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Thread: Sooo...disturbing..

  1. #1
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    WOAH DUDE. Damn!!

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    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Child abuse. Is there not laws to protect children until they become adults and have been assessed properly.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Child abuse. Is there not laws to protect children until they become adults and have been assessed properly.
    California needs to become its own liberal country. I am very much a fan of personal freedoms however shlt has gotten knee deep in Cali with the new fad of men/boys wanting a vagina. Don't get me wrong, I want vagina too, but I want to serve the Vag.

    Are there not social barriers anymore?

  6. #6
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    Again, WTF? I mean can no one see anything wrong with this? Even the headline screams out it's wrong but thanks again to media and everything being ass backwards people will think it's great. He is fvckn 11 for Gods sake.

    Sorry but how is this different than saying a little girl age 11 (now pregnant) just new she wanted to be a mommy since she was age 8 growing up with her 2 pedophile fathers....
    The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

  7. #7
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    That boy has no idea what he is or what he wants to be yet! what happens when he is 25 and says you know what i dont wana b girl i want to be a boy its to late then. the onley reason this is happining is because his parents are gay and they want ther kid to be like them.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Child abuse. Is there not laws to protect children until they become adults and have been assessed properly.
    I thought a significant percentage of children with gender dysphoria issues often changed the way they felt during/after puberty.

    I have a friend who is intersex, and her organisation is lobbying hard for no sex assignment surgery for children, who cannot fully consent (and of course the operations are not emergencies and can wait). As heart breaking as it must be to have a child who is so depressed and miserable about their sex, I cannot see how it can be worth the risk that the child will change their mind.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    I thought a significant percentage of children with gender dysphoria issues often changed the way they felt during/after puberty.

    I have a friend who is intersex, and her organisation is lobbying hard for no sex assignment surgery for children, who cannot fully consent (and of course the operations are not emergencies and can wait). As heart breaking as it must be to have a child who is so depressed and miserable about their sex, I cannot see how it can be worth the risk that the child will change their mind.
    In the UK we have laws to protect children from this kind of decision until they are adults and even then it takes a long time and many years of consultations from various health departments to allow such an operation.

    Can't believe this can happen, children need protecting

  10. #10
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Again, WTF? I mean can no one see anything wrong with this? Even the headline screams out it's wrong but thanks again to media and everything being ass backwards people will think it's great. He is fvckn 11 for Gods sake.

    Sorry but how is this different than saying a little girl age 11 (now pregnant) just new she wanted to be a mommy since she was age 8 growing up with her 2 pedophile fathers....
    The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

    I'm on the same page LB that's a bunch of BS. It's hard to believe how bad the judgement of some people. They are straight up bat shit crazy in my opinion. Bruce Jenner is probably mentally ill and needs a brain change rather than a sex change. People are out of control with this shit. Not to mention that we are talking about a child WTF!!!

  12. #12
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    Sad sad sad

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Child abuse. Is there not laws to protect children until they become adults and have been assessed properly.
    I could not agree more Marcus. While I do not agree in legislating morality this is outright child abuse IMO. What 11 yr old knows what they want or what is best for them. This child's "parents" shouldn't be parents at all.

  14. #14
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    I don't know who is more disgusting to me, the parents for wanting it or the doctor for doing it.

    The boy has never had a male role model, how would he know that he doesn't want to be a male?

    The whole world is going to hell, I am just a spectator.

  15. #15
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    Just clicked the link cause thought there would be hot lesbian chicks....

    boyyyy was I wrong

  16. #16
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    Words cannot describe how I feel about this. So so very weird and strange.

  17. #17
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    My sentiments exactly....

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    In the UK we have laws to protect children from this kind of decision until they are adults and even then it takes a long time and many years of consultations from various health departments to allow such an operation.

    Can't believe this can happen, children need protecting

  18. #18
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    I'm moreso shocked the parents don't give a damn about their child... sure it may not be the true biological child but still...WTF

  19. #19
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    This is the reason the media puts this shlt in the news, and paper. SO people like us talk about it boosting their ratings/site traffic whether positive or negative.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    This is the reason the media puts this shlt in the news, and paper. SO people like us talk about it boosting their ratings/site traffic whether positive or negative.
    True and to keep us from noticing all the ways they are fvcking with us. But still, this is over the top and sorry I would think that the gay and lesbian community should be up in arms how these two lesbian parents are abusing their child. These two dikes are off their rockers and need arrested.

    Now dont get me wrong. I try to have an open mind about these things and think yes it's possible for someone to be born into the wrong body. It happens but I think a lot more rare than what some like to think. I dont think it's the case with this 11yr old boy though. I think he has been influenced due to his surroundings and experiences, as said never having a male role model for one.

    There is a little 11 girl/boy named Jaz you can youtube who I think is most likely one of the true cases of being born into the wrong body. She has mother, father and brother and sister. This was not something that was just decided on a whim or taken lightly but has been discussed and worked out over several years. Interesting case and I do feel sorry for kids/people who do have to go through this legitimately and feel cases like the 11yr old boy and Bruce Jenner only hurt the legitimacy of the real cases.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-03-2015 at 05:40 AM.

  21. #21
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    And Now...(drum role please)

    ...The Flip side of the Story.


    Jesus...i guess my childhood wasn't so bad after-all (relatively speaking).


  22. #22
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    When talking about young kids around age 3, they're probably not interested in sexual orientation, she said. But experts say some children look like they will be transgender in early childhood, and turn out gay, lesbian or bisexual

    quote from CNN link

    wtf gays and transsexuals do not have a certain natural look! what ignorance

  23. #23
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    So they are in favor of a 3 year old deciding what the rest of their life is going to be like. Any argument in favor of this is nonsensical bullshit. Parents need to be arrested and the child needs to make up his/her own mind over time.

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