chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was not immediately returned.
    Pi Kappa Alpha was the only fraternity identified in Ratcliff's e-mail.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I've help throw a ghetto themed party before.
    they're fun
    garbage cans full of 40's and ice, oh yeah
    wtf is the problem, people are too sensitive
    you can be black and not ghetto, it's not about skin color

    I went to a white trash bash this past summer
    it's not racist against white people, but a specific sub culture

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I threw a 70's themed party where everyone dressed in Afros and pimp hats. I've also attended redneck themed parties where people dressed in overalls and missing teeth. But everyone who attended knew it was in jest and not attended to offend (we weren't mocking anyone) like the above party.

    I don't think that was the issue, Kratos. I think the issue is that a party like that on a college campus promotes cultural insensitivity. Plus that fact that the party was mocking black history month is what caused offense. But whatever, if people want to be ignorant and threw parties with the intent to offend, that's their prerogative, just don't get upset at the backlash.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ghetto chicks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    thats the funniest picture i have ever seen......

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