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Thread: Biden, democrat party flip flops on covid origins.

  1. #1

    Biden, democrat party flip flops on covid origins.

    The interesting part of this story is that just a few months ago, covid leaking from a lab in china was "debunked" "baseless conspiracy theories" "Russian disinformation" "q-anon white supremacists propoganda" and on and on.

    Virtually every single DNC propoganda network or organization called the lab theories "lies" and "disinformation". You name the DNC propoganda outlet, and the script was the same on this matter. And I say script, because they don't investigate anything, they get thier script from the DNC.

    Of course those people have zero credibility as far as being honest news, it's still surprising to see how they flip flopped on this matter.

    But what's not surprising is that the biden administration is basically going to let the WHO, and China write the script on the "official narrative" of the DNC/CCP propoganda networks for the next few months. This comes on the heels of the WHO lying and protecting CCP in the beginning.

    Ray Charles can see where this is going : we're not going to get the truth.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-26-2021 at 06:03 PM.

  2. #2
    And just like clockwork, here it is.

    The DNC/Biden administration shut down a trump ordered investigation of the origins of covid, to allow the pro-china WHO do the investigation.

    Ensuring a white washed pack of lies, approved by the DNCCP parties.


  3. #3
    Now we know why the MSM and DNC tried everything they could to discredit the lab leak theories.

    It looks like at least part of that research was funded by fauci himself.

  4. #4
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    You are aware that we started the 1918 flu aren’t you? Yet it still got called the Spanish flu. Pretty good PR on our part, lol.

    Why release a virus that kills the elderly, the already sick and those too poor to have healthcare. Let’s see, reduce social security demand, reduce long term medical costs and kill the really poor and maybe the homeless. China intended that in the USA? Clearly I’m being non-PC, but it’s why I personally don’t think it’s anymore than another bad pandemic that thins the population every century. If this is at all like the 1918 flu, we are in for a rough flu season ahead.

  5. #5
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    I think you nailed it that we’ll never find out the truth regarding the origins of covid and I doubt it came from a wet market.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    You are aware that we started the 1918 flu aren’t you? Yet it still got called the Spanish flu. Pretty good PR on our part, lol.

    Why release a virus that kills the elderly, the already sick and those too poor to have healthcare. Let’s see, reduce social security demand, reduce long term medical costs and kill the really poor and maybe the homeless. China intended that in the USA? Clearly I’m being non-PC, but it’s why I personally don’t think it’s anymore than another bad pandemic that thins the population every century. If this is at all like the 1918 flu, we are in for a rough flu season ahead.
    I'm not suggesting that I know whether or not that this virus was released intentionally for any specific purpose. Or simply escaped due to accidental human error I don't know.

    I am suggesting that this virus was made in a lab in china. Much of the data supports that assertion
    And I'm also suggesting that many in our own government knew it all along and lied about it. And the mainstream media, or at least a certain sect of it, helped them attempt to cover it up.

    Unfortunately the truth is likely to never be fully told, because powerful people in one of our political parties has been actively working to bury it.

    Hunter Biden didn't get millions of Chinese dollars for nothing. There isn't Chinese spy's on the payroll of political leaders for nothing And hunter damn sure wasn't an expert in Chinese investment banking. There's no other reason to have him on those boards, other than to pay him, and to indirectly pay specific others. There's no other logical explanation here.

    The 1918 flu wasn't created in a lab with multinational funding. This virus certainly looks like it was.

    There are hundreds of millions dead now. And the vested interests look to be scrambling to convolute the truth as much as possible. I suggest that if you're genuinely interested, to do some research.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-02-2021 at 10:14 PM.

  7. #7
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    A shame more people were/are not on board with social distancing, mask wearing and more recently, getting vaccinated. Many of my best friends (and my wife) in the medical profession put their asses on the line to help heal, despite the efforts of those that couldn’t have their “liberties” compromised.

