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Thread: Jessica lynch a hero?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sunny Side of Dreams

    Jessica lynch a hero?

    Maybe its just me but I don't think she is a hero at all. I mean she's getting something like 1.6 mil for a biography? She claims she has amnesia, ya right. I'm thinking if I was a P.O.W. I would remember every damn thing I saw or heard for that matter. I've talked to a few guys who were pow's in Vietnam and they remembered every damn thing (not that they even want to). Where is their 1 mil? What about the rest of her crew? The SSgt that was killed? Wouldn't you think that if you are taking prisoners and trying to interrogate them that you would want the highest ranking person? What the hell does a PFC know? Anyhow just had to get that out.--Cat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I think you would forget a lot of things if you were gang raped. Let's be honest...a pretty blonde American girl being held by a bunch raging sand can guarantee she was abused!

    I would hate to even imagine the shit that she went through.

  3. #3
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    If this all happened to a guy, they wouldn't give him the time of day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sunny Side of Dreams
    Ya I can see where you are right MBH, but like Blitz said if it was a guy he wouldn't get anything. Which kind of brings me to my next point and I hope I don't get flamed for this, but that is exactly why I don't think women should be allowed on the battle field. I'm not saying in they shouldn't be in the military but battle field, no. Hell the reporters over there got more props as being heros then the guy dying over there right now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I would remember every damn thing I saw or heard for that matter.
    Stressful situations cause different reactions in different people, and they are not predictable. Just because you remember everything in one snafu doesn't mean you will necessarily remember everything in the next snafu.

    If this all happened to a guy, they wouldn't give him the time of day.
    Because there is no 'Hollywood value' in that. Sad but true.
    but that is exactly why I don't think women should be allowed on the battle field.
    I don't see what this has to do with why they should or shouldn't be on the battlefield. If they meet the enlistment criteria and serve a useful function, like any other soldier, why should females not be on the battlefield?

  6. #6
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I agree with chicamahomico. I think females should be drafted into the army just like the men.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sunny Side of Dreams
    Well I never said women shouldn't be in the military, all I am saying is that when you have women in the same foxhole and if she gets hurt or shot or something, men will have a tendancy to get more emotional towards the death of a woman than a man. Which disrupts the mission objective. I think if the military was more gender mixed it would be different but with a ratio of like 1 to 1000 its way different. I mean all the women in my unit get like the red carpet.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    I mean all the women in my unit get like the red carpet.
    I must admit, everyone I've never known in the military said this was their experience.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Don't get me wrong she is brave and did go threw a terrible thing but I think the real heroes are the men who have given there lives for the U.S. over there.

  10. #10
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    Correct me if I'm wrong please, but I thought that her entire rescue was staged to rally support.

  11. #11
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    wouldn't be put it past our gov. with the shit going on in politicks today it all scandal and contriversy

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    if i recall correctly..

    didn't that porno chicks Houston get banged by like 500 dudes?she's no a hero

    1.6 million?!!fuck, i saw her hillbilly family on tv w/ her brother and his bowlcut hair!!fuck me, 1.6!!!!that shit will be spent at the local liquer store and at john deere.some people just should not get alot of $$$

    ok so wait, let me figure this out....say like 30 dudes banged her (and i find this hard to believe since she's ugly) that's like 33, 333 a cock!!!hell, i may let some of those camel jockeys bang me for 33, 000 a piece.nah she's not a hero.just another chick milking the system

  13. #13
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    come to think of it...

    the real hero is anyone who can sit through reading that fucking rediculous book

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy k de
    Don't get me wrong she is brave and did go threw a terrible thing but I think the real heroes are the men who have given there lives for the U.S. over there.
    EXACTLY. You don't call a soldier a "hero" when her unit gets *lost* in the first place, ends up getting taken prisoner, and then waits for SEALs or Delta or Rangers or whoever to get her out.

    Check the link below out. They are the heroes. They are the 356 not coming home. Leaving their lovers, children, parents, and friends behind. Leaving their squadmates for good, who will now forever think about what *they* could have done to save him. Giving their lives so we could live ours.

