View Poll Results: Building 7, Controlled Demo or Not

17. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes, Building 7 was a controlled demo

    6 35.29%
  • No, Building 7 was not controlled deom

    11 64.71%
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Thread: Vote, Iwould like to get a vote on how many ppl think this was or was not a demo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Vote, Iwould like to get a vote on how many ppl think this was or was not a demo

    I have put 3 videos giving everyone a far chance to compare Controlled Demo VS Building 7
    i would like everyone to vote on weather they think it was controlled demo or not. watch the videos before voting so you can refresh your memory.
    thanx all, please vote

    Last edited by zabster151; 02-17-2011 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #2
    I'd seen a lot of Documentaries videos and what not about this topic and in my opinion i think it was controlled demo. Look up "loose change" in youtube.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    eddie did you vote?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    would you stop already with this main stream bull shit. you put up some crapy articles talking about how its a "conspiracy theory" ooooooahhhhhhhh look at the video evidence i have put up.. its plane as day look with your own two eyes stop listening to what people tell you. the best part is that you guys have to prove it was not demoed when i just show you what happened and physics back my case . and 1,441 verified architectural and engineering professionals

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    NO!! Not until you stop with the conspiracy bullshit!!! You are no more an expert than I am, just a guy surfing the net looking for people who agree with you... There are just as many, if not more architects and engineers who don't believe in your conspiracy bullshit. So I'll post what I post to bebunk your bullshit all I want. You can't do shit about it. This is an open forum and you posted a poll as to who believes what. You posted your evidence, I posted mine. If you don't like it...So what!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    NO!! Not until you stop with the conspiracy bullshit!!! You are no more an expert than I am,you are so miss guided its amazing i am not claiming to be an expert thats why i have video video evidence. and the arcs and enginers that back what i say have 10x the crediblity you or anyone you bring to the table just a guy surfing the net looking for people who agree with you...i am not asking everyone to believe me that's why i put it to a vote with video arguments, building 7 and other known controlled demo There are just as many, if not more architects and engineers who don't believe in your conspiracy bullshit. So I'll post what I post to bebunk your bullshit all I want. you are trying to prove something wrong with no real evidence You can't do shit about it.i am not trying to silence you, you just do not say anything that's correct about this topic This is an open forum and you posted a poll as to who believes what. You posted your evidence, I posted mine. If you don't like it...So what!
    the best part mine is evidence, you have nothing worthless info trying to do whatever they can to debunk physics

    so then let the people watch the videos and make a dissension for them selves

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    NO!! Not until you stop with the conspiracy bullshit!!! You are no more an expert than I am,you are so miss guided its amazing i am not claiming to be an expert thats why i have video video evidence. and the arcs and enginers that back what i say have 10x the crediblity you or anyone you bring to the table just a guy surfing the net looking for people who agree with you...i am not asking everyone to believe me that's why i put it to a vote with video arguments, building 7 and other known controlled demo There are just as many, if not more architects and engineers who don't believe in your conspiracy bullshit. So I'll post what I post to bebunk your bullshit all I want. you are trying to prove something wrong with no real evidence You can't do shit about it.i am not trying to silence you, you just do not say anything that's correct about this topic This is an open forum and you posted a poll as to who believes what. You posted your evidence, I posted mine. If you don't like it...So what!
    the best part mine is evidence, you have nothing worthless info trying to do whatever they can to debunk physics

    so then let the people watch the videos and make a dissension for them selves

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    NO!! Not until you stop with the conspiracy bullshit!!! You are no more an expert than I am,you are so miss guided its amazing i am not claiming to be an expert thats why i have video video evidence. and the arcs and enginers that back what i say have 10x the crediblity you or anyone you bring to the table just a guy surfing the net looking for people who agree with you...i am not asking everyone to believe me that's why i put it to a vote with video arguments, building 7 and other known controlled demo There are just as many, if not more architects and engineers who don't believe in your conspiracy bullshit. So I'll post what I post to bebunk your bullshit all I want. you are trying to prove something wrong with no real evidence You can't do shit about it.i am not trying to silence you, you just do not say anything that's correct about this topic This is an open forum and you posted a poll as to who believes what. You posted your evidence, I posted mine. If you don't like it...So what!
    the best part mine is evidence, you have nothing worthless info trying to do whatever they can to debunk physics