    I’d find better credibility if the same folks that promoted that the very idea that this “plandemic” wasn’t real, weren’t the ones further escalating this issue now. How about they direct their energy at helping reduce further suffering and deaths, kick Covid’s ass & deal, instead of finding a boggy-man.

    So, here’s what it boils down to? China mistakenly got researchers sick and didn’t have the intelligence/security necessary to realize those same researchers were walking around in public? They allowed their researchers to spread it to their communities? Then our President let that virus into our country & couldn’t find or take the necessary steps to contain it. Where’s the greatest fault?

    Are they (China)a shady bunch, you betcha. Biological weapons? Like they are the only ones and covering it up, please.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    A shame more people were/are not on board with social distancing, mask wearing and more recently, getting vaccinated. Many of my best friends (and my wife) in the medical profession put their asses on the line to help heal, despite the efforts of those that couldn’t have their “liberties” compromised.

    I’d find better credibility if the same folks that promoted that the very idea that this “plandemic” wasn’t real, weren’t the ones further escalating this issue now. How about they direct their energy at helping reduce further suffering and deaths, kick Covid’s ass & deal, instead of finding a boggy-man.

    So, here’s what it boils down to? China mistakenly got researchers sick and didn’t have the intelligence/security necessary to realize those same researchers were walking around in public? They allowed their researchers to spread it to their communities? Then our President let that virus into our country & couldn’t find or take the necessary steps to contain it. Where’s the greatest fault?

    Are they (China)a shady bunch, you betcha. Biological weapons? Like they are the only ones and covering it up, please.
    "Credibility" in what Wango?

    More and more facts and data emerge every day pointing to the likelihood that this virus was made in a lab. At least partially funded by the foundation of Anthony fauci. And that fauci with lots of help by the MSM and certain powerful politicians tried to hide it. Those are facts. "Credibility" has nothing to do with facts.

    I'm not arguing whether or not it was intentional.

    And I'm not arguing about people and thier decisions regarding thier own health and risks. Nor am I arguing blame in any way of dealing with the fallout of the virus escaping.

    I'm saying it was created in a lab, funded partially by people in our own government who knew it all along and tried to hide it. Millions died. Lives and livelyhoods destroyed. And our leaders lied to us about it all along. Slandering and silencing anybody who told the truth.

    With all due respect blaming the "bad orange man" for covid doesn't make any sense. Evidence shows it was already here and went global before China admitted it even existed. It was already too late.

    No government, kingship or ruling body in the history of mankind has ever been able to stop a virus from running it's course. Not once or ever. Blaming your chosen politician for the virus, once unleashed from running it's course is just a scapegoat. Once it went global, nobody was going to stop it.

    But it didn't have to be created in the first place, and it should've been contained. The "bad orange man" had nothing to do with it.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-03-2021 at 04:14 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    "Credibility" in what Wango?

    More and more facts and data emerge every day pointing to the likelihood that this virus was made in a lab. At least partially funded by the foundation of Anthony fauci. And that fauci with lots of help by the MSM and certain powerful politicians tried to hide it. Those are facts. "Credibility" has nothing to do with facts.

    I'm not arguing whether or not it was intentional.

    And I'm not arguing about people and thier decisions regarding thier own health and risks. Nor am I arguing blame in any way of dealing with the fallout of the virus escaping.

    I'm saying it was created in a lab, funded partially by people in our own government who knew it all along and tried to hide it. Millions died. Lives and livelyhoods destroyed. And our leaders lied to us about it all along. Slandering and silencing anybody who told the truth.

    With all due respect blaming the "bad orange man" for covid doesn't make any sense. Evidence shows it was already here and went global before China admitted it even existed. It was already too late.

    No government, kingship or ruling body in the history of mankind has ever been able to stop a virus from running it's course. Not once or ever. Blaming your chosen politician for the virus, once unleashed from running it's course is just a scapegoat. Once it went global, nobody was going to stop it.

