My boss send me this today:
My boss send me this today:
I don't find this funny at all.
Hey bro, it says Europe on your location. Next time you want to talk shit about our President. Why don't you think about the FUCKING money and support our country sends to you.
Where exactly in Europe are you? I don't suppose it's France or Germany is it?
This kind of ignorant, degrading of a country that provides more support to the masses than any country could dream of doing makes me sick. Your shamed and don't even know it.
Im not going to view it, but Pheedno do you send money to every country in Europe?
I actually need to apologize for my outburst on this thread. My rare use of offensive and insulting language showed my lack of forethought and composure.
I however do not retract my disgust for this thread, nor my statement of aid produced by the U.S., even as broad and generalized as it is.
I would be glad to look up any amount of aid given to a specific country by the United States of America.
A publication is released every five years named Statistical Abstracts for the United States which lists in detail the amount of foreign commerce and aid given by the U.S.
Now the last publication of this book was covering the years 95-99, so book form will not be available untill 2005.
I have looked for lists on the census websight which I have found in Article#'s 1262-1287 but Adobe form prevents clear reading of the material because of the exceptionally small printing.
If thier is a specific country you would like to know, I will be glad to call the Congressional Resource Library for that info. Furthermore, if our ignorant little friend that has posted this thread would care to give his country in location, I will be more than glad to retrieve this info on his home for the past decade.
Once again my outburst was unthoughtfull and regretted, but I will not sit and listen(or look) to disrespect to my country without proper backing, cause, or grievance from the offending party. And if that party presents such persnal justification, I will offer a retort and try to keep it civil.
Last edited by Pheedno; 02-14-2003 at 12:58 PM.
Aslo to clarify a little bit. Aid and support comes in many different forms.Originally posted by palme
Im not going to view it, but Pheedno do you send money to every country in Europe?
Human Resources
And another thing to think about. In terms of Financial aid, you cannot just consider grants given out. Aliens, illegal and legal provide more financial aid to other countries then U.S. grants by a 3 to 1 ratio
Every alien in this country that sends money(made in America) to their home land is providing economic support from America to that country.
Any foreign based company which establishes an Amercican branch therefor recieves American economic support when the funds are gathered and tranfered back to the corporate main office.
With all due respect to everyone at AR, each member is entitled to his own opinion. Such little tolenrance for anothers point of view is appalling. Why does it matter to you what he thinks?
This is not foriegn aid! Foriegn aid comes from the governments. Citiizens are free to spend their after tax income on whatever they please whether it's on hookers n beer or sending money to their families in other countries.Every alien in this country that sends money(made in America) to their home land is providing economic support from America to that country.
Are you kidding? American companies are the worst offenders in the world when it comes to this, bar none! I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I like to be able to eat my McDicks when I travel.Any foreign based company which establishes an Amercican branch therefor recieves American economic support when the funds are gathered and tranfered back to the corporate main office.
Id like to now when America ever have given Sweden any money...and you get/got support from us many times. It´s a two way street dont forget that bro.Originally posted by Pheedno
Aslo to clarify a little bit. Aid and support comes in many different forms.
Human Resources
And another thing to think about. In terms of Financial aid, you cannot just consider grants given out. Aliens, illegal and legal provide more financial aid to other countries then U.S. grants by a 3 to 1 ratio
Every alien in this country that sends money(made in America) to their home land is providing economic support from America to that country.
Any foreign based company which establishes an Amercican branch therefor recieves American economic support when the funds are gathered and tranfered back to the corporate main office.
And people sending money from say America - Cuba isnt giving government money, there for no aid. It´s there own hard worked cash.
I dont want to start a fight with you cause i like you phed, so i think ill drop this.
Originally posted by chicamahomico
With all due respect to everyone at AR, each member is entitled to his own opinion. Such little tolenrance for anothers point of view is appalling. Why does it matter to you what he thinks?
First off, thats why I apologized for my first statement. Second, this is a link to a site insulting America's President. This was NOT a point of view or OPINION put out by this individual stating grievences he has for this country. It was a poor attempt at humor to gain a favorable rep on this board and increase his output of info thereby making himself known to the other members. A very poor attempt.
This is not foriegn aid! Foriegn aid comes from the governments. Citiizens are free to spend their after tax income on whatever they please whether it's on hookers n beer or sending money to their families in other countries.
