Here is a video outlining some pretty alarming points along with a link to the bill for you to validate and read for yourself.
Here is a video outlining some pretty alarming points along with a link to the bill for you to validate and read for yourself.
Right away the part of healthcare rationing is wrong in the video explanation. Read the actual bill. That is not what is saying.
Here's a less biased explanation in basic terms:
Last edited by BgMc31; 03-23-2010 at 12:31 AM.
biased because it points out the negative i agree but all those points are right there in the bill. are you saying they are justifiable?
No, I'm not saying that but I read the points he pointed out in the video. The bill doesn't state anything about healthcare rationing. Anyway, it really doesn't matter, no matter what the hate rhetoric surrounding this bill is ridiculous. This obnoxious, erroneous videos are proof that ignorance is bliss. Not calling you ignorant peach fuzz, but a lot of the rhetoric surrounding this bill is misinformation.
This bill is far from perfect, that I do recognize. But fearmongering and disseminating misinformation isn't the way to get a point across.
Last edited by BgMc31; 03-23-2010 at 01:01 AM.
Good times.
I see nothing has changed since I used to frequent this area of the forum.
I am not against health care reform per say, but am against THIS health care bill.
BgMc, nearly 70% of the population was against this bill.
I do believe that not one Republican voted in favor of it.
What does that tell you?
I am not in favor of government run health care.
But, that is just me.
(let the fighting begin!!!lol.....)
ill admit the rationing was misinterpreted but that does not invalidate the other points that were accurately made.
Well if 70% of the population really was against this bill, surely that will be apparent in the Mid Term polls?
democrats like it
independents don't
republicans don't
only 26 percent think it will be good for them personally...that's pretty crazy if you ask me
ironically people under 30 is the age group it does well with...I had blue cross for 200 bucks a month through my 20's
I think young people are brainwashed to idealism and MTV, and really have little interaction with the health care industry to know wtf they're supporting
Last edited by Kratos; 03-25-2010 at 09:43 AM.
that was the video l was reffering to when we were talking about this before.
this is a crazy bill, l dont understand not 1 republican vote and a lot of democrats opposed it.WTF! everyone l know is strongly against it, l have talked to people that were for it but they couldnt tell me anything in it other than universal affordable healthcare, "too bad its really not" at least not competent life saving healthcare, because that will be eliminated for most down the road.
BY the way titanium thats a bad AAS avatar
This health care bill is so convoluted in nature, it will take time to see both long and short term ramifications.
Freaking mess to me, but I consider myself a realist.
I think most of the people that voted positively on it , voted for it due to the fact it sounded good.
It will be like getting hit in the face with a shovel when the taxes go up to pay for it.
The Democrats will never see 2011, as they are done in the November elections.
We shall see how much BS gets crammed through in that amount of time.
It's basically a new huge tax. You have to pay for it just like you do income taxes, it's like needing car insurance to drive, now you need health care to walk! This is just ridiculous and criminal to be forced to pay to some outside company (Mainly the insurance companies that are writing the bill!) your gonna make less money paying for something you may not want. I know how to take care of myself I don't need to spend thousand + a year for this shit when that money can be used for my own well being. You don't pay the IRS will garnish your wages.
BTW Democrat party or Republican party they're both arms of the same monster, don't be a fool... It's just like wrestling it's all a big stage play to get you to feel like your side is trying to look out for you when they will both stab you in the back and have the same interests in the works. (N.W.O.)
Last edited by Voice of Reason; 03-25-2010 at 10:25 PM.
Damn I almost forgot to mention the most interesting/weirdest/conspiracy about this.
Georgia Guide Stones and the Passage of the Health Care Bill...
Have any of you made the connection that it was 30 years to the day that the Georgia Guide Stones were erected and the Health Care Bill Passed.
One of the premises on those guide stones is to reduce the population to 500,000,000.
I can not help but realize that the bill passed on the date of one of the Illuminant's favorite numbers 322 or March 22.
Now with the Health Care Bill in place I can not help but ask myself ......... is this the way that the Global elite are going to practice Eugenics to reduce the population.
They now have technology that we are not even aware of.........and can not even imagine. They do not need us any more to build their empire and they just may spend this century reducing the population.
Just some thoughts to ponder ............... and remember it is the IRS who are the enforcing agency of this Health Care Bill!
God ..............I hope I am not being paranoid..........However, from the research I have done these psychopaths love to do in your face stuff like this!
Interested in hearing what you guys think!
Last edited by Voice of Reason; 03-26-2010 at 12:55 AM.
put out of buisness by who?......
now if you know the answer to that.....
who wrote the bill?.......
hint...same entity
I think some are taking the conspiracy theory too far.
Yes, big companies did much lobbying in conjunction with this bill.
For example GE sold Obama on the medical reconds central database idea...because they're se to make a fortune on it and the benifits are way overstated. If anyone wants me to elaborate, I will.
the insurance industry wants to have more young healthy people in the pool to keep costs down and like that the gvmt is going to attact people by fining them.
Big pharma and doctors like that more people will be covered by insurance.
Lawyers lobbied against tort reform ect.
So many special interests got their way in this bill, it will actually serve to defeat the special interests in the end.
Manditory insurance, new taxes on pharma, insurance, medical devices ect will be more then offset initally by the shear number of people covered and increase in profits that are sure to result.
In the end though costs will spiral upward in the next 10 years and it will further drive us to a single payer.
Medicaid will have to be further expanded upward...we'll be subsidizing insurace premimus a huge amount...and like what happend when we subsidized banks for student loans eventually you don't need the middle man anymore.
Obama isn't clueless, he knows the problems with the bill and that we'll have to continue to build on it.
Although special interests are represented, and each group thought they were getting a great deal...when you add it all togther and they see the whole bill I'm sure reality just hit them, that they shot themselves in the foot for short term benifits.
The tax payer is who is really the biggest loser here. This is going to saddle us with huge expenses and slow the economy, until as a society we decide to truely tackle reform. The question is, is the invetment in this transition step going to pay off. Maybe the best thing to do is support the public option should we not be able to repeal this bill. Just thinking out loud...the transition step is the worst part, maybe it's better to throw in the towel rather than be stuck in transition.
Major economic fallout is due in ways we don't yet understand from this bill. We don't know yet how companies or health care providers are going to react, and just how much this will impact our lives going into the next 10 year.
There is no question, this is huge and major changes are on the horizon.
the goverment is not the insurance company yet but after this bill puts so much financial strain on the private insurance companys they will one by one close down and then the only option will be for the goverment to be the one and only in charge of health care insurance. What I was saying is that the private insurance companys did not write the bill and stand to not gain from this bill just lose alot
you're leaving out a couple steps
health care costs continue to rise but at an even faster rate
state and gvmt run cartels exist within these exchanges with no real cross state competition.
greed being what it is, they make decent profits and exec compensation
they lean harder on the consumer
the consumer leans harder on the gov for relief
subsidies increase
taxes increase
we demand a public option that's affordable
the penelty will be less then buying insurance for businesses as well as individuals
if you have someone on your books who qualifies you're going to drop them from your insurance and pay the penelty already and let them be coved
gvmt market share will increase until it's universal
the private sector will only provide a premium add on
I vote in Kratos for president.
I'm serious bro.
What was your major?
Political science?
Very impressive Intel.
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