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Thread: Obama Administration Pressures ISPs To Censor Websites

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Obama Administration Pressures ISPs To Censor Websites

    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    The Obama Administration IP Czar Victoria Espinel has been holding meetings with ISPs, registrars, payment processors and others in a bid to get them to block access to websites “dedicated to infringing activities”. However, as we have documented, the government deems such infringement to include political opinions which are antagonistic toward the state, leaving the door open for state censorship of free speech on the world wide web.

    Espinel, the White House’s Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, aims to create a special relationship between the government and Internet companies in order to “harmonize the efforts of law enforcement at the federal, state and local levels and strengthen cooperation with the private sector.”

    “While the meeting is carefully focused on stopping websites that sell gray market pharmaceuticals, if registrars start agreeing to censoring websites at the behest of the government, it’s as if we’re halfway to a COICA-style censorship regime already. ICANN, who manages the internet domain name system was asked to attend the meeting, but felt that it “was not appropriate to attend” such a meeting,” reports Datamation.

    The meeting was convened to grease the skids for government control of the Internet as part of a back up plan in case the increasingly unpopular Cybersecurity and COICA bills fall by the wayside.

    The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act would, “Establish a path for the Department of Justice to take action against websites dedicated to peddling unlawful content, including leaning on Internet providers, registrars, payment processors and other Internet players to deny services to the offending sites.”

    However, as we have documented, material that the DoJ considers “unlawful” and even a potential red flag for terrorism includes Tea Party literature posted on public bulletin boards, as well as copies of the “Obama Joker” poster.


    According to a recent memo released by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the DoJ, “extremist literature” includes “political or religious displays,” or anything related to “abortion”. The memo also warns against “radical bookstores”.

    If the Department of Justice considers such material to be a red flag for terrorism, what will they consider to be “unlawful” on the Internet, and is it wise to empower them with the tools to effectively silence political free speech based on their own definitions of what constitutes “extremist” content?

    In addition, Espinel’s effort to harmonize action between ISPs and law enforcement takes on a new dimension when we consider the fact that federal and state authorities are considering the implementation of technology that scans Internet posts and emails for content deemed to display “resentment toward government,” and then passes the information to the relevant authorities for terrorist surveillance measures.

    We got a taste of which websites might be targeted under such a system back in March when, coinciding with the Obama administration’s release of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, a government plan to “secure” (or control) the nation’s public and private sector computer networks, Democrats attempted to claim that the independent news website The Drudge Report was serving malware, an incident Senator Jim Inhofe described as a deliberate ploy “to discourage people from using Drudge”.

    Digital rights groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Public Knowledge have expressed concern over how the COICA bill offers only a “nebulous definition of what constitutes an infringing site,” opening the door for the government to shut down their political adversaries on the flimsiest of pretexts.

    The Obama administration seems determined to attain a stranglehold grip on the world wide web by whatever means possible. The true motivation behind doing so was revealed when Senator Joe Lieberman, a key supporter of cybersecurity legislation that would hand Obama the power to shut down portions of the Internet for months with no congressional oversight, told CNN’s Candy Crowley that the ultimate intention was was to mimic the Communist Chinese system of Internet policing.

    “Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” Lieberman told Crowley.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Why don't you link to an article, summarize, and then add your own opinion instead of just copying this crap from other sites?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    i was putting it out there for people to read, i did put the hyper link your just not competent enough to find it, try the to of the article. instead of trying to talk Sh#t why dont you read and worry about the real problem “While the meeting is carefully focused on stopping websites that sell gray market pharmaceuticals,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    yeh, whats next...stopping websites like this?

    fvck obama

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    thank you o yea and my opinion this sucks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    East coast
    lol, obama is a pimp in the true sense of the word he'll rob ya, rape ya and then put you on the street and tell you it's your fault.

    lmao THATS my opinion!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    i was putting it out there for people to read, i did put the hyper link your just not competent enough to find it, try the to of the article. instead of trying to talk Sh#t why dont you read and worry about the real problem “While the meeting is carefully focused on stopping websites that sell gray market pharmaceuticals,
    Why don't you quit being a fat, lazy hobbit, ****ing-plagiarist, and write your own ****ing opinions when you reference to these issues. Three sentences would do. Do you have that in you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife View Post
    Why don't you quit being a fat, lazy hobbit, ****ing-plagiarist, and write your own ****ing opinions when you reference to these issues. Three sentences would do. Do you have that in you?
    WOW. We got another dumb one, lol really man i put these articles on here to inform people on what i have found. Then i hope it can strike conversation about the subject and others can maybe find other related info. i did put my opinion earlier your just not reading. one more time my opinion is this sucks and i really thought this article is good for this site. o yea thats five sentences i did it . wait now six

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife View Post
    Why don't you quit being a fat, lazy hobbit, ****ing-plagiarist, and write your own ****ing opinions when you reference to these issues. Three sentences would do. Do you have that in you?
    There are some of us who are at work and computers are monitor and by going to certain web sites such as above might be flagged due to the exact reasoning for this post. I for one like it when someone does a copy and paste so I don't have to worry about what site I will connect to.
    Maybe you just think Obama can do no wrong?
    Personally I love what he is doing lately because he has pretty much guaranteed he wont be re elected. They few supporters he has/had left a large majority of them are then younger generation who are internet savvy and have, belong and participate on social networking websites and most do NOT want the government to have access freely to EVERYTHING they may say, think or do at any given moment..

    Just because you have nothing to hide does not mean everyone should have access to it. When/if the police came knocking on your door and told you they are going to search your house for ??? anything they want and they DONT have a search warrant would you still say SURE, go ahead and look or would you be more to the point Hey, that's not how it's supposed to work and you are violating my rights?
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-13-2010 at 04:59 AM.

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