    let them watch and vote

    so then let the people watch the videos and make a dissension for them selves

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    If you're experts have 10x the credibility then why isn't this common knowledge and why isn't someone being prosecuted in the face of your so-called overwhelming evidence. I've posted my evidence. Whether you choose to believe it, is on you. Mine is evidence, you can't deny it! You just don't believe my evidence, but because YOU don't believe doesn't make it less credible. So if you going to post a poll and only post your evidence, what's the purpose? Are you simply looking for those who think like you? There is no need for a poll. Again you can't engage in a constructive debate because you don't want to have any other evidence disputing your claims put out.

    You may think I'm misguided, that's fine. I think you are off your rocker. So what?! Let's see what other people think. This is now a true poll because both sides arguments are presented.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    If you're experts have 10x the credibility then why isn't this common knowledge and why isn't someone being prosecuted in the face of your so-called overwhelming evidence.because the government keeps not letting the re investigation not go through people are trying to put this through court I've posted my evidence. Whether you choose to believe it, is on you.its not that its not credible evidence Mine is evidence, you can't deny it! You just don't believe my evidence,what are you talking about are you blind watch the controlled demo and watch building 7 they are exactly the same but because YOU don't believe doesn't make it less credible. So if you going to post a poll and only post your evidence,im posting building 7 compared to controlled demo that's it what's the purpose? Are you simply looking for those who think like you?no this is not about me its about people are not understanding physics of how buildings fall so i thought putting a comparison would make it easier to see what really happened There is no need for a poll. Again you can't engage in a constructive debate because you don't want to have any other evidence disputing your claims put out.

    You may think I'm misguided, that's fine. I think you are off your rocker. So what?! Let's see what other people think. This is now a true poll because both sides arguments are presented.
    you can put whatever so called evidence you have thats fine by me. but its clear what happened that day watch and learn buildings do not fall into there own footprint unless control demo not then not ever
    Last edited by zabster151; 02-17-2011 at 05:05 PM.

  12. #12
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    This is pointless, Zab. The evidence I posted has the same kind of video evidence you posted disproving your "proof". So you can continue to say that I'm blind, or whatever. That's your choice. Interesting how my proof is actually accepted by most and your's is simply 'theory'. Regardless you aren't going to sway me and I'm not going to sway you. You posted a poll to see who believes what. Then before anyone even voted you posted your 'proof'. So after I posted, I offered my 'proof'. Seems fair right? You can't silence the opposing argument to further your's.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    This is pointless, Zab. The evidence I posted has the same kind of video evidence you posted disproving your "proof". So you can continue to say that I'm blind, or whatever. That's your choice. Interesting how my proof is actually accepted by most and yours is simply 'theory'theory no, its a buildings falling against the laws of physics . Regardless you aren't going to sway me and I'm not going to sway you. You posted a poll to see who believes what. Then before anyone even voted you posted your 'proof'i posted those videos for the vote not to say im write . So after I posted, I offered my 'proof'thats fine. Seems fair right? it is You can't silence the opposing argument to further your'si am not trying to silence anyone.
    we will see what people think. after they sift through the evidence that has been posted
    hopefully people will vote after going over all the evidence
    Last edited by zabster151; 02-17-2011 at 05:32 PM.

  14. #14
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Ridiculous. Just because something looks like something else, doesn't mean it is something else. It looks like the rooster makes the sun come up too. It doesn't.

    If you won't be swayed, then why post here? It is obvious you won't listen to anyone else, because anything that doesn't agree with your position is wrong.

    If this is so important, why aren't you doing something about it? You should quit your job and dedicate all your time and resources to this, because if you are right, then this is the most important thing ever! I am not being sarcastic. If you are right, then this is HUGE! It would almost be as big as finding out there was a God, or that intelligent alien life existed. It would change our ideas about everything, and I cannot believe people (that believe it) just talk about it at cocktail parties, on forums and YouTube.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 02-17-2011 at 05:40 PM.