  15. #15
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    Jan 2003
    partyboynyc i think hustons a hero. navydevildoc
    i totally agree this is y i think women shouldn't be in combat. Just my opinion

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    she was in a hospital with no Iraqi military in sight. She had her own nurse. Two staff members at the hospital gave their own blood to her. an Iraqi ambulance even tried to take her to an american checkpoint but was shot at by the americans so she had to be brought back to the hospital. a hospital staff told the americans she was at that hospital and there were no Iraqi fedayeen there. IT WAS ALL STAGED FOR PROPOGANDA. I 've lived in the states and gone to school there. Trust me you don't get the whole story on CNN. If anybody gets the BBC their they would know what I'm talking about. they did a whole documentary on this. Oh yeah the amnesia thing It's called "debreifing"

  17. #17
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Harp
    she was in a hospital with no Iraqi military in sight. She had her own nurse. Two staff members at the hospital gave their own blood to her. an Iraqi ambulance even tried to take her to an american checkpoint but was shot at by the americans so she had to be brought back to the hospital. a hospital staff told the americans she was at that hospital and there were no Iraqi fedayeen there. IT WAS ALL STAGED FOR PROPOGANDA. I 've lived in the states and gone to school there. Trust me you don't get the whole story on CNN. If anybody gets the BBC their they would know what I'm talking about. they did a whole documentary on this. Oh yeah the amnesia thing It's called "debreifing"
    Yeah, we get "BBC America".. what a joke. At least my XM Radio has real BBC World Service on it. Best damn talk radio I have ever listened to. NPR's "All Things Considered" comes close, but I still can't help but think they have a leftist slant on things... I want news that is unbiased, which is hard to get nowadays. Don't even get me started on Fox News' "Fair, Balanced" reporting!

  18. #18
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    Feb 2003
    Her getting the medal is just all politics. The fact is her and her unit fucked up. They had problems with their weapons and lacked the knowledge of battle drills. They got lazy with weapon maitinence and had a lack of trianing. It wasnt lynch's fault that this happened. Her chain of command failed her. I dont think they should get medals for failing.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Trust me you don't get the whole story on CNN
    The CIA channel, oops I mean CNN, doesn't give you the whole story? No shit you say. Yeah I would go with what the BBC says over Teddy Turners channel, althought I must admit I do like CNN.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by navydevildoc
    EXACTLY. You don't call a soldier a "hero" when her unit gets *lost* in the first place, ends up getting taken prisoner, and then waits for SEALs or Delta or Rangers or whoever to get her out.
    she aint no hero, but shes definately a strong individual for endurin that shyt she went through. but definately not no hero

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I think you would forget a lot of things if you were gang raped. Let's be honest...a pretty blonde American girl being held by a bunch raging sand can guarantee she was abused!

    I would hate to even imagine the shit that she went through.
    She was raped. I bet she went through hell with those fucking savages!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Bandit County
    She no Hero
    she was never raped
    She was never under no threats by Irakis
    She was not a POW because she was rescued by civilians and brought to hospital.

    And to be honest, I dont believe 99% of that crap, when other were really captived, beaten, abused and very injured by shooting, they got discharged with a kick in the ass!

    Sorry BULL SHIT all the way

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I think you would forget a lot of things if you were gang raped. Let's be honest...a pretty blonde American girl being held by a bunch raging sand can guarantee she was abused!

    I would hate to even imagine the shit that she went through.

    Actually. In IRAQ and afganistan and those places, they dont like having sex with females. Its not in their culture. Women are for babies and boys are for fun. They rape little boys. Once the boy is old enough to grow facial hair, they stop raping him and he can then start raping other little boys. Thats why facial hair is so important to them.

    It is FACT. My brother is special ops lasing targets and coordinating air strikes in afganistan during 911. His team walked in on an Afganistan group of guys all having a circle jerk and fuck. The Afs tried to play it off like nothing was going on. That shit happens all over those desert hell holes. Its sick but just what they are used to.

    So, I doubt they would have raped her. Tortured her for being a female and fighting with the men, yes.

    What happened to the black POW that was rescued. Where is her 15 minutes of fame? What is her name? No mention of that except maybe page 20 of the newspaper.

    A hero? For fighting in the war she deserves some appreciation. Seeing her team get shot and killed and being the last survivor would scare me shitless.
    1.6 million seems fair considering now adays you can get that much for having your DICK cut off by your wife and then sewn back on.

    Or 1 million for all this other bullshit publicity.