It is still American money transfered to another economy plain and simple(I consider that economic support by American funds). It is money that will no longer be circulated here, and don't try to pretend that the turn around on this is even. That money is sent to a foreign country to be taxed by their government. Period
Are you kidding? American companies are the worst offenders in the world when it comes to this, bar none! I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I like to be able to eat my McDicks when I travel.
I am not talking about franchised companies bro. Your example was McDonalds. McDonalds rights are purchased for a fee( a fee much less than whats paid for those rights here), after that all circulation of McDonalds funds stays in that country. Now America does take part in what I'm talking about to, but not to the extent of foreign countries because our economy is strong enough to support sole home based business.
I'll give you an example of what I was speaking of. A customer of mine preps foreign business men on American customs, laws, and basically the do's and donts of American society. They recently flew to Turkey to prep a group of Turkish Jewlers who are coming here on visas to set up a jewlery appraisel firm. Now, yes American taxes are paid on these appraisels but ALL profits ever made are returned to Turkey.The appraisel firm is not purchased from Turkey and established to flush the profits into the American economy. The taxes paid on these are tranfered to help in paying for other foreign aid to other countries.
This is a good thing, I'm not saying we should abolish this practice, it helps pay for aid and neccessities(medicine, food, etc.) to supply to Iraq when we take out Saddam. It helps in relieving a small portion of Government spending from those taxes.
My overall point is if money produced in America, and sent to another country, it is American economic support. Works the same way if an American business man works in Greece and sends money back to his family here, it is money coming in from another country that would not be here otherwise.
Originally posted by palme
Id like to now when America ever have given Sweden any money...and you get/got support from us many times. It´s a two way street dont forget that bro.
And people sending money from say America - Cuba isnt giving government money, there for no aid. It´s there own hard worked cash.
I dont want to start a fight with you cause i like you phed, so i think ill drop this.
It is a two way street, never have denied that statement. Wider on one side than the other but you are right.
My point about the sending of money back and forth is (using your example) that it is money made in one country sent to another wich yes, is a private transaction, not a Federal one, but offers support to the economic structure of the country the money landed in.
I will start some research on Swedish aid in both directions Form you to us and us to you.
Palme, I have looked up a few figures and Sweden is quite cut off from American support from grants and credits. Ill even show where Sweden is giving economical support to the U.S.Originally posted by Pheedno
I will start some research on Swedish aid in both directions Form you to us and us to you.
1966-1975 $17,000,000 given to Sweden in Grants and credits
1976-1985 $-1,000,000 -one million given back
1986-1995 $-15,000,000- fifteen million given back
zero activity from 95-99
And in terms of the merchandise trade balance, Sweden is in the negatives meaning your purchasing more from us than us from you causing a flow of Swedish funds into the American economy. I call that economic support, not Federal but economic.
And just for figures, a total of 849 million in Economic and Military loans and grants were given to Europe in 1998(thats the only figure I found in the abstracts)
A total of 136 countries were given grants and credits.
And to end the bickering and establish a peace. I apologize to whom I offend. I have re-read my previous posts and they can seem to come off as anti-foreign which is not my veiw or intention. Anyone who knows me personally from this board or outside could and would corroborate this.
I think the initial post was made in poor taste but so was my initial response, so I digress.
I wouldn't go that far, but you do have a center-of-the-earth attitude when it comes to how you view the United States. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Just don't plan on running for president. You'd have a hell of a time dealing with people unfortunate enough to be living in money-grubbing wastelands like Palme and I. We eagerly await the next airdrop of food rations.Originally posted by Pheedno
I have re-read my previous posts and they can seem to come off as anti-foreign which is not my veiw or intention.
Praise Bush,
bin laden & hussein
just testing
????Originally posted by InsertDumbNameHere
just testing![]()
I have nothing against you or Americans and I have many friends in your home country but Americans have always been tinged with this atitude that they are better than everyone else in the world.There are a lot of people in this world for it to survive and for everyday business to be maintained and to evolve and whilst America plays a large part of this it does need the smaller countries to stablise economic growth and its own economy as well as the rest of the world.In this current day and age and with the current situation where a lot of lives could be lost through either media speculation,polictical gains or a geniune threat to humanity who really gives a damn about something that some bored guy knocked up and posted on a website if orto found if funny so be it , it didn't make me laugh but others will chuckle
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