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Thread: Stanford study at proves face masks are absolutely worthless

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Stanford study at proves face masks are absolutely worthless

    I don't know which is more newsworthy, that the face masks are worthless or that Tw*tter censored someone for publishing details of and a link to the study in question.

    Stanford study quietly published at proves face masks are absolutely worthless against Covid

    The diapers most of us are wearing on our face most of the time apparently have no effect at stopping Covid-19. This explains a lot.

    Excerpted verbatim from the peer-reviewed and NIH-published synopsis:

    ...Efficacy of facemasks

    The physical properties of medical and non-medical facemasks suggest that facemasks are ineffective to block viral particles due to their difference in scales. According to the current knowledge, the virus SARS-CoV-2 has a diameter of 60 nm to 140 nm [nanometers (billionth of a meter)], while medical and non-medical facemasks’ thread diameter ranges from 55 µm to 440 µm [micrometers (one millionth of a meter), which is more than 1000 times larger. Due to the difference in sizes between SARS-CoV-2 diameter and facemasks thread diameter (the virus is 1000 times smaller), SARS-CoV-2 can easily pass through any facemask. In addition, the efficiency filtration rate of facemasks is poor, ranging from 0.7% in non-surgical, cotton-gauze woven mask to 26% in cotton sweeter material [2]. With respect to surgical and N95 medical facemasks, the efficiency filtration rate falls to 15% and 58%, respectively when even small gap between the mask and the face exists.

    Clinical scientific evidence challenges further the efficacy of facemasks to block human-to-human transmission or infectivity. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 246 participants [123 (50%) symptomatic)] who were allocated to either wearing or not wearing surgical facemask, assessing viruses transmission including coronavirus. The results of this study showed that among symptomatic individuals (those with fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose ect…) there was no difference between wearing and not wearing facemask for coronavirus droplets transmission of particles of >5 µm. Among asymptomatic individuals, there was no droplets or aerosols coronavirus detected from any participant with or without the mask, suggesting that asymptomatic individuals do not transmit or infect other people. This was further supported by a study on infectivity where 445 asymptomatic individuals were exposed to asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carrier (been positive for SARS-CoV-2) using close contact (shared quarantine space) for a median of 4 to 5 days. The study found that none of the 445 individuals was infected with SARS-CoV-2 confirmed by real-time reverse transcription polymerase....

    (emphasis added)

    If you're asymptomatic, you don't pass the virus. If you're symptomatic, the mask won't stop it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    How come nobody in my family or anyone I know has been sick for more than a year now? Hmmm... maybe cause masks work?

    Viruses don't just exist on their own in the atmosphere... they exist as part of moisture particles in the air. When someone who is infected exhales, they're not exhaling dry viruses... they're exhaling liquid particles 1000s if not millions of times larger than the virus itself. The mask stops these airborne particles, which in turn stops the virus from penetrating the mask.

    Next up: Stanford study reveals washing your hands is ineffective and wearing condoms won't stop STDs or pregnancy.

  3. #3
    The reason that study is bogus is because it simply looks at the size of the Covid molecule but...
    Any non-propanganda pushing author knows that Covid attaches to the water molecules in a persons exhaled air.

    Funny how the same people who claim that Carbon Dioxide gets trapped by the mask are the same people who claim that Covid doesn't get trapped by the mask.

    note: I should've read Test Monsterone's explanation more before I responded. He answered it well enough. I don't like deleting/heavily editing posts after the fact.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 04-19-2021 at 02:22 PM. Reason: put in the note

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