  24. #24
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    She is a survivor who got shot and was behind enemy lines and came out - good for her - hero? no - proud that she went over there to do her job for us? very much so. Think all this was all made up by the big bad government? not hardly - think the gov took advantage of the situation to over hype a "positive image" that would get some news coverage by all these wonderfully leftist media outlets (sorry, at least Fox and the Post will admit that they are conservative) that wasnt all about how Bush was personally murdering American soldiers and how much better off the Iraqis would be with Saddam and the French in charge? absolutely.

    Some of you boys are a bit young in the tooth and believe what someone tells you - live awhile and get closer to the decision making and you will find that it wasnt what you thought (whether you were left or right).

    Bemirch - not sure about that afghan boy thing and kinda doubt it - in India it is more common tho - young boy prostitutes - strangely the guys are married too who abuse them - very sick deal - not aware of that in afghan and I have many people who were there recently (not americans)

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    la la land
    its bullshit..split that money up and give it to the children whos fathers gave their lives for this country...she will survive..she signed up..nobody drafted her..she went knowing what could happen..i do feel sorry for her but no 1.6 million for her..what about the guys who come home crippled for life..missing limbs..just my 2cents worth

  26. #26
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    ok I've been away for awhile. Like I stated before, good for her for going to fight for her country, but she got a bronze star for getting captured. There are so many ppl who have died and all they get is a purple heart. Just last week 31 ppl died. My unit has told us that we may go over there in Feb to relieve the Army for a little while. So, I'm just gonna get lost, captured then come home and get my bronze star too! ANYWAYS fellas this is a touchy subject, so please no one take anything personal.------Cat

  27. #27
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    she got a bronze star?????? that isnt right. They shouldnt be giving her any medal - she is getting 1.6 million for goodness sakes - that is good enough

  28. #28
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    Humm a bronze star. My grand pops got one for running in a war zone with a machine gun and closing up a weak spot in the line. In the process shrapnel spayed all over him ... he got a meddle and a trip to Hawaii out of it. Never said a word about it

  29. #29
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    EXACTLY fellas, a bronze star awarded to what others have done in past wars when there were no such things as "bombing campaigns", taking hills, tunnel rats, trench warfare, recoiless rifles that wieghed 14 lbs, guys that most have either died to earn or have been distinguished in battle like Big D's grandfather. Sorry to keep rantin, just gets under my skin.

  30. #30
    them fuckers who rescued her were the hero's, the doctor who gave the info where she was is a hero.......all she is, is a p.o.w. she is just lucky they didn't do anything else to her besides rape her.....

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    them fuckers who rescued her were the hero's, the doctor who gave the info where she was is a hero.......all she is, is a p.o.w. she is just lucky they didn't do anything else to her besides rape her.....

    like kill her, at least she is alive.....ya know

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON

    Bemirch - not sure about that afghan boy thing and kinda doubt it - in India it is more common tho - young boy prostitutes - strangely the guys are married too who abuse them - very sick deal - not aware of that in afghan and I have many people who were there recently (not americans)

    Well I have seen pictures of Afg, but I dont think my brother and his team felt like taking pictures of Afgs and their MAN LOVE sessions. So, I dont have any pics of Afganistan guys poking each other, but I will ask him to take some next time he goes over there.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    them fuckers who rescued her were the hero's, the doctor who gave the info where she was is a hero.......all she is, is a p.o.w. she is just lucky they didn't do anything else to her besides rape her.....
    I don't know if there is the real story published somewhere online maybe in a european newspaper or something like that but I don't believe Americans are getting the truth.

    I don't believe she was raped, the men who captured her actually tried to return her, but a US outpost kept shooting at them, and they actually told the US where she was. I think there were a couple other efforts they made to return her but weren't able to.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Well I have seen pictures of Afg, but I dont think my brother and his team felt like taking pictures of Afgs and their MAN LOVE sessions. So, I dont have any pics of Afganistan guys poking each other, but I will ask him to take some next time he goes over there.
    Thanks for your kind offer but I will take your word for it that you have such pictures if you ever do - they would be usefull actually if could be validated that they came from afgan but that would be quite difficult - meaning that the pic itself - but barring that, you can send them to Ron or Full Intensity

  35. #35
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    shes no hero for sure. just another useless getting rich ! i mean she went to war, wow, so did like a gizillion other people. a hero to me is someone who does something risky not just get captured, rescued and rich