  15. #15
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    this again.....why?

  16. #16
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    Well ive looked at both sets of evidence and i can honestly say that i agree with BgM, zab i think you need help bro......
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  17. #17
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    these comments are amazing, its plane as day control demo , but thats why i have a vote to see what the ppl think. just please watch all the videos make a honest vote,

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    these comments are amazing, its plane as day control demo , but thats why i have a vote to see what the ppl think. just please watch all the videos make a honest vote,
    That is your opinion. You are entitled to an opinion as is everyone else here. So far at this point i have watched the videos and voted honestly. A visual of it falling is not proof enough to me. You want to persuade us to believe you by posting opinionated videos but when another member posts videos opposing your views you rant about how they are sh!t.

    The second video you posted took the voice of a man giving a seminar that could have completely been unrelated, and used his voice over and over on different demolition videos to appear as if he was claiming building 7 was controlled demolition. There is no credibility in that video whatsoever. The third video zoomed in on warping on the side of the building and i guess was trying to claim that is proof. I dont think that proves anything other than the structure was broken and falling and it placed force throughout the building. The first video compares it also but still shows no proof. Do you have any proof that fire can not possibly weaken the supports of the building and when they are all weakened and one crumbles that it wont cause them all to become compromised?

    So like i said it is all about opinion and it seems as if you arent persuading many people
    Last edited by Noles12; 02-17-2011 at 08:43 PM.

  19. #19
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    these comments are amazing, its plane as day control demo , but thats why i have a vote to see what the ppl think. just please watch all the videos make a honest vote,
    See Zab, that's what you are failing to see. People ARE watching your vids and THEY DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!!! Some are some aren't. Its not that difficult to understand.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Ridiculous. Just because something looks like something else, doesn't mean it is something else.are you kidding me finde me anybuilding in history that has fallen completly into its own footprint due to fire . It looks like the rooster makes the sun come up too. It doesn't.

    If you won't be swayed, then why post here? It is obvious you won't listen to anyone else, because anything that doesn't agree with your position is wrong.its not my position it the fact tha building cannot fall at free fall speed unless demo look it up

    If this is so important, why aren't you doing something about it?im trying to inform as many people as i can with this info You should quit your job and dedicate all your time and resources to this, because if you are right, then this is the most important thing ever! I am not being sarcastic. If you are right, then this is HUGE! It would almost be as big as finding out there was a God, or that intelligent alien life existed. It would change our ideas about everything, and I cannot believe people (that believe it) just talk about it at cocktail parties, on forums and YouTube.
    its very huge and people are not relizing were we are today is because of what happend that day

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Well ive looked at both sets of evidence and i can honestly say that i agree with BgM, zab i think you need help bro......
    how can you honestly say i need help when there is plane as day proof that this building was demoed, it is IMPOSSABLE for a building to fall at free fall speed

  22. #22
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    Zabster.....Have you considered trying to work for a company which believes what you do? Have you looked into it? We do need people like you to investigate. With your passion perhaps this might be something you could do and make money at the same time. Somebody is doing it, so why not you?

  23. #23
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    i really thought this site was smarter then this.

    the truth will come out soon enough with wiki leaks.
    remember steroids are bad for ya. and cigarettes do not cause cancer .

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    its very huge and people are not relizing were we are today is because of what happend that day
    People in this forum are older enough to have already made up their minds, you are wasting your time posting.... will not change that fact.

    If you note the site name, it's ""....

    I personally, as an outsider, think that more Americans should be questioning their goverment, but you are just been irksome with these posts.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    i really thought this site was smarter then this.

    the truth will come out soon enough with wiki leaks.
    remember steroids are bad for ya. and cigarettes do not cause cancer .
    See no matter what you say, from the way you respond it ruins your own credibility. You respond in a way to bully. As a said you are entitled to your opinion. But to say we are stupid because we dont agree with you is pointless. Is calling everyone here stupid proving your point. If people dont follow you then they simply dont follow you. You can speak about all you want but you personally will not change my views.

    I believe you are wrong and that is my opinion. I dont call you stupid for it.