    But it didn't have to be created in the first place, and it should've been contained. The "bad orange man" had nothing to do with it.
    The credibility statement has to do with the fact that still there are naysayers about Covid, mask wearing and vaccinations. But the idea of perhaps some of these same people trying to tie this to a biological weapon in the works seems contradictory at least to me. On one hand we have what some believed to be nothing more than the flu blown out of proportion by the media and the left, now we have this. Again, it’s my train of thought. I also want to see a better connection the US and Fauci funded exactly that virus instead of hearsay. Again, the pointing of fingers & the nasty accusations made before there is compelling evidence.

    Am I blaming him for the Covid, no. I am blaming him though for its spread and severity in our country, essentially keeping it not better contained here in our country. Like I really will lose sleep if China is inflicted with a nasty virus. It’s here I’m concerned about. Granted, they are tiny places and in the minority; but Viet Nam and Australia did a pretty good job. Draconian, yes, but look at the death count. I’d say they did an excellent job of not letting the virus run its course.

    This could/should have been far less severe and Donnie had plenty to do with that. So what better scapegoat to pin this on now to deflect attention away from his incompetence. Even if Donnie contended from the get go that this was made in a lab, so what. It’s what he did (didn’t do) in response after it was identified that sickened and killed too many US citizens.

    I am compelled by this story though, but let’s get some sold facts. Speaking of Donnie, he’s convinced he’ll be back in office by August. I’m sure he can get to the bottom of this, being he was the President at the time and for three years prior to the outbreak, he should have a whole dossier on the “facts”.

  10. #10
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    I agree we need more solid Intel. It does look like it originated in a lab, but we need definitive proof that it was created in a lab in Wuhan and then we can expand on that.

    Do I trust China to be straightforward.... absolutely not. They're at the very bottom of my credibility list. However, to be fair, I don't have much trust in governments in general. I do place more trust in individual people.

    Personally, my main criteria when looking at a situation with conflicting data is :

    1) Who would benefit most from situation XYZ?

    2) Are they capable of creating/executing situation XYZ?

    I'm not a genius, a rocket scientist, or anyone that matters a hill of beans, but I do have a modicum of common sense.

    For now, I think all we can do is keep peeling the onion, then examine what facts we have.

    1).Do I believe COVID-19 was real? Damn straight

    2).Do I believe it had entered our country earlier than originally announced? Damn straight #2, it fvcked me up.

    3) With no political affiliations inferred, do I think we were supplied with lots of contradictory information and do I think they were some poor choices made across the board? You bet I do. Some of them were absolutely despicable, but not going into details on that. I think they are coming to light because there are some pissed off people on both sides of the aisle wanting answers....damn glad to hear it, too.

    Anyway, that's just an old fart Southerner's observations.Its not worth 2 rows of rabbit sh!t.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-04-2021 at 01:54 PM. Reason: Punctuation, syntax, spelling name it and I did it
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I agree we need more solid Intel. It does look like it originated in a lab, but we need definitive proof that it was created in a lab in Wuhan and then we can expand on that.

    Do I trust China to be straightforward.... absolutely not. They're at the very bottom of my credibility list. However, to be fair, I don't have much trust in governments in general. I do place more trust in individual people.

    Personally, my main criteria be when looking at a situation be with conflicting data is :

    1) Who would benefit most from situation XYZ.

    2) Are they capable of creating/executing situation XYZ.

    I'm not a genius, a rocket scientist, or anyone that matters a hill of beans, but I do have a modicum of common sense.

    For now, I think all we can do is keep peeling the onion, then examine what facts we have.

    1).Do I believe COVID-19 was real? Damn straight

    2).Do I believe it had entered our country earlier than originally announced? Damn straight #2, it fvcked me up.

    3) With no political affiliations inferred, do I think we were supplied with lots of contradictory information and I think they were some poor choices made across the board? You bet I do. Some of them were absolutely despicable, but not going into details on that. I think they are coming to light because there are some pissed off people on both sides of the aisle wanting answers....damn glad to hear it, too.