    F U C K I N G B U L L S H I T

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    i see alot of opinions without any time in the military, im sure there are some who were in the military, just not in war, or shot at. so to those who havnt spent their time in the sand, sit back, and shut up. she and her team ****ed up and got lost, she was a pow and brutaly treated, she signed up for it, and knew she could be in that situation, as far as making money off of it, dont be jealous, youd do the same dam thing. as far as the men killed, they to knew the dangers of the job, and joined anyway, being someone who has been shot at, and someone who knows plenty of POWS, with real problems, i find it offensive that so many pissy little civililans, who never served a day in their life, could say anything to someone who chose to defend this country, you pussies need to shut up or join up, earn the right to badmouth someone in the military. to those offened,to bad, to those who see what im saying, im sur you agree.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    I agree with chicamahomico. I think females should be drafted into the army just like the men.
    sorry, i wouldn't want a woman fighting with me. also, she got way too much attention for that whole ordeal. she's not the first friggin pow. it's because she's a female that shes getting the attention. im sick of females claiming they want equal this and equal that. at this point they are favored and there is no denying that. they have plenty of privelages that men have without many of the downsides, because when the downside comes up they are the first to say "im a woomaaan." can it.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by caturpilar
    Well I never said women shouldn't be in the military, all I am saying is that when you have women in the same foxhole and if she gets hurt or shot or something, men will have a tendancy to get more emotional towards the death of a woman than a man. Which disrupts the mission objective. I think if the military was more gender mixed it would be different but with a ratio of like 1 to 1000 its way different. I mean all the women in my unit get like the red carpet.
    First and foremost....I do not agree with her getting extra attention.

    Second....unfortunately, even though it doesn't get the suffer some of the same things a woman does as a POW in those countries.

    Third.....As to your comments about women in the fox hole and MEN getting emotional about the death of a woman next to them....who's problem is that. Sounds to me like the men need to work on their professionalism. If I'm in the field....and one of my "men" (generic term) is hurt, I'm going to handle the situation in a professional manner. Man or woman, if I need to render aid, I render aid, if they are dead, I have to focus on accomplishing mission, protecting my people and staying alive.

    The entire Jessica Lynch thing is unfortuante. She really doesn't deserve any more attention than anyone else serving over there, and I think it serves to encourage feelings like yours.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ross3814
    sorry, i wouldn't want a woman fighting with me. also, she got way too much attention for that whole ordeal. she's not the first friggin pow. it's because she's a female that shes getting the attention. im sick of females claiming they want equal this and equal that. at this point they are favored and there is no denying that. they have plenty of privelages that men have without many of the downsides, because when the downside comes up they are the first to say "im a woomaaan." can it.
    IF I answered this the way I want to right now...I would get banned. So I'm simply going to say..... lack of professionalism in the military is NOT gender specific. I for one have served for over 18 yrs and have NEVER once used my gender to get out of ANYTHING. I was in LABOR with my first kid and went to work ... with contractions and all ... because I had to finish a couple tasks before I went to the hospital. I could not have relaxed and focused on anything leaving my work unfinished.

    You know what pissed ME off???? Through both my pregancies...I had to FIGHT to NOT be treated like an invalid. My male co-workers would not let me lift anything heavier than a stapler without freaking out. You know what else pisses me off? I sent a junior female sailor to pick up some supplies for the office. She had a cart and a list. Not only does she come back with the cart and the supplies....but some MALE sailor came with her to push the cart for her. WHY? NOT because she couldn't handle it......but because he wanted to get LAID! Men encourage that behavior from the women. It starts when they are junior.....and as long as it is only get's worse.

    If you have a problem with female's in your ranks....teach them professionalism. Expect it. And....teach the junior MEN the same thing. You are there to do a job and GENDER has NO place.

    End of Rant.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  40. #40
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    Nov 2001
    CB I have to agree with Cat. re. women in a fox hole. Unfortunetly I've lost comrades in combat and have been in extensive combat myself, thankfully we had no women with us. But I know I would have reacted totally different to a female getting hurt, and after 19 yrs service (and counting) I don't think my professionalism can be called into question. I was in combat with females in 2000 when the IDF withdrew from South Lebanon and shelled South Lebanon on their withdrawal. We just had to take to the shelters, but I seen how women reacted differently to male soldiers, and how male soldiers instinctively looked out for the females close by.
    I think females have a role to play in the military but not in front line service.

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