    I dont mind intelligent conversation but sometimes people have to agree to disagree. I have never understood why some religions feel they need to come to your door to tell you your ideas are wrong and they are right. That is not persuading and this is exactly what you are doing here. You want to force people into believing something.

    Its just like what i encountered earlier today on a college campus. A prolife group chose to setup a large display with pictures of aborted baby heads and limbs. Thes pictures were around 10 feet tall and all over with people yelling out to you as yo walked by. I personally do not believe in abortion unless it is due to extreme circumstances (rape, death to the mother, etc) but the way they went about this made me mad. I spoke with an individual involved and he said people need to see what they are doing. I asked him if he considers himself a bully and he says no. I asked him if he feels that he yells louder than the pro choice groups, that people will follow him, and he responded i think so. I told him that is why it upsets me. Rather than going about it in intelligent conversation they choose to yell and bully people by posting up disturbing images, which i informed him represented late-term abortions, which are illegal in this state without doctor prescription due to extreme circumstances. I told him that he is using this to bully people with false representation. Thats when he decided to start yelling how i am wrong and that people deserve to see this.

    I chose to leave because he failed to realize others will have opinions and "yelling louder" than the other doesnt support your ideas

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    how can you honestly say i need help when there is plane as day proof that this building was demoed, it is IMPOSSABLE for a building to fall at free fall speed
    Explain to me why a building can not fall at free fall speed?
    According to Newtons first Law of Motion:

    Every body remains in a state of rest or uniform motion (constant velocity) unless it is acted upon by an external unbalanced force. This means that in the absence of a non-zero net force, the center of mass of a body either remains at rest, or moves at a constant speed in a straight line

    Therefore if the structure was weak (due to structural damage to the supports due to fire) and failed, unless a part remained intact, a building would accelerate to the earth at 9.8 m/s^2 due to the force of gravity. That would be free fall. No other force would act upon it unless the supports remained intact.

  27. #27
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    Zab, you do know everyone thinks you're crazy, right? Take off the tinfoil hat, buddy. Sit down and have some of the kool-aid.

  28. #28
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    theres many lies covered up like no black box was recovered even tho there are many reports of people seeing them load the black boxs into a truck under heavy guard

    for none of them to make it is a 1 in 10000000000000 chance as far as it being a controlled blast maybe who really knows cause if it was are own people there dead to cover it up leaving no lose ends

    also big brother is watching you wont catch me voting i dont wanna end up on any list

  29. #29
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    they can watch me all they want fcuk em. you people deserve whatever this government gives you.its going to get bad in America and i cant wait.

    i will not be posting on these fourms anymore. good luck your all screwed

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    they can watch me all they want fcuk em. you people deserve whatever this government gives you.its going to get bad in America and i cant wait.

    i will not be posting on these fourms anymore. good luck your all screwed
    Got that part right.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    they can watch me all they want fcuk em. you people deserve whatever this government gives you.its going to get bad in America and i cant wait.

    i will not be posting on these fourms anymore. good luck your all screwed
    Wow, you do know this is a bbing board??? Were all screwed because we dont agree with you???

    Very sad indeed, i hope you find what your looking for else where....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  32. #32
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    Zabster.. the bottom line is that The main towers did not tip over cause the fire was at the top.. the steel beams got over heated and the weight from the top 10-20 stories collapsed on the floor of the 80th or whatever floor and started a chain reaction of floors falling on eachother.. there is a building in malaysia where this happened to it.. it was 20 something stories high and all of the floors collapsed on themselves:

    Below is a picture of an appartment building with similar outcome:

    If it was a controlled demo then they would've had to strip away the drywall to get to the steal beams and there would have been wire laying around everywhere.. people working there would have noticed this.. it takes months to demo a building.. are you suggesting someone ran in there while it was on fire and planted a bunch of C4 then did this?? and if they did where are the explosions?? why is it in the video YOU PROVIDED you could here the explosions but you can not hear any explosions in the video of WTC7?? did the government invent some kind of silent explosion technology?? you must admit that your theory has holes in it.. post more stufdf about america being corrupt from the top down.. that agree with, but this type of stuff just takes away from your credibility.

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  33. #33
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    11,408 is hard being outnumbered! I know this! LOL!