    Anyway, that's just an old fart Southerner's observations.Its not worth 2 rows of rabbit sh!t.
    One interesting fact here AG is that this lab was working on the COVID virus with a gain of function experiment which is not allowed anywhere in the USA. The main research was actually at Stanford through an US Government grant but as they could not do the gain of function they outsourced that to China, specifically this lab in Wuhan which is the number one research lab on the corona virus in the world. Probably an accident that it got out as their safety protocols are beyond horrendous.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    One interesting fact here AG is that this lab was working on the COVID virus with a gain of function experiment which is not allowed anywhere in the USA. The main research was actually at Stanford through an US Government grant but as they could not do the gain of function they outsourced that to China, specifically this lab in Wuhan which is the number one research lab on the corona virus in the world. Probably an accident that it got out as their safety protocols are beyond horrendous.
    Yes sir, that's one of tidbits where I feel we need to continue peeling back the layers.
    Also, were funds actually transferred from the US to fund part of the costs of gain of function experimentation?

    I'm definitely with you on their substandard safety protocols. I can only imagine what they might be vs. what the CCP says are in place.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Yes sir, that's one of tidbits where I feel we need to continue peeling back the layers.
    Also, were funds actually transferred from the US to fund part of the costs of gain of function experimentation?

    I'm definitely with you on their substandard safety protocols. I can only imagine what they might be vs. what the CCP says are in place.
    Funds were definitely transferred as this was a simple pay for services deal.

  14. #14
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    Very cool input guys, TY! So which funds were transferred from who/what to who/what exactly? Also what is the proven history of the safety protocol breaches at that particular institute of virology?

    Seems like those two answers would help close this debate (and put a freeze on a lot of news agencies theories, lol) thanks!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Very cool input guys, TY! So which funds were transferred from who/what to who/what exactly? Also what is the proven history of the safety protocol breaches at that particular institute of virology?

    Seems like those two answers would help close this debate (and put a freeze on a lot of news agencies theories, lol) thanks!
    That's my point exactly.

    But irregardless of any of it, the Chinese communist party is ultimately responsible for releasing covid on the world.

    Me may not know some details. But we do know that by the time the CCP admitted covid existed, it had already gone global. The CCP allowed travel out of Wuhan china even knowing that it had a pandemic on its hands.

    The American mainstream media is mostly silent on the subject. But the information is out there

    Fauci lied. American media and some politicians helped him lie.

    Chinese research, funded by American tax dollars created covid.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-03-2021 at 09:49 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    That's my point exactly.

    But irregardless of any of it, the Chinese communist party is ultimately responsible for releasing covid on the world.

    Me may not know some details. But we do know that by the time the CCP admitted covid existed, it had already gone global. The CCP allowed travel out of Wuhan china even knowing that it had a pandemic on its hands.
    As I mentioned in a previous post above, I am intrigued.

    Hughinn, I just don’t like the pointing of fingers until more facts are known, but do understand the idea of the thread.

    I’m really interested in what the response is (from T) it should clear up a great deal of this mystery.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Very cool input guys, TY! So which funds were transferred from who/what to who/what exactly? Also what is the proven history of the safety protocol breaches at that particular institute of virology?

    Seems like those two answers would help close this debate (and put a freeze on a lot of news agencies theories, lol) thanks!
    Those are the layers that I was speaking of. The surface has just been scraped. We need more definitive, iron-clsd information.

    As I said, personally I feel there is no doubt that the Wuhan lab was responsible and I think it is highly likely we/the US funded the gain of function in some way. But, like I mentioned, my thoughts aren't worth 2 rows of rabbit sh!t. I don't trust China and honestly, very little faith in WHO at this point.
    We need hard, cold facts. Hopefully, we'll know the truth soon.

    Do I agree with the original purpose of WHO which is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system? Absolutely!

    Do I feel WHO has been aboveboard and forthcoming with their investigations into COVID-19? At this point, absolutely not. I'm very close to saying their responses have been duplicitous, at best.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  18. #18
    It's important to remember that China itself, prior to admitting they had this escaped deadly virus, shut down travel from Wuhan province to anywhere else in China. But left r international travel to and from Wuhan wide open.

