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Ridiculous. Just because something looks like something else, doesn't mean it is something else.are you kidding me finde me anybuilding in history that has fallen completly into its own footprint due to fire . It looks like the rooster makes the sun come up too. It doesn't.
If you won't be swayed, then why post here? It is obvious you won't listen to anyone else, because anything that doesn't agree with your position is wrong.its not my position it the fact tha building cannot fall at free fall speed unless demo look it up
If this is so important, why aren't you doing something about it?im trying to inform as many people as i can with this info You should quit your job and dedicate all your time and resources to this, because if you are right, then this is the most important thing ever! I am not being sarcastic. If you are right, then this is HUGE! It would almost be as big as finding out there was a God, or that intelligent alien life existed. It would change our ideas about everything, and I cannot believe people (that believe it) just talk about it at cocktail parties, on forums and YouTube.