    Please do not run away. Please do not take what is said to you personally. The members are not disagreeing with you as a person but with the ideas. And I bet you have some members who agree with you yet they have not seen this thread nor want to comment.

    Right now I bet you are feeling like a voice lost in the forrest. Keep studying and I honestly think that looking into a job along this idea would be a great way to proceed. Trying to convince people here is a waste of your energy. You have put it out there and if someone wants to listen to your theories then great. How do you think I feel when I try to tell the guys how to treat women? Most of the time I am shot down with all kinds of crude remarks. But if one guy can learn from my side of the story, then I feel I might have reached someone who is struggling in their relationship. Same thing with the noobies who come here to hear what they want to hear. They try to shoot the messengers who tell them that 19 is just too darn early for AAS.

    So bottom line: keep your doors open. We will keep the door open for you to come back.

    Just know that so far up until now, you are not preaching to the choir which can get lonely and exhausting. Keep your energy to workout and take care of your loved ones. Not worth draining yourself trying to convince anyone. I know your intentions are sincere. I hear you. I know all you want to do is to wake people up. But sometimes going too far then backfires on your own well being.....

    Go outside and have some fun and come back later...the door has been left open.

  34. #34
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    ^^^^ The thing is i do like reading and watching his theories, there very interesting...

    I just dont believe them, but thats just me and i will always make a point of reading his posts...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    Zabster.. the bottom line is that The main towers did not tip over cause the fire was at the top.. the steel beams got over heated and the weight from the top 10-20 stories collapsed on the floor of the 80th or whatever floor and started a chain reaction of floors falling on eachother.. there is a building in malaysia where this happened to it.. it was 20 something stories high and all of the floors collapsed on themselves:

    Below is a picture of an appartment building with similar outcome:

    If it was a controlled demo then they would've had to strip away the drywall to get to the steal beams and there would have been wire laying around everywhere.. people working there would have noticed this.. it takes months to demo a building.. are you suggesting someone ran in there while it was on fire and planted a bunch of C4 then did this?? and if they did where are the explosions?? why is it in the video YOU PROVIDED you could here the explosions but you can not hear any explosions in the video of WTC7?? did the government invent some kind of silent explosion technology?? you must admit that your theory has holes in it.. post more stufdf about america being corrupt from the top down.. that agree with, but this type of stuff just takes away from your credibility.

    Uploaded with
    if building 7 fell like you say, it would look like the pic above fallen over all shity like. but it was demoed so it fell completely straight into its own footprint into dust and small rock. witch can only be done through demo
    and you still have not explained why there was billions and billions of NANO THERMITE witch is only made by guess who the US government. enplane thermite you can even get samples of the dust and check it out yourself

  36. #36
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    Last edited by zabster151; 02-18-2011 at 01:53 PM.

  37. #37
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."
    — Socrates

    What does the Ron Paul video have to do with 9/11 conspiracies theories? Are you trying to point out that the mainstream media will do anything to get their point across? It's already known that Faux News has been known to skew stories in their favor. But their is a huge difference between Ron Pauls acceptance of a straw poll win and implicating the government in the death of millions of its owns citizens.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."
    — Socrates

    What does the Ron Paul video have to do with 9/11 conspiracies theories? Are you trying to point out that the mainstream media will do anything to get their point across? It's already known that Faux News has been known to skew stories in their favor. But their is a huge difference between Ron Pauls acceptance of a straw poll win and implicating the government in the death of millions of its owns citizens.

    your know nothing

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."
    — Socrates

    What does the Ron Paul video have to do with 9/11 conspiracies theories? Are you trying to point out that the mainstream media will do anything to get their point across? It's already known that Faux News has been known to skew stories in their favor. But their is a huge difference between Ron Pauls acceptance of a straw poll win and implicating the government in the death of millions of its owns citizens.

    i could care less to slander you, this is not even about you,or me its about physics and its obevious you cant understand it..EXPLANE NANO THERMITE why billions and billions of this compound was found. a compound only made by are US government enplane that smart guy.

  40. #40
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    ENPLANE THERMITE everyone since your all so smart

    a compound that has no possible reason for begin there

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