    During this time, thousands of Chinese travelers left Wuhan province, the top two destinations were the United States and Italy, and its no coincidence that those two countries were hit the hardest. Consequently, countries like Taiwan and Australia, with very little travel from China during that time, fared the best.

    There's absolutely no evidence whatsoever anywhere that supports the belief that draconian lockdowns ultimately changed anything in the bigger picture of this virus running it's course. We can see in contrast that nations and states that didn't lockdown, or that att least relaxed the lockdowns, fared just as well or better than states and nations that did. The real common variant is travel from China during that time period. It's unfortunate that we didn't shut down travel sooner. Unfortunately trump initially delayed due to political pressure and accusations of shutting down travel being "racist" and "xenophobic" etc etc. All the normal bs.

    All lockdown debate aside though, and also putting aside the debate of the virus release being accidental vs intentional, the Chinese communist party is responsible for this pandemic. Amd obviously, to some degree, so are some people in the US government.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-04-2021 at 08:42 AM.

  19. #19
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    Well, it all makes for very interesting discussion, but as stated, let’s peel off a few layers and get some hard facts.

    Australia pretty much banned all international travel in March 2020. It was considered draconian then and is still considered by many Australians to be now. However, they have a total of 910 deaths to date. If that ain’t proof, I don’t know what is.

    Yup, there was political pressure, but I thought that was one reason he was elected to office. For a change, for an outsider to cut through all of the political bs and really get stuff accomplished. More US vets killed by Covid than fighting the war on terror. How did the Covid, mask and vaccination naysayers honor our vets with that outlook (I’m just saying, as Memorial Day was this very week)?

    I agree with finding a cause, but let’s get real facts before jumping to conclusions and let’s not allow all of those here in the states that dropped the ball and continue to do so, off of the hook.

  20. #20
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    I base almost all my opinions on this piece. It’s a LONG ass read and pretty involved but worth every second spent on it. I know the guy personally so could vouch for him but of course I’m semi anonymous on here so not worth much in saying that.

    All the funding questions such is answered here.

    Expect to spend about 1h on this if you are a slowish reader like I am.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I base almost all my opinions on this piece. It’s a LONG ass read and pretty involved but worth every second spent on it. I know the guy personally so could vouch for him but of course I’m semi anonymous on here so not worth much in saying that.

    All the funding questions such is answered here.

    Expect to spend about 1h on this if you are a slowish reader like I am.
    Appreciate the article and the heads up regarding time. Looking forward to reading this later in the afternoon.

    @ Hughinn, just want to say that I appreciate the thread and opening my eyes to this. Thanks. I’m looking forward to learning about this story.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I base almost all my opinions on this piece. It’s a LONG ass read and pretty involved but worth every second spent on it. I know the guy personally so could vouch for him but of course I’m semi anonymous on here so not worth much in saying that.

    All the funding questions such is answered here.

    Expect to spend about 1h on this if you are a slowish reader like I am.
    Thanks, T.

    I'll give it a read when I can focus on it later today. Having a hard time paying attention right now.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Thanks, T.

    I'll give it a read when I can focus on it later today. Having a hard time paying attention right now.
    You got bigger fish to fry right now AG.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I base almost all my opinions on this piece. It’s a LONG ass read and pretty involved but worth every second spent on it. I know the guy personally so could vouch for him but of course I’m semi anonymous on here so not worth much in saying that.

    All the funding questions such is answered here.

    Expect to spend about 1h on this if you are a slowish reader like I am.
    GREAT READ! A lot of questions to answer.

    Interesting . . . .

    Seems there were lax restrictions, but the people that were infected were following the appropriate safety standards.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    GREAT READ! A lot of questions to answer.

    Interesting . . . .

    Seems there were lax restrictions, but the people that were infected were following the appropriate safety standards.
    Considering the above, that could suggest that this is some very serious stuff to be worried about. You mean, they still got infected, even if they were wearing appropriate protective gear! Well,that would alarm me & anyone with a shred of common sense. Why is that important? Well since thy knew that in January of 2020, certainly the dude in charge (Secretary of State) would have passed this very dire message to the President in January of 2020.

    Yup, a lot of people need to be held responsible.

    Yup, we let folks in other countries do our dirty work, that’s for sure.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Considering the above, that could suggest that this is some very serious stuff to be worried about. You mean, they still got infected, even if they were wearing appropriate protective gear! Well,that would alarm me & anyone with a shred of common sense. Why is that important? Well since thy knew that in January of 2020, certainly the dude in charge (Secretary of State) would have passed this very dire message to the President in January of 2020.

    Yup, a lot of people need to be held responsible.

    Yup, we let folks in other countries do our dirty work, that’s for sure.
    January of 2020 was exactly when the president shut down travel from China. December 31 was the first reported cases of China investigating an illness. Data now shows that covid was already here.

    Secondly, the speaker of the house, the third in line to the presidency gets the exact same national security briefings as the president of the United States. Everything trump was briefed on, so was Nancy Pelosi. This is strict policy. Only foreign policy briefings are held solely for the office of the president. National security is not. Everyone in our government knew. Not just Donald Trump. The CDC gives it guidelines separate from government and politics, or at least its supposed to. The first CDC alerts didn't get issued until the middle of January in 2020. At that time, everyone knew what was going on. In fact, you mentioned the secretary of state, at the time. His name was Mike Pompeo, and he was the one who originally openly acknowledged the possibility of a lab leak and covid being man made at the Wuhan lab. He was attacked viciously for it and censored from twitter, Facebook and YouTube. He was right. He was also the first to call out the dishonesty of the world health organization for refusing to acknowledge the pandemic until it was too late, because they were trying to cover for China. For that he was once again canceled and lambasted. But he was right. The WHO could've alerted the world much earlier, but didn't.

    We had big tech and media, along with several high up politicians, primary in one party, all trying to hide the truth.

    I'm all for accountability, but you have trump derangement syndrome wango and can't see past your hatred of the guy to look objectively at accountability. You just want to blame Donald Trump.

    The fact is that Anthony Fauci, funded research at this lab, and knew exactly what they were studying and likely knew from the beginning where this virus came from.

    It's hard to say right now who or if anyone knew how far it had spread.

    But once it went global, and that looks to be before January of 2020, and it was likely even before china admitted to a pandemic investigation on December 31 of 2019. It was already global. There was nothing anyone could do at the point. The pandemic was going to end the same damn way every other pandemic in human history has ever ended. : it will run it's course. No government, or administration could stop it. None ever has in history

    It was here before china even acknowledged it existed

    Once china failed to contain it locally, there was no stopping it from running it's course. The accountability needs to start there. And with the people who enabled the creation of the virus, that would be the CCP and Anthony Fauci.

    Next is the people who knew there was a pandemic way back before January in China and instead of admitting it, so precaution could be made, they lied and covered for China. That would be the WHO.

    I know you want to blame the "bad orange man", but logical thinking could tell anybody who considers the reality is that once the virus went global, there was nothing government leaders of either party could do to stop it. The only real help they could give is to hit the accelerator on a vaccine and try to stop widespread panic. And that's all.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-06-2021 at 10:01 AM.

  27. #27
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    What I said was there were a lot of people that need to be held responsible.

    Hell yeah this happened earlier and to not have known that was pretty irresponsible as they were alarmed in January of 2018.

    To say no government leaders could have stopped this is disrespecting the 597,000 American lives that have been lost. This could have and should have been nipped in the bud and although there would have been deaths, it sure as hell wouldn’t have been near that many. A lot of people contributed to that and none of them should be let off of the hook.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    What I said was there were a lot of people that need to be held responsible.

    Hell yeah this happened earlier and to not have known that was pretty irresponsible as they were alarmed in January of 2018.

    To say no government leaders could have stopped this is disrespecting the 597,000 American lives that have been lost. This could have and should have been nipped in the bud and although there would have been deaths, it sure as hell wouldn’t have been near that many. A lot of people contributed to that and none of them should be let off of the hook.
    I'm sorry to put it this way wango, but pretending that government leaders could've stopped a viral pandemic once it went global is very naive.

    And you keep saying the same thing over and over, that they were alarmed in January. But IT WAS ALREADY HERE! It was already too late.

    You might as well try to tie down an earthquake with a shoe string.

    Just to be clear, I'm saying exactly that once it went global, no government leaders could stop it.

    And thats not disrespectful to anybody. Its cold, hard , logical reality. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant. You can blame Donald Trump all you want. There was nothing he could do except try to rush a vaccine and avoid spreading panic.

    Joe biden made alot ofnoise about "beating covid" but he hasn't really done jack shit has he? Except open the border and increase the spread.

    But, the reality is there's nothing he can do. He knew that when he lied and said he had a plan to beat it.

    It's a force of nature. Politicians cannot control it wango.

    The tragedy is that the Chinese were the only people who had a brief window to stop it, and didn't. Then they lied about it while our own political leaders helped them lie. Once it spreads so far, there's no longer a possibility of containing it.

    It passed that point before we even knew about it. It passed the point of being able to contain it when it got out of Wuhan.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-06-2021 at 01:13 PM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Another great article

    Graduated from my Medical school (annually listed as among the ten best in the country) 35+ years ago. Have been teaching to future medical professionals for 20. When it comes to what can happen to prevent disease control, one thing I ain’t, is naive.

    Finished debating.
    Last edited by wango; 06-06-2021 at 01:19 PM.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Another great article

    Graduated from my Medical school (annually listed as among the ten best in the country) 35+ years ago. Have been teaching to future medical professionals for 20. When it comes to what can happen to prevent disease control, one thing I ain’t, is naive.

    Finished debating.
    Sorry if I pissed you off wango. I should've worded it differently. I don't mean to offend you personally.

    I mean to state unequivocally, that once the virus spread worldwide, nobody can stop it. And evidence now shows it had gone worldwide, before we even knew about it.

    Thanks for the exchange brother. Have a good day

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    Sorry if I pissed you off wango. I should've worded it differently. I don't mean to offend you personally.

    I mean to state unequivocally, that once the virus spread worldwide, nobody can stop it. And evidence now shows it had gone worldwide, before we even knew about it.

    Thanks for the exchange brother. Have a good day
    No problem Hughinn, enjoy discussing things with you as well. Again want to thank you for bringing up the topic, it really is interesting. Really enjoyed reading about it and looking forward to additional finds.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    You got bigger fish to fry right now AG.
    Looks like another layer might be getting peeled?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Looks like another layer might be getting peeled?
    I can’t wait for the report the President just ordered the intelligence agencies to produce to come out. Hopefully it will be released with enough of the material declassified for it to make sense to anyone.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I can’t wait for the report the President just ordered the intelligence agencies to produce to come out. Hopefully it will be released with enough of the material declassified for it to make sense to anyone.
    I'm also very interested in hearing this report.

    But it's also prudent to remember that Joe Biden shut down an inquiry that was underway before he got "elected" that was targeted specifically to investigate the possibility of lab origins of covid-19.

    He stated "quality of work concerns" after getting briefed and immediately shut it down. At the same time he and the DNC were calling the lab leak theories "baseless accusations" , "debunked conspiracy theories" , "q-anon propoganda" and "Russian disinformation".

    So a reasonable person could translate Joe Bidens "concern's" which is obviously more like "this report isn't going to say what we want it to, so we're going to shut it down and start our own". Sorta like the "Russian collusion" investigation. These same people started.

    It doesn't take an insightful person to see the probability of the biden investigation is very unlikely to tell the truth. Or least any version that doesn't find China, fauci and the DNC totally blameless and innocent. And someone or something they don't like culpable.

    Ray Charles can see where this is heading.

    Hopefully, there's just enough truth in it figure out what really happened. And what it means.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-08-2021 at 08:54 